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Show us your Desire Homescreens...

Aye, I've got the Honeycomb Clock already but as Rastaman says, it's not transparent. The problem with the Colorize one is that the glowing effect doesn't match my layout.

Btw, I decided to switch to Go Launcher from LP to make use of some of the Colorize widgets. The thing is it's going to be a hassle to set up my homescreen layout all over again. Is there a way I can transfer my existing layout - widgets, icons etc. - over to Go Launcher?
Aye, I've got the Honeycomb Clock already but as Rastaman says, it's not transparent. The problem with the Colorize one is that the glowing effect doesn't match my layout.

Btw, I decided to switch to Go Launcher from LP to make use of some of the Colorize widgets. The thing is it's going to be a hassle to set up my homescreen layout all over again. Is there a way I can transfer my existing layout - widgets, icons etc. - over to Go Launcher?

unfortunately not however you set it up in the same way so it shouldnt tke you that long

if you keep both installed the ten you can periodically flick between the two until they are identical

i prefer go to lp
unfortunately not however you set it up in the same way so it shouldnt tke you that long

if you keep both installed the ten you can periodically flick between the two until they are identical

i prefer go to lp
yeah, a lot of people seem to prefer GO it seems.

I can deal with setting everything else up again it's just the desktop visualizer icons that are going to be annoyingly tedious.
Heres a few old and current...

ReDux 1.2 - Cool circle icons


Widgetlocker and SMS Unread Count (Both from market)


Windows Phone 7 Icons and Extended Controls (Paid Version)


Missed it! and SiMi Clock Pro



Cool theme from the UOT Kitchen - running Cyanogenmod 7.0.3 on this one


My Screens.

WidgetLocker, Custom iphone slider, semi clock

"" as above, with semi folder

analog clock, custom dock, ADW launcher

made this by accident
dunno the wallpaper, came with the cm7.0.3 light edition
the clock is the colourize widget honeycomb clock, i like it as its transparent
doc icons i made myself and was on my last screenshot
icons for market/gallery etc are WDD_Reflection
launcher is Go Launcher EX
i originally was going to restore my old setup but as i got my clock widget i liked the colour contrast with the green.

how do you make your own dock icons? what size and res do they have to be?
Gentlemen & of course Gentleladies!... ;)

to all those contributing tips, tricks, links, etc....you are all leg ends! :)

Got my first Smart phone very recently and had an initial play for an hour or so and thought "yeah thats kinds cool!".....then....

....found this forum!.... and have spent too many hours, sometimes very late into the night, reading and messing with settings, Apps & Widgets, frequently dipping into the 'market'.....

...and made a vast number of changes to screens as I came across more 'stuff'....& have not even touched seperate launchers or rooting just yet! :rolleyes:

Will post some screenies later but just wanted to say....

THANKYOU! :cool:
Well tis bout that time to change again.....and change I have...in a big way again..

The dock is one of the launcherpro website, with a slight change by Eyebeam, who just put Gmail on it for me with the appropriate reflection...

Also he did the totally sweet Ctrl Alt Del wallpaper featuring the 4 players and Zeke the Xbot :D

Main homescreen, with APN Droid, Batt Stat widget and 4 shortcuts/folders

Left screen with just launcherpro agenda on it with a clear theme

Right screen with launcherpro calendar with clear theme and also fancy widgets full info weather widget

Notification/Status bar....yes I FINALLY went over to the kitchen and had a play.....changed the entire bar and notification area to honeycomb one with the icons in the status bar being Animated Colour v8 I believe

And other shot of the main, but with my wave launcher still present....god that thing is REALLY useful

OH and I also got rid of the 'Bios' boot animation and replaced with a static android loading one...its nice and simple..

EDIT: And yes im aware that my images have been compressed and aren't the best quality....but thats what you get when shrinking down so this page stays a uniform size and not formatted badly lol
Ok so here below are my screens - On my phone I have a different background, its a young lady & I think it is very artistic ;) and it fits perfectly in the colour scheme & set-up I have (its from Zedge:Wall 094 - just a little risque!...even more than the Lock screen :)), but I also think it might not be allowed on here so changed my background to show screen layouts, its from Zedge: Flame Mt....

At the moment I am not looking to Root or use a seperate launcher as that will likely involve me spending even more time changing stuff around and as I tend to get quite focused on mini projects of this nature, and have already spent many hours into the night on this stuff, could lead to matrimonial dis-quiet!! :o ..even more than the 'lady' pictures have! :p...but I will get around to it....eventually!

I also have a 'spare' screen if anyone has any suggestions?!....

...altho as you will see I don't like clutter!....:rolleyes:








Soooooo we have:

Simplistic Steel Icon pack
...and I am using Folder Organiser

L2 - Smooth Calendar
L1 - Folders for all the Games/Media/People/Tinterweb/Apps/Tools I use
Home - BobClockD3 & Extended Controls....button at top is Screen Off & Lock
R1 - Beautiful Weather then icons for direct links to the stuff I do most...Text & Mail incorporate SMS Unread count
R2 - System Info / Battery Info / Call Meter 3G
R3 - Volume Control / 3 Music Player
Lock - BG is Zedge:Nice / Widget Locker / Simi Clock and again SMS Unread Count

I am currently on Page 60+ of this thread so I am hoping there are a few more 'nuggets' to unearth!....

I am curently looking for some relatively simple icons (white/silver/transparent....) with red in them in a subtle way, not just reb 'blobs', as I think they will enhance the look even more so any assistance greatly appreciated :cool:

Of course not likely to be to everyones liking but...individuality... ain't that the beauty of all this stuff....:D

Thanks & cheers to all who have contributed!.....Bozz
Like the look of the volume control widget. Will check that one out later, once i can my eyes off your lockscreen :D
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