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School Lunch

Bob Maxey

Android Expert
What do you thin of this:

A North Carolina mother packed a lunch for her daughter: a turkey sandwich, some kind of potato chips, fruit and apple juice. An inspector at the girl
We wonder why our schools are going broke. The are paying someone to inspect kids bagged lunches. Do you have a link to the original story? I'd be interested in reading it.
And I'll bet the chicken nuggets were accompanied by corn as the vegetable. Nothing says healthy like breaded chicken and starchy vegetable in the same meal.
Guys, it isn't the schools themselves doing this, it's the government making them or actually doing it themselves. If you don't like stuff like this, change who you vote for. Don't blame the teachers or local administrators, it's the over-reaching hand of the government.
In the article it says the girl is a finicky eater. She only ate the nuggets and threw the rest away. The mother knew this and packed a reasonable healthy lunch that her daughter would eat. So not only was her bagged lunch wasted and most of her "healthy," sanctioned lunch tossed, she ended up with a less nutritious lunch and a feeling that mom can't even pack a sandwich right.

What really gets me is that the mother doesn't even know why her lunch was rejected.:mad:

Oh here is the original article, not the HP version:Preschooler's Homemade Lunch Replaced with Cafeteria "Nuggets"
When does school lunch and healthy ever go hand and hand? I bet those nuggets was processed meat with lots of filler.
come on guys, we all know that McDonald's Chicken McNuggets are far more healthy than any turkey sandwich. And we know the school is using top of the line organic chicken here, nothing processed.... oh wait!

What a dumb thing.

Do you think the school sent the packed lunch to a lab to get its nutrients tested? (I'm picturing the Seinfeld low fat yogurt thing here ;))
WTF :/ I'd be PISSED if I was the mom. You can tell that the mother is packing a healthy meal for her kid.

Chicken nugets are deep fried and high in trans fat and salt :/ Yeah...VERY healthy.

While the measures mark a step forward from previous years, they still compromise amid push-back from Congress to keep pizza and french fries on the menu -- counting both the tomato paste on pizza and the potatoes that make fries as vegetables.
Most Tomato paste are so processed that you have to wonder how much of the paste is actually tomato. Fries negate its healthiness of being a potato once it is deep fried.
Just for site , My lunch would consist of twinkies, ornge soda pop, couple of Snickers (they satisfy you) and a bag of chips.....lettem try and dictate my lunch, hmmmmph!

Whose inspecting the horsemeat they serve in school?
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Fries negate its healthiness of being a potato once it is deep fried.

Let me stand up for deep fried fries. IF and I say IF you deep fry properly, very little oil remains on the food. Use fresh oil at the proper temp, fry once to cook and a second time to brown and drain on a rack, never a paper towel.:)

You will recover almost all of you cooking oil. Most people that deep fry do it incorrectly and they suffer the consequences: more oil taken into to the body. But who really knows how much is too much. Not you and not me. All i know is fries rule. :)

Also, you can wash mushrooms because they absorbe almost no water; the famous chefs are wrong about it. Salt is good in moderation and required in many cases and naturaial chocolate contains cyanide and anti-freeze. Tomatoes are actually a fruit and potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant contain nicotine naturally.

Wild rice is not actually rice and walnuts are not true nuts.

Just thoght you should know. :D
I believe when the next school board meeting came to be, I would be there with the "Bill" and shove it down that Superintendent's throat. I am a Tax Payer who has not only paid for the building that the Kids attend the school at I am also paying for the Lunch the kids eat. I probably would be put in jail cause I would have definitely took my daughter to school the next day and gave that person a piece of my mind. The audacity of that guy I mean he must have *$%* of steel. Personally I would not be satisfied until the School Board wrote me a public apology and the person was dismissed from all duties and the money they were paying him goes into a) Actually Getting Healthy foods for our children or b) paying the salary of one of the teaches that had to be cut because that salary was not in budget.
I just noticed an "interesting" coincidence. This occurred at the West Hoke Elementary School in Raeford, North Carolina. Another rather popular thread in this forum is about the guy who shot his daughters laptop with his .45 pistol. That happened in Albemarle, North Carolina.

