Android Enthusiast
I don't think it should be transparent at all. I used the same image files for both steps (I think)
None the less thanks for using.
It's good to know people out there appreciate my work. I actually have been running a variation of this theme for over a month now. I just could not find it in me to release a half a**ed theme to you guys. Even though I still don't think it's release worthy. I couldn't keep it hidden forever. So I tested, edited, tested, edited, and tested some more. Till I was satisfied with the look and reliability of my project. I tried very hard to ensure no one fell victim to a boot-loop. I really do care about your guys phones (like they were my own). Any way I feel like I'm kind of ramblin' now...
but I just wanted you guys to know how much it means to me that you like my theme. I am very grateful for all the positive responses I have gotten over the past few days.
Thank you all
No thank you... I think its time we all bought you... and blooddawn beers...