:dong: Dear God.
Whoever gave your class is a FRUITCAKE who filled you full of their OPINIONS instead of Facts based on Florida Law. I would STRONGLY advise you to retake the class from someone who is intimately familiar with the Florida Law. Operating under the rules you allude to in your post makes You IMO a Danger to Yourself and Others. If you will post what you posted here from your class, it's truly SCARY for me to imagine What Else you may have been told that you DIDN'T post.
If you don't believe me, just show your original post I commented on to ANY cop or lawyer in FLA and report back what they say. I suspect they would get a BIG laugh out of it.
The State of Florida PAGE on When to shoot is exactly that. A PAGE. It has NONE, ZERO, NADA, Not even the HINT of any of the crazy intricacies you mention. (The Total Crap you were told of any weapon having to be raised to X degrees before you can shoot back would be hilariously laughable if it Weren't on such a Deadly Serious subject.)
Our class if anything was IMO too little detailed. But it Was taught by an NRA instructor who handed us The State of Florida gun LAW and STATE Concealed Weapon Use PAGE. NONE of the info from your post is contained in ANY of the State of Florida stuff. (And before anyone laughs at the NRA, I am NOT a member but they DO do ONE thing VERY WELL and that's firearm instruction. In fact, they are a Benchmark there.)
I can't WAIT to see where you find this information you are going to show us...
(And for the record, my contempt here isn't with YOU it's with whoever took your money and feed you full of BS, "teaching" you what they were DREAMING was valid Concealed Carry information. You should not be faulted for repeating what you believe you were taught in good faith. But TRUST ME, you WEREN'T.)
Bruce in Ocala, Fl