Android Expert
@ fuzzy. How you know TM a thug. You just as bad as that dead horse trying to tanish TM. If GZ had identify himself as the neighbor hood watch in an appropriate manner this could have been a different out come.
Here are some Thuggery FACTS from EVIDENCE for you instead of meaningless to the discussion, emotional BS fluff.
Not a single mark on Martin's face from receiving a blow.
Not a single mark on Zimmy's hands from giving one.
ALL witnesses describe Zimmy as perhaps The Most unlikely individual to START a physical fight. You don't start fist fights when you KNOW you're gonna get your ass kicked.
If you are truly sensical, the most likely scenario IS what Zimmy said. That Martin said, "You got a problem?", "Zimmy said Nope" and Martin said, 'You do NOW!" and sucker punched him. That makes the most sense to ANYONE who knows the facts. That was Martin''s first committed Felony, (STILL a child?) Battery, and it Started the Process that ended in his taking the eternal celestial dirt nap.
There's ONE act of Thuggery for you. Here's some more.
Martin was a 17 year old school troublemaker doper who took dope TO SCHOOL. He was immersed in the ghetto world of rap, fight clubs, dope and guns. GUNS. FIREARMS. He had the pic of the one he was GOING TO GET on his phone. And, being a minor, That would have been his First Official Thuggery act outside of Zimmy. And again, his first committed (Childish?) FELONY.
That sounds pretty damn thugistic to me.
(Here's a few more FACTS for you in case it's not clear to you yet.
Zimmy had every legal right to follow Martin.
Zimmy had every legal right to ask him what he was doing there.
Zimmy Could Have legally told the 911 civilian, non-cop dispatcher to go screw himself much less Have to Listen to or Obey him.
Lastly, but not leastly.
People who go to the effort,time and expense to legally obtain a weapon and a CC permit SIMPLY DO NOT GET INTO FISHFIGHTS JUST SO THEY CAN *USE* THOSE ITEMS. (Especially wimpyass wussie boys like the Zim Man.)
Bruce in Ocala, Fl