Extreme Android User
How quickly the world owes some of you all something because of a few little mistakes. Are you kidding me? You're not getting a refund. You're not getting anything waived. Google owes no apologies. This 21st Century self-entitlement is pathetically silly. I don't get mine until August 7th, and some of you have the audacity to complain that your device won't ship until 'Thursday at the latest' of this week?
Act like the adults you supposedly are and find something else to worry over. Its a freaking tablet, not the second coming of Christ. We have gotten ridiculously out of hand with wanting everything now in our society. We've come from Dial-Up to FioS internet connectivity and you people still complain on how slow the internet is. We've come from rotary phones to phones that essentially do everything for us, yet they still aren't good enough. Chill out.
If I were a stranger to these forums I would think Google were killing people's family members. That's how some of you are acting and its by far the most displeasing sight to see in the Android community.
Yeah, Google owes us nothing. They just botched the launch of one of their flagship products and screwed their users out of $15-20. I see no reason why a company who just screwed users out of $15-20 would owe anyone anything at all. No reason.