geeknik seemed to be the only dev who really worked on nonvoodoo kernels on a consistent that may be a problem as the nonvoodoo crowd may feel pressured to jump to updated kernels even if they are voodoo....and as we know, thus who dont feel comfortable with voodoo, and use doesnt always end well
the holidays are kind of a tough time to judge progress and things as everyone is we ll see what happens in the next few days if anyone jumps on stuff
despite loosing geeknik and retrokid223 in the last few least on the balance sheet punk kaos will be getting his fascinate soon from a donation...and adrynalyne has been releasing some great stuff when he has time
really though, as long as we have our great 5 or so devs and help from supercurio we will definetly get the most out of our phones

...or as much as is possible