I'm guessing the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce must be having quite the stressful month! :eek:
My niece takes her lunch to school every day. It's the same lunch every day. Turkey sandwich with (real, natural) cheese and a tiny bit of mayo on white bread, a little pack of mandarin oranges, milk and 2 cookies. If her school took her lunch away and gave her something else she would 1) want to die of embarrassment and probably cry and 2) eat nothing they gave her.
She is a neurotic (but cute!) little kid and has to have everything just so (OCD anyone?), she honestly could not bring herself to eat anything else for lunch...she would go hungry for the day.
I can almost sort of see replacing Rico's lunch with a school lunch but not the one in the article. And to then send a bill. Umm, that would be the part that put me over! lol. Some kids don't get a decent lunch, focus on them. Good grief.
My niece takes her lunch to school every day. It's the same lunch every day. Turkey sandwich with (real, natural) cheese and a tiny bit of mayo on white bread, a little pack of mandarin oranges, milk and 2 cookies. If her school took her lunch away and gave her something else she would 1) want to die of embarrassment and probably cry and 2) eat nothing they gave her.
She is a neurotic (but cute!) little kid and has to have everything just so (OCD anyone?), she honestly could not bring herself to eat anything else for lunch...she would go hungry for the day.
I can almost sort of see replacing Rico's lunch with a school lunch but not the one in the article. And to then send a bill. Umm, that would be the part that put me over! lol. Some kids don't get a decent lunch, focus on them. Good grief.

Sounds like a good lunch to me. You gots yur grains, yur protein, fruit, milk and a desert in moderation. Do you deliver? Perhaps a tiny can of tomato juice would be nice. Today I had mac and cheese with a couple of bratwurst and a cold beer. No pie, I am sad.

In my view, the school should stay the hell out of the parents business. Parents should stay the hell IN the collective faces of those that teach and administer our little ones. We need to be able to fire those in charge and only stop firing when we either need a new crop of teachers or the old ones get in line. They work for us and they have a heck of a responsibility.
What I want to know is who the + ##$$;@#$%¥ do they think they are to choose what someone else's kid eats? If i wanna feed my kid fried ice cream for lunch I should be able to.
Also, HOW did we allow it to get this far where a school can dictate what kids eat? Why arent the schools so dedicated to quality teachers and education as they claim to be for "lunch"
Whattttt I think that bill should be sent to the inspector, as well as a bill for the perfectly good meal that was turned down for being "unhealthy"

my school never inspected lunches that people brought themselves not even in k-6
Came for the Taco Scramble (oh, I miss you so... :p) & chocolate milk.


Leaving disappointed. :(
When does school lunch and healthy ever go hand and hand? I bet those nuggets was processed meat with lots of filler.

We've a TV Chef over here called Jamie Oliver who started a "food revolution" to get those sorts of things banned. As a result of the program, it's now illegal over here to serve processed food in schools.

This was one of the main vids that convinced the government to do something (there is some NSFW language at the start of the vid):

Whilst he's a bit of a tool, he's done some pretty good things over here with regards to kids eating habbits. Things still aren't great, but they're moving in the right direction.
Yeah I saw this yesterday. The ultimate kicker is, according to one story I read (may not be true), EVERY child had their lunch replaced that day, and the school said that after looking at the girl's lunch again, it actually fully met requirements.

Furthermore, the policy is only to supplement what requirements are missing, not take her lunch away and replace. And parents aren't supposed to be charged unless most of the lunch fails to meet qualifications (ie Rico's lunch). So not only is this nanny government policy ridiculous, but the people tasked with implementing it don't even know what they are doing, at least at this school. Government at its finest!
Yeah I saw this yesterday. The ultimate kicker is, according to one story I read (may not be true), EVERY child had their lunch replaced that day, and the school said that after looking at the girl's lunch again, it actually fully met requirements.

Furthermore, the policy is only to supplement what requirements are missing, not take her lunch away and replace. And parents aren't supposed to be charged unless most of the lunch fails to meet qualifications (ie Rico's lunch). So not only is this nanny government policy ridiculous, but the people tasked with implementing it don't even know what they are doing, at least at this school. Government at its finest!

Lol my lunch was one of a bit exaggeration, but only in protest. This also sounds like a money raiser when the school forces their lunch on "all" students, whether they eat it or not, the parents are still chargex f our the meal.

Whew, I remember the meatloaf surprizes and the horseburgers and mac-n-gloo back in the day. My folks would have had a fit if I was forced to eat that.

My avatar sez enuff as far as my lunch of choice. No meat from a processed log, oressed and formed for me! I want mine with the bone still IN and is real.
Yeah sounds like the school was trying to get some extra money.

I remember the I guess they called it burgers? The spaghetti and meatloaf. The one thing I loved was that big rectangle pepperoni pizza. Lol. That was the best ever and shows my age lol.

I pack my sons lunch everyday as its better than what they serve. I asked my son whatvthey had yesterday. He said hot dogs and Pp&j. Not the most healthy in my book.
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