I had some errands to run over lunch today and stopped by the Gamestop since I was out. I asked about pre-ordering and the lady told me that if I pre-ordered today I would get in on wave 2 which is street dated at 7/31. I asked about wave 1 and she said that they were street dated today, but that they got 3-4 emails this morning from management saying that under no circumstances whatsoever were they supposed to sell the N7, release it to anyone or even take pictures. She then told me they had several in stock in the back. We were the only people in the store so I gave some thought to hitting her over the head and taking an N7. I still may go back and do that. Anyway, she said the N7's they have in stock have no street date at all and they have been ordered to hold them indefinitely. She said they got no word as to why so she doesn't know if it's a software bug, a recall or something else. They do physically have them in the store. They just can't sell them. No clue what that means.