I currently own a Sprint Palm Pre. Got it the first day it was released. Although I went through several replacements till I got one that worked well I freely admit to liking the phone. The webos for me works very well. It is underpowered and battery life is horrible. I have never had an andriod phone before so any information would be helpful in my decision. Trust me, I am looking for a reason to get this phone!
Now, one thing I noticed with the HTC EVO is the screen is a 16-bit vs other phones like mine that is more. Seems a step backwards. My screen is very nice. I am also concerned about losing a hard keyboard even if the palm pre version is not great. Have these touch keyboards improved since my HTC touch pro days? One more question. WIth my old touch pro when setting up my email accounts I have 4 hotmail accounts and the touch pro would only seem to let me use just one. Was that because the phone was using windows or something with HTC?
Someone convince me to take the leap to andriod with this EVO and give me the gain vs loss