Sorry, yes the listing in the script says dalvik2cache. But I had thought it was actually being moved to the SD card. So I don't understand to where it is really being moved. I thought the whole point was to move it "out of the phone's internal memory".
Note at the end of my previous post I mentioned using recovery to wipe the caches and that finally fixed the problem. But they apparently would not wipe from the Script menu.
Savoxis, in answer to your question about downloading lots of apk files, yes this whole issue I had today began with the discovery that, having restored a 10 day old Nandroid, the Market reported over a dozen apps in need of an update. I was able to use "update all" to update about 4 of them, and then I looked at the Ally and found it had rebooted. From there no more updates worked, even manually one at a time. So perhaps the download cache was full of temporary files and refusing to clear for whatever reason?
I'd like to learn more about the Ally's cache. Just how big it is, how it is divided up, where it is stored, and why the Dalvik cache can't be moved to the SD card? I thought all the relocating that has taken place in various efforts for the Ally was always moving things to the SD card. It seems to make plenty of sense, especially with 16GB Class 10 cards being so affordable. Unless I am unaware of some reason it can't be done.
Your cache partition on the LG Ally is called mtdblock1 by the system, that is the first partition of your internal NAND storage. It has 128.1M of space. The reasons I move the dalvik-cache to the cache partition instead of the sdcard are as follows
The cache partition is 128MB, since it is being used ONLY for temporary market downloads and recovery, it is difficult to come close to filling it up.
The cache partition is INCREDIBLY faster than the sdcard (even a class 10 as the phones cannot take advantage of anything higher than class 6)
The dalvik-cache is built early on during init and at this time the sdcard is not mounted, you can mount it early but this causes problems in the form of a lot of errors when you enter userland
If you where to take the sdcard out, or plug the phone into a usb cable and "mount" the sdcard your phone would crash as it needs the dex's on the dalvik-cache to run applications (and your launcher/system framework is an application)
All this being said it would be silly to put the dalvik cache on the sdcard.
It would be a moderately ok idea to put it on a secondary partition on the sdcard, this would allow you to still have full access to the card and the dalvik cache BUT as mentioned earlier the sdcard is much slower at reading and writing, and the dalvik-cache is your executable code for the applications, code that needs to be read as fast as possible for a smooth running phone. Also making a secondary partion on the sdcard is destructive, and something I would rather not include in the script for people to accidentally use and in doing so, lose all their nandroids and sdcard info.
OK now this is why your market updates where failing:
You had dalvik-cache on cache, and I am guessing a lot of applications installed making it quite large.
You whent to update a lot of apps with the market, each one was downloaded to cache before it was installed, after it downloaded a few it ran out of space (android isnt smart in this aspect and wont remove the ones it just installed right away)
When it ran out of space it griped about not being able to install the update (since it couldnt download the tmp apk)
To fix this you should have
This would manually remove the temporary apks in cache so you have room to get more.
If you have a WHOLE lot of apps (even on sd because the dalvik stays) putting dalvik on cache may not be the best of ideas (hence my checker to make sure you dont move a dalvik onto a cache with no space) as you will get errors and run out of space.
Unfortuanatly the Ally was not MADE to support a HUGE amount (or a few really big) applications. We devs have been able to push the envelope a bit and give you as much space as we can. But to go nuts with it you will have to either compromise speed and stability by putting EVERYTHING on sdcard, or start thinking about getting a platform with more internal memory.
Luckilly LG gave us a little leighway by making the cache partition so large, this lets us use the "extra" space for things like dalvik and script otas, phones like the G1 only have 64MB of data and a 16MB cache (I may be off a lil Im going off memory), the next time you feel like complaining about not being able to install a lot of apps think about those poor guys.
I am going to look into a few more ideas for saving space, like moving the market cache (those pesky temporary apks) and the browser cache (temporary internet files essentially) to the sdcard, this should give you more wiggle room.