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Sent... from an iPhone!!!

sure have...and ive used countless other Android devices...and yes the Fascinate is very smooth...as is the Incredible, and especially the Thunderbolt using Sense...but i still feel the 4 takes the cake...the TBolt might be just as smooth overall though...i have a friend that just got one, so i need some more time to play with it...

I'm still not sure where you are getting that the iOS UI is "smoother" than Touchwiz, of the TBolt... I've used a Fascinate, an Ally, an iPhone (3 & 4 actually), and a TBolt...

The Fascinate and TBolt have the "smoothest" UI. In fact, it's even smoother than the iPhone 4's UI (Fascinate and iPhone 4 being side-by-side, I've seen it). The iPhone stutters while trying to re-draw the screen at times, takes a pause when opening folders, and in many areas seems to hesitate.

I've not experienced any of that with the Fascinate or TBolt... So, take them side-by-side and use them (Heck, go to the store and do it, they don't seem to mind lol).

haters gonna hate i guess :rolleyes:

It's not a "hater gonna hate thing"... I hand off to the iPhone what the iPhone's pro's are: Great display, long battery life, and simplistic UI. But, in all reality, I can't fathom where this argument of "the iPhone is smoother" comes in, unless they are comparing an LG Ally with an iPhone... Or, some other sub-par hardware.

its not an "Apple beats Android" thing AT ALL lol...this is part of the problem...what happened to being able to respect and appreciate other pieces of kit regardless of who makes them, or whether or not you choose to use them?...brand loyalty doesn't really get you anywhere...

And, I'm not even claiming that. Like I said, I give credit where credit it due to Apple: They designed a simplistic, easy to use smart phone. However, I just can't understand the "the iPhone is smoother" argument, when I've seen the device side-by-side with equitable Android devices, and can clearly see the stuttering and hesitation on the iPhone.
It's not a "hater gonna hate thing"... I hand off to the iPhone what the iPhone's pro's are: Great display, long battery life, and simplistic UI. But, in all reality, I can't fathom where this argument of "the iPhone is smoother" comes in, unless they are comparing an LG Ally with an iPhone... Or, some other sub-par hardware.

Stock droid X is the furthest thing from smooth on the planet. All the widgets, etc. bog it down.
I'm still not sure where you are getting that the iOS UI is "smoother" than Touchwiz, of the TBolt... I've used a Fascinate, an Ally, an iPhone (3 & 4 actually), and a TBolt...
i use an iPhone nearly daily...as a total package its always been a smoother experience than anything else out there that i have experienced...like i said the Tbolt is probably right there with it though...

The Fascinate is also very smooth performing as well..as is the Incredible...Sense is a very smooth experience and HTC has done a great job with it...just like i said LauncherPro makes my X as smooth as an iPhone (at least when it comes to screen transitions...)

The Fascinate and TBolt have the "smoothest" UI. In fact, it's even smoother than the iPhone 4's UI (Fascinate and iPhone 4 being side-by-side, I've seen it). The iPhone stutters while trying to re-draw the screen at times, takes a pause when opening folders, and in many areas seems to hesitate.
ive had much fewer experiences with an iPhone than any Android phone i've really messed with to date...the Tbolt is again probably right on par with it...

I've not experienced any of that with the Fascinate or TBolt... So, take them side-by-side and use them (Heck, go to the store and do it, they don't seem to mind lol).
admittedly i have not used a 4 and a Tbolt side by side...but i will tell you that every time i pick up a completely stock Android device im usually thinking of ways to make it run smoother...not so with the iPhone

It's not a "hater gonna hate thing"... I hand off to the iPhone what the iPhone's pro's are: Great display, long battery life, and simplistic UI. But, in all reality, I can't fathom where this argument of "the iPhone is smoother" comes in, unless they are comparing an LG Ally with an iPhone... Or, some other sub-par hardware.
the DX, D2, Pro, D2G etc all have sub-par hardware??...i disagree...

