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Shipping date speculation

How quickly the world owes some of you all something because of a few little mistakes. Are you kidding me? You're not getting a refund. You're not getting anything waived. Google owes no apologies. This 21st Century self-entitlement is pathetically silly. I don't get mine until August 7th, and some of you have the audacity to complain that your device won't ship until 'Thursday at the latest' of this week?

Act like the adults you supposedly are and find something else to worry over. Its a freaking tablet, not the second coming of Christ. We have gotten ridiculously out of hand with wanting everything now in our society. We've come from Dial-Up to FioS internet connectivity and you people still complain on how slow the internet is. We've come from rotary phones to phones that essentially do everything for us, yet they still aren't good enough. Chill out.

If I were a stranger to these forums I would think Google were killing people's family members. That's how some of you are acting and its by far the most displeasing sight to see in the Android community.

Yeah, Google owes us nothing. They just botched the launch of one of their flagship products and screwed their users out of $15-20. I see no reason why a company who just screwed users out of $15-20 would owe anyone anything at all. No reason.
Purchased on June 28th
Shipment email on Friday
No info till this morning
Info this morning says the label was created on the 11th but they have not received the package yet
Would not buy from them again - I could have picked one up Friday
I don't get mine until August 7th, and some of you have the audacity to complain that your device won't ship until 'Thursday at the latest' of this week?.

How do you know you'll get yours on August 7? What if it gets to be the 8th or 10th or 12th and you don't have it? Will you still have this "Oh well, so they lied to me, big deal" mentality?

And THAT, you see, is the point: Being lied to is not cool, even if it is just for a tablet. Oh and by the way.......I worked HARD for the money to buy that tablet, so please don't minimize it to me, sir!
Yeah, Google owes us nothing. They just botched the launch of one of their flagship products and screwed their users out of $15-20. I see no reason why a company who just screwed users out of $15-20 would owe anyone anything at all. No reason.

I would ask you to cry me a river, but...we seem to already have an ocean on our hands here.

The way I see it, Google/UPS--whoever--has to fulfill the overnight, 1-day, and 2-day shipments when the actual product leaves UPS. If it is shipped today, then that's when the clock ticks. A shipping label =/= the product has shipped. It just means a label was created for it to be shipped when it is received. Standard procedure and process.

And I like how all of this won't matter within the week or next when everyone is rolling around in their backyards with their tablets. The Google praise will return and when the next major Nexus product is launched you'll all order from the Playstore again. I've seen it happen too many times. All this 3-year old angst over nothing.
I have the same deal as most of you. Just left KY, should be here by end of tomorrow!
This is to DC if it matters to any of you East Coast folks.
I've got the same thing as just about everyone else. Anyone else ever dig up more info on how the delays started yet? (Besides the cases, since I ordered a case.)


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Purchased on June 28th
Shipment email on Friday
No info till this morning
Info this morning says the label was created on the 11th but they have not received the package yet
Would not buy from them again - I could have picked one up Friday

In the exact same boat except I ordered the 27th
How do you know you'll get yours on August 7? What if it gets to be the 8th or 10th or 12th and you don't have it? Will you still have this "Oh well, so they lied to me, big deal" mentality?

And THAT, you see, is the point: Being lied to is not cool, even if it is just for a tablet. Oh and by the way.......I worked HARD for the money to buy that tablet, so please don't minimize it to me, sir!

I pre-ordered with Gamestop. Did a trade-in and got the 16GB model for the price of the 8GB. Guy checked his system and it said August 7th. He also said it could come earlier, but that was the date they were given. If I receive nothing on the 7th, I'll visit the store and see what's up. If its the 8th, 10th, or 12th, I'll put on my big boy pants and wait. Ranting, raving, screaming, and crying wouldn't help a thing. It'd be like screaming at a wall and telling it to move.

And I worked hard for the money to purchase my tablet, too, so don't even try that.
I would ask you to cry me a river, but...we seem to already have an ocean on our hands here.

The way I see it, Google/UPS--whoever--has to fulfill the overnight, 1-day, and 2-day shipments when the actual product leaves UPS. If it is shipped today, then that's when the clock ticks. A shipping label =/= the product has shipped. It just means a label was created for it to be shipped when it is received. Standard procedure and process.

And I like how all of this won't matter within the week or next when everyone is rolling around in their backyards with their tablets. The Google praise will return and when the next major Nexus product is launched you'll all order from the Playstore again. I've seen it happen too many times. All this 3-year old angst over nothing.

What they have to fulfill is their promise from FRIDAY that all units will be shipped no later than Tuesday. I don't care about 2-day UPS shipping....I care about the fact that they made a public statement that shipments were beginning on Friday and would go out between then and Tuesday.
Let's turn it down a notch or two please, folks. We're not here to argue with each other about this.

Sorry. I'll stop.

