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The best camera in the world...

One of today's visitors to my yard. I haven't definitely identified him yet, but I believe he's a red-shouldered Cooper's hawk (thanks, Clementine!):




I suck at ID'ng birds but the tail seems a bit long for a Red-shoulder? To me, it looks like it could be an immature Cooper's. But, yeah, I have a hard time with them sometimes :)

No matter who he is he's pretty cool.
Below are a couple of shots I took while pulling this Cummins 6CTA 8.3L 450HP engine out of a 48' Novatech yacht. The engine got salt water into the cylinders and seized it so we need to put a new one in.

The problem is that the boat builders didn't leave any openings large enough to get the engines out (typical for short-sighted boat builders). I had to remove a window, which is the largest opening in the boat, but is still only 28" high. The engine is 45" high. After removing the cylinder head, most of the components, and the oil pan...the engine just barely fits if it's chained to a long forklift fork...there is about 1/2" vertical clearance coming out the window.

First photo is the engine removed from the engine room and set on a pallet and blocks in the salon. Engine is normally 1500 lbs but stripped down like this it's probably around 900 or 1000 lbs. The second photo shows the the rigging to remove it through the window. I wanted to get a shot going through the window, but I was so worried the fork may bend that I didn't want to waste any time.

I've pulled many engines from boats but this was one was not fun at all. And the sad part is that I need to strip a brand new engine down to get it in the boat and then reassemble it once in place. Stupid boats.


I suck at ID'ng birds
You and me both! :) Especially when there are several that are really similar.

but the tail seems a bit long for a Red-shoulder? To me, it looks like it could be an immature Cooper's.
I don't know. What's strange is that the pictures at Audubon [that I've looked at so far] don't show a hawk with his very distinct vertical stripes [on his chest], and that tail. But images I looked at last night on Google, that look just like him, have him identified as a Red-shouldered. But I've just looked at some more pics and your idea that he's a Cooper's looks quite likely. So...I have no clue! Maybe someone with knowledge of hawks will chime in.

No matter who he is he's pretty cool.
Indeed. He's really quite regal looking.
Immature birds are just the worst to figure out, well, and most female anythings. They make me crazy.

I have a few Cooper's that hang out here, they like my birdfeeder in the winter. Take a look at Cornell's All About Birds, I use it a lot. If you slide through the pictures you'll see an immature shot that looks a lot like your bird.
Immature birds are just the worst to figure out, well, and most female anythings. They make me crazy.

I have a few Cooper's that hang out here, they like my birdfeeder in the winter. Take a look at Cornell's All About Birds, I use it a lot. If you slide through the pictures you'll see an immature shot that looks a lot like your bird.
I think you're right, Clementine. The markings and tail in that one pic of a soaring Cooper's look just like mine. And the habitat map shows California, so that's good!
I know I've posted this somewhere before, but here is "my" Cooper's. I took this through the window, he was sitting in the tree right outside. He's also been known to come out of nowhere and chase the dog toy! In his defense, it's bright red and has streamers.
There are, I think, 2 adults and 1 immature one...or at least 1 of each. I love seeing them.

One of today's visitors to my yard. I haven't definitely identified him yet, but I believe he's a red-shouldered Cooper's hawk (thanks, Clementine!):


Wow I don't trust this angry eye stealing bird!

It wants to EAT my eyes!



.... "I" got me "eyes" on you! :D



All bird's favourite motto is .... "GIVE ME YOUR EYES HUMAN SCUM! >:-( eeeeyyyeeeeeesss!!!!! >:-D"

This is my stinky dog that can smell pork chops on the other side othe planet... she was most probably on the international space station and could smell my pork chops all the way in space.... then she came down to..... BEG ME - errr - I mean "inspect" my pork chops. :D


Awww! :)

Would you look at that? ;)

I think she is trying to hypnotize me into giving her my stinky pork chops! :)

Now THAT is my gangster pork chop girl daughter! :)

Wow I don't trust this angry eye stealing bird!

It wants to EAT my eyes!
I think you're safe, Stinksterooney. I'll keep him here on this continent! :)

What he REALLY wants is the other critters who are in my yard all the time. :eek: You should have heard the commotion right before I took those pics. I was sitting in my usual spot at my patio table--not more than 6 feet from the bougainvillea that lines one side of my yard--and all of a sudden there was this cacophony of frantic chirping from the little birds (sparrows, etc.). All of the peafowl stopped what they were doing and stood at attention; the boy chicks all fanned their feathers. I looked to my right and saw a surge of sparrows in the bougainvillea, then I saw...SOMETHING...else in there, too. Something big. I thought, WTF is that?! Then it flew out. Oh my goodness. I was both in awe and shock. So I grabbed my camera and got out to the yard to take pics! I had to be far away because I didn't want to spook him off, so they're not great photos but they'll have to do.
Dinner last night. :)


Everybody stay AWAY from MY FOOD.


I am a mad nut case when it comes the tasty morsels - I will use my KUNG FU on ALL of you if you even DARE touch my food!

I know kung fu ek se! :mad:

Don't make me do something I don't wanna do!


Awwww man I LOVE food man! :)

That looks GREAT.

I am a total nut bag when it comes to - food is my "kyrptonite"!

heh! :D


I eat like EVERYTHING. :) ....



Olives secretly come from HELL...

Olives actually are what happens when the devil has a bad day... a VERY bad day...

Uhhh yes! :)

I love food..... :)

I wanna go and buy some "Simply Asia" food right now... woooooooooooooooooow!



The wife & I plus the 4 year old grandson was out and about downtown on the riverfront when I took this shot of the buggy rides that are offered. You get to ride for about 15-30 mins downtown.


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    2013-11-03 16.47.45.jpg
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The wife & I plus the 4 year old grandson was out and about downtown on the riverfront when I took this shot of the buggy rides that are offered. You get to ride for about 15-30 mins downtown.

Who the heck is slumped over in the drivers seat.:rofl:
Christmas market in the garden center.
The hype of miniature tables is getting out of hand :rolleyes:
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