And, I'm not even claiming that. Like I said, I give credit where credit it due to Apple: They designed a simplistic, easy to use smart phone. However, I just can't understand the "the iPhone is smoother" argument, when I've seen the device side-by-side with equitable Android devices, and can clearly see the stuttering and hesitation on the iPhone.

im really just gonna have to disagree...the multiple iPhones ive used just don't stutter and hesitate...
could you elaborate?...i know plenty of reasons to not like Apple so i respect your stance...

but that is no reason to be in denial about their ability to put together great hardware with great software and create great products...

I don't like that they are completely proprietary, that all their devices are extremely over priced, and that they don't give you the choice to configure certain things the way you would like to configure them.

I don't find the UI on the macs to be intuitive nor user friendly and do computer work for a living so it's not a case of not knowing what I am doing. Unfortunately my fiancee is a graphic designer and needs to use a mac so I've had to troubleshoot issues on it from time to time and it's always much harder than it needs to be.

And the cherry on top for me is just the elitist attitude the company and many (not all) of their users seem to have. Their products are impeccably designed and that's the one area I give them lots of credit. Unfortunately, that's also why they seem to have pulled the wool over a lot of peoples eyes. Their devices are almost always not the best in terms of overall price and functionality but the form is so attractive that people kind of forget about it.

I have no problems with anyone liking Apple or preferring their devices, I just don't personally like them and will never buy any of their products.
I guess I should have started my post with the disclaimer *personal results may vary*...

Naturally, I can't speak for anyone else's experience with an iPhone, a DX, or anything else out there. All I can do is tell you my experience. Since experiences vary from device to device (even the same device made on the same assembly line), then different people will come away with different experiences. So take it anyway you want to, all I'm doing is giving my personal impression on these devices.

My DX came out of the box with a lot of lag. Luckily, I'd never played with an iPhone, Samsung, HTC OR anything else for that matter. So I didn't know there were other choices out there that were so much more responsive. I didn't realize these things were capable of such improved performance until I flashed my very 1st ROM... Ultimate Droid. While that ROM had many bugs in it, it completely transformed my DX in terms of performance. After that I was hell bent on removing all the blur I possibly could from my phone. Right or wrong I just didn't want it any longer.

Now I'm running gingerbread (with blur frozen in TiBU), and it's nearly as slick as GummyJAR was. Still, side by side on that counter compared to the iPhone, the Apple product proved to be more responsive in all aspects than my DX. Certainly I'm splitting hairs here. As I noted in my OP the DX is no slouch, it just isn't as quick to respond to my input as the iPhone was. It's no different than racing a Ferraro Enzo against a McLarren F1... no matter how deadly the acceleration is on both of these incredible machines, one of them will still out perform the other by a millisecond or two. Doesn't mean the loser should hang his head in shame. They are still both exotic dream cars.

And just because one might be a millisecond quicker doesn't mean overall it's a better package than the other. As I stated in my OP dispute the speedier response, I'm still happier with my DX, and have no plans on switching to an iPhone with my next upgrade. You (and I) can give your opposition the credit you feel it deserves and still remain loyal to the product you endorse. It takes a big man to do such a thing, but it's still possible.

So let me ask anyone who's ever picked up an iPhone, experienced lag, freeze-ups or crashing and therefore label it a POS because of that one experience... what would you say to anyone that has picked up a DX, experienced those same issues, and therefore label it a POS on here? Is that a perfectly acceptable assessment of the DX? Or could it be that the DX they experienced was a faulty device and shouldn't be used to characterize every other DX out there because most of them don't have those issues?

Because I'd say it's prettu obvious the majority of iPhones out there are probably very good devices or we wouldn't have seen such a tremendous migration towards them in the beginning. No different from those who complain that Android devices are crap because they had one that crashed all the time are in denial. Android wouldn't be sweeping the market if every Android device suffered from those same constant crashing issues.
My experience with my iPhone 3Gs: great hardware that is severely limited by the software. I jailbroke it within a week of getting it, and had folders and multitasking a year before Apple made those standard. the hardware is awesome, I just wish Apple didn't lock it down so hard.
Owning a DroidX feels like carrying around a little laptop computer. When I tinker with other people's iPhones, it feels like an iPod Touch with the ability to text and make calls. I owned a Touch for a few years and would be bored to death with an iPhone.
Owning a DroidX feels like carrying around a little laptop computer. When I tinker with other people's iPhones, it feels like an iPod Touch with the ability to text and make calls. I owned a Touch for a few years and would be bored to death with an iPhone.