I just don't appreciate seeing Google slammed in the way that they are over something like this. I'd be more understanding and sympathetic if the Nexus 7 were nationwide in retailer stores with the pre-order goodies included, and the ones pre-ordered from the Playstore would not ship for another 4-6 weeks; but that isn't the case.
I tell Apple fanboys all the time: Apple does not love you. They don't even know you....but they do love your money." Same applies to Google. Generally I like more Google products than Apple products....but I don't go to the Holy Church of Google.
I think I have learned not to preorder directly from manufacturer do it from a local store, and make sure its NOT UPS that is delivering it. :)

Bright side is, I am still getting my tablet for the money (minus the 2 day guarantee from UPS). Maybe UPS should say sorry.
I ordered mine on the 27th. I got my tracking number Friday night. I still have no info under the tracking number. Really thought since they sent out my info on Friday it would have shipped then or Saturday since it is UPS 2nd day air. Nope, doesn't look like it. Looks like tomorrow or Wednesday for me.
Well I got an update, and apparently my package is in Kentucky, and I am in California... Is there really no place closer to ship from? The HQ is in CA, so why ship from all the way across the country???

Doesn't make sense to me...

EDIT: Apparently most every bodies is in Louisville, maybe that's Asus' HQ?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
I have the same deal as most of you. Just left KY, should be here by end of tomorrow!
This is to DC if it matters to any of you East Coast folks.

I'm in Richmond, VA so I hope I'm in the same boat.

I ordered as soon as homeslice said it was available, during the announcement.

If it does not come tomorrow, I shall not be butthurt. I will return to this thread and be butthurt vicariously through everyone else that thinks google has ruined their lives. :smokingsomb:
I guess the bright side for me is that I have never, in the 7 months I've had it, stopped enjoying My Kindle Fire.....so I do still have it to hold me over.
I'm in the camp where no one I know personally or casually is as big an Android fanatic as I am so the likelihood of me running into someone with an N7 before I have mine is slim to none. So for me personally, I'll be the first person I know that has one and that's good enough for me.

That being said, congrats to all of you that have yours or have a solid timeline for getting it. And for those of us still in the dark as to where we stand, lets enjoy the speculation and get to know each other as we'll probably be spending some time together in the N7 forum in the future. We also have the http://androidforums.com/lounge/578713-nexus-7-watering-hole.html where we are not limited to device specific chit chat but where all of us fans of the device can chat about most anything (within site guidelines).
Sorry. I'll stop.

I just don't appreciate seeing Google slammed in the way that they are over something like this. I'd be more understanding and sympathetic if the Nexus 7 were nationwide in retailer stores with the pre-order goodies included, and the ones pre-ordered from the Playstore would not ship for another 4-6 weeks; but that isn't the case.

The ones in the B&M store do include the pre-order goodies (Pre-loaded content and $25 credit) and the ones from the Play store are 4-5 days behind and cost more money. To me it's a perfectly legit reason to be upset and to not order a device from the Play store again.
Same here... It will be here tomorrow. the weird thing is that it showed the label info before the tracking refreshed. It was printed on the 10th.... Which leads me to believe they were trying to get everyone's ready to ship out at the same time but the stores jumped the gun and Google is playing scramble to catch up....

I'm not excited to be waiting this long but I really do feel most of the blame falls on the stores.
The ones in the B&M store do include the pre-order goodies (Pre-loaded content and $25 credit) and the ones from the Play store are 4-5 days behind and cost more money. To me it's a perfectly legit reason to be upset and to not order a device from the Play store again.

I have to agree. Google does deserve some negative feedback to their image for playstore because they are in fact behind.

Google likes money, well we do too. Shouldn't have had to pay extra for it to be late. Regardless of who exactly is at fault UPS or Google. Since UPS is working for Google, Google is still to receive the negativity.

How people handle said negativity is on their own accord.
I got an email from UPS MyChoice saying Monday for devliery. Today the tracking info now shows a scan in "Louisville, KY, United States" at 9:48 AM and a delivery date of Tuesday now between 11:45 am and 3:45am. This is to Richardson, Texas 75081.

Thought I'd have it in hand today but guess I'll have to wait one more day....
It'll be here tomorrow by end of day! I leave for DC on a business trip at 3pmish. Hopefully its here before I go so I can play with it while my friend drives lol
I was excited on Friday when I got my tracking number... finally got an update on UPS.com...

Louisville, KY, United States 07/16/2012 10:52 A.M. Origin Scan
United States 07/10/2012 6:21 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS

Origin scan was this morning? !@*#

So, why, exactly, did I pre-order? I could have saved my $14 shipping charge and gotten one locally 4 days ago. The fact that we were never given a launch date is completely irrelevant. The fact that "pre-orders" arrive 4-5 days AFTER they're available in physical stores is inexcusable.
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