Let me explain what I was trying to obtain.
Stock rom
Stock hboot
Upgraded ICS radio
Of course after unlocking, rooting and S-off I attempted to flash the newest ICS radio. I got the CID error. Frustrated, I attempted to downgrade the hboot to 1.04. Well we know what happened, yes, boot loops. After flashing back to the stock hboot I set the phone to SuperCID and flashed the newest radio. So, I obtained my objective and couldn't be happier!
Observations so for:
Improved signal
NO signal fluctuations
No heat
No extra battery drainage
I think HTC/VIRGIN should just update the radio to the newest ICS version. The phone is now what I expected out of the box!
enter the command "fastboot getvar cid" [ it should be SPCS_002]
enter the command "fastboot oem writecid 11111111"
enter the command "fastboot reboot-bootloader (Wait for it to reboot the bootloader)
enter the command "fastboot getvar cid" [it should confirm your CID is 11111111]
enter the command "fastboot reboot"
Is this still looking good for you? When you say no signal fluctuations, do you mean the bars aren't fluctuating? Because I'm using stock ROM with radio 0808, the actual db levels stay stable but the bars go crazy.