Lol, you know that really ain't a bad comparison. I've been telling everyone who will listen to me that these damn devices are mini-laptops that you can call people with. Rooting only helps make them even more 'laptop like'. And the Atrix... IS a mini-laptop!!!

I must say that tinkering with the iPhone the other day did feel very familiar as my son has an iPod Touch and I've played around with it. So I can see your point. Now obviously I did not have the time to really get involved with the iPhone and see what it could do. But I'd say an unrooted Android device is probably closer to a mini-computer than an unjailbroken iPhone is.

Once you root the Android phone, and jailbreak the iPhone... the playing field may become much more even. I honestly couldn't say as I truly don't know the scope of possibilities that come with jailbreaking. But I've heard you can do plenty with them.
Once you root the Android phone, and jailbreak the iPhone... the playing field may become much more even. I honestly couldn't say as I truly don't know the scope of possibilities that come with jailbreaking. But I've heard you can do plenty with them.

You can do a lot with a jailbroken iPhone, but I have been able to do more with my unrooted DX, and it was easier to do than the same kind of things on a jailbroken iPhone. Even stock, Android has more freedom.
The biggest thing i like about apple is by far their app store, android has a great one, but apple has got the corner on that market for now in my opinion. I have an ipod touch (that collects dust in my drawer.lol) and am constantly in amazement of the quality of apps (mostly games) that are available. Android market has some fun games, but the quality compared to the app store is lacking.

While the apps are a big decision factor for me, so are:
Being able to remove my battery and put in another extended battery in
Being able to change how much storage my phone has without buying a new phone
Widgets really are the selling point for me, I don't know what i would do without them.
Over/Underclocking, Theming, Romming and general customization is what i have come to expect.
Being able to buy another android phone model, There are tons of android phones out. If you want apple you HAVE to have an Iphone, blah is what i say to that.

I honestly think if i never jumped on the android bandwagon so long ago and fell in love with it, that I would have probably picked up and Iphone by now. But tasting that green grass on the other side (android) really spoiled me. I had an Eris (which was the start of my android and smartphone experience) and completely hated that phone. But when I got my OG droid for a replacement i never looked back and truly felt what the android experience is SUPPOSED to feel like.

<---------What's wrong with the "darkside" Outlaw?lol I prefer it here
I almost spit my drink out when I read this. R u serious? Lol

Yes, I am. In fact, the Fascinate is my 'duty phone'. Even stock, with Touchwiz intact, it's a buttery smooth, gorgeous interface. And, that's WITH the heavily animated (And thusly, heavy-cpu utilization) "water" background (Which is kinda neat, DYK, that wherever you touch, it creates a ripple on the water's surface?).

In fact, I'm running 2.2 leaked Stock, with all the Bing and VZW stuff gone (Just from preference).

I know, the Quadrant score looks abysmal before the Voodoo lagfix, but in reality, I've not noticed any difference in interface responsiveness pre/post lag-fix.

Generally, I think the lag-fix is a placebo for most, needed for some, and used to boast Quadrant scores for many.

Have you used a Fascinate? Or, just tinker with one at the store?
What the iphone does it does really well. Try to do simple things like attach a file to a reply in an email and you'll lose your hair.

My wife loves her two ipod touches. Yesterday she said the magic words. I had just replaced her eris with a fascinate and loaded froyo on it and she had played with a friends iphone the day before. "I like Android more" she said.
What the iphone does it does really well. Try to do simple things like attach a file to a reply in an email and you'll lose your hair.

That, it does. It handles media beautifully. It (When divorced from AT&T) does phone calls well (Fantastic audio quality). And, it's PIM features are pretty good.

