Cronis - I'm going to skip over the parts regarding sematics and debating tactics.
Let's try here -
Thats not really true, while I was working at nasa we were developing a 81 core chip for an advanced STIS that pulled about 12w during peak load. most of the cores were running at a far higher frequency then you see in most high end desktop CPUs. I'm not really aloud to give any more details on it but suffices to say more cores =/ less efficient, if anything it can make a CPU more efficient. what we observed was that running multiple threads/processes over a large quantity of lower frequency cores was far more efficient then running the same quantity over fewer high frequency cores. Not only that but with the large quantity of down clocked cores their frequency could be increased when required leaving a huge amount of untapped power for when it was required compared to the high frequency low core CPUs.
I find that interesting.
My multicore processor development was for guidance systems for unmanned flight vehicles.
In the processors we're discussing here, not only are the cores independently clocked, they are provided variable voltage separately for each core.
The inflection point for speed/cores-on vs. power draw is rather high going from a single core to a dual core.
It lowers (and we can discuss the envelope surrounding it if you think that matters) when going from 2 to 4 and again from 4 to 8 and so forth.
And I dare say, having worked with NASA, the DOE and DoD on a number of space-based and ground-based platforms, that most of the experience you're quoting is more than likely for specialized tasks with a non-stochastic scheduler - and not for general purpose computing as is the subject here.
If your experience with any 81 core processor for the program you're mentioning involved a stochastic scheduler, please do correct me.
I'm far from looking at a desktop and guessing on this subject myself while engaging in semantics and sophistry.
I'm not sure that you understand how your assumptions apply to GP computing with a Linux architecture and unfortunately, you're not in a position to get into details on that processor experience.
If you are able to discuss it, fire away.
I'm one of the principle authors of an asymmetric multiprocessing operating system for real time acquisition and control - very much the exact same model employed by Linux here.

I'm sure I'll be able to keep up.
I doubt anyone but the android/moto software engineers know that tbh. As far as I know though most graphics are still processed by the GPU even though Nvidia would like to change GPUs into more of a general processing chip.
I see - you misunderstood my point, which was - no one does, that can vary by app.
As far as using the GPU for GP work, a few of the more impressive iOS apps do exactly that, something possible with cooperative multitasking, not preemptive multitasking (without a LOT more silicon).
And by the way if I substitute -
It was just a phrase we coined while I was at nasa to express our frustration that OEMs were not developing new tech we needed to progress our research, they just kept reusing old tech. Aka static or a lack of progress.
Into -
You seem to be assuming that we live in static tech progression when in fact we don't, last years high end tech is this years mid end tech.
Then it's pretty clear that you were lumping me into some bad company - which was obvious by the fact that you said I'd assumed something contrary to my exact same quotes.
In any case, no matter on that.
You're entitled to your opinion that this is mid-range tech.
Your premise that this was last year's tech, you've agreed you were inaccurate on, and I believe I've addressed again the whole nature of the processing-efficiency/power-curve once again, from at least an equally solid basis of experience.
PS -
yep your right after double checking the dates it seems that the actual phones were not released till later... i was seeing the hardware preview units not actual release phones.
In 2012?
The Qualcomm Mobile Development Platform for the Snapdragon 800 was announced in May 2013 as I recall.
The Krait 200 S4 Pro Tablet dev platform came out in June 2012 I believe-
I've not found anything for a Snapdragon MDP with Krait 300s from 2012.
And this is pretty basic but not uninteresting -