Android Expert
Since this, Terrorism, and our gun rights are all affected by each other"
I really don't get this. Let me get this straight.
"US gun laws and terrorism are affected by each other" - er, sorry, how exactly ? I really am confused here I don't understand how the right to carry in public, a fire arm, affects terrorism.
I have seen it said that the likes of Paris in November could not happen in the US because of your gun laws. maybe maybe not. I don't think murdering Islamic terrorist scum would be put off, in fact they want to die, they believe in some sort of martyrs paradise (utter bull, but still). Maybe if a Paris happened in LA less than 132 innocents would have been killed because right thinking armed citizens would have exterminated the terrorists before they could kill that many, maybe not.
All I see when I look at your gun laws is 10.63 deaths per 100,000 population for the USA as whole in 2013
and 0.23 deaths per 100,000 population in the UK as a whole in 2011. More than forty times more Americans are killed by firearms in America than British are killed by firearms in the UK, per capita year on year. I can't see how more guns and the freedom to carry one legally in public is actually making Americans safer. I'm glad the right to bear arms is not guaranteed in UK law.