My wife loves her two ipod touches. Yesterday she said the magic words. I had just replaced her eris with a fascinate and loaded froyo on it and she had played with a friends iphone the day before. "I like Android more" she said.

I think the iPhone suffers from the same thing as Windows does: Backwards compatibility.

iOS was designed to be used in media players. And, it does that exceptionally well. However, since iOS needs to keep powering iPods, it suffers on innovating the phone and tablet front; and that's why it's market share will suffer.

iOS will NEED to fragment in order to survive, to divorce it's PMP functions from it's Phone/PIM/Tablet functions. Let each "half" develop on it's own.
I've long thought this. How on earth can you compete in the mobile computing world with an OS designed to be a media player.
I agree lars, just the other day on my iPad I was cruising the forums here when I was away from my laptop. I found an apk I wanted to download and email to myself. Literally drove me nuts trying to figure it out. Still couldn't do it. I'm new to IOS but you gotta be kidding me. Music, photos, and videos aren't the only thing worth downloading from the web!
I do have an Android phone :) I also do have Xoom and never had issues to download stuff or drag and drop on my phone/tablet.

But for iPad I can sync only music/pictures/video through iTunes and nothing else.
I quess it's time to visit tipb.com :)
wouldn't have that issue if you had an Android phone :D
yeah honestly i dont know why people blindly dismiss everything apple as bad. apple products are overpriced but they are also some of the best examples of design ever. so sleek and clean. there are certain members of this community who seem to need to bash on whatever os they arent running on and its pretty dumb
Wow, just switched eh? Were you trying to hold out till the i5 dropped, and once the rumors came out it wouldn't drop this summer you decided to bite the bullet?
I'm a reverse swithcer. I came from iPhone to DroidX.
Honestly, if the iPhone had been available via Verizon when I switched, I would have probably stayed with Apple. Why? Sheer investment in accessories. One of the great things about Apple's phone products is the number of available accessories and the tendency for those accessories to continue to work with new product releases.

"Fragmentation" is an issue across the entire Android product base. Major manufacturers (Bose, Phillips, Sony, etc.) create some wonderful hardware for iPhone to dock with. Android devices come in so many different configurations with so many different connectors that accessories tend to be built for single devices. My DroidX car dock probably won't work with whatever Android phone I choose next year. However, my old iPhone car dock works fine with the 1st Gen iphone, the iPhone 3G, 3Gs and the iPhone 4. Not to mention most iPods.

That said... I absolutely love my X... and my Moto Xoom. I never liked having to plug my iPhone into a PC just to copy media. Android, even unrooted, puts me in charge of my device, not my device in charge of me. I like being able to replace stock apps with apps of my own choosing.
I've never even touched an iPhone, but my son has an iPod touch so I've experienced most of what an iPhone has to offer. I agree it is probably smoother, although that doesn't really 'do anything' for me in the long run.

For anyone that just wants to be able to download apps and use them, and is happy withs screens full of icons the iPhone is a great option. As others have stated, I couldn't give up the customization and widgets with Android. But a lot of people out there don't want to 'mess' with their phone and are perfectly happy not being able to customize [gasp].

One thing that's really bugged my messing with my son't iPod is how hard it is to do some seemingly simple things. For example, I finally had to resort to a Google search one night trying to find the contacts from his Gmail account. I installed the Gmail app, but couldn't find contacts. I looking in the Contacts app, and they weren't there. So I resorted to searching only to find out that to sync Gmail contacts you have to change a setting in iTunes and the only way to get the contacts to the iPod is through by hooking up to the computer and sync'ing. So even though it was pulling the mail into the app via Wifi, it couldn't do the same with contacts. How does that make sense? Of course I do understand that Google is a competitor, so they probably aren't interested in making it seamless. If I'm missing something it that case, let me know.

I will by no means bash the iPhone, as its not a bad product by any means. It's just not for me, just as Android isn't for everyone either. (and for some people, even the 'status' of an iPhone is more important to them)
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