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You are not the only one...for the first boot for any JB ROM, the ROM is completely rewriting your entire file system....hence the first boot taking so long. I see it after a clean install of any JB ROM. After the first boot, each boot after is always a little quicker since it is not having to write the entire file system...just whatever mods or kernels you used, or the update for dalvik. Hope that helps...and good luck!!
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Thanks for the info, and I understand that part. But I'm not talking about just the first boot. It's random. Sometimes it boots LIGHTNING QUICK, like under 20 seconds. Sometimes it's "normal" (between 30-60 seconds). But sometimes, it gets stuck on the google logo for about 3-5 minutes, which is unacceptable. I'm using the stock JB OTA update that just got pushed from Verizon, and I'm rooted using CWM method and superuser. Anybody else having this issue?
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Thanks for the info, and I understand that part. But I'm not talking about just the first boot. It's random. Sometimes it boots LIGHTNING QUICK, like under 20 seconds. Sometimes it's "normal" (between 30-60 seconds). But sometimes, it gets stuck on the google logo for about 3-5 minutes, which is unacceptable. I'm using the stock JB OTA update that just got pushed from Verizon, and I'm rooted using CWM method and superuser. Anybody else having this issue?

I've had it happen on stock jb and multiple ROMs. I've heard it explained that its running a sort of disk check and it takes a long time if there are issues because evidently, there must be some auto resolution built into it. Not sure of the validity of that theory but it does seem to make sense, it'd explain the long boot times and I've heard talk about it on every android related forum I frequent.
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Thanks for the info guys. I am still immensely annoyed by this, though. It CAN'T be right... there must be something wrong that's making it happen. Are you telling me that even on STOCK Jelly Bean pushed OTA by Verizon, users are expected to wait literally 5 minutes for their phones to boot? I almost want to go back to ICS, where this problem never occurred. Oh, and I have a Nexus 7 on stock JB and it never happens there.... So what's the issue causing this on the Verizon GNex?!?!?!?!?!? It's driving me nuts.
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Thanks for the info guys. I am still immensely annoyed by this, though. It CAN'T be right... there must be something wrong that's making it happen. Are you telling me that even on STOCK Jelly Bean pushed OTA by Verizon, users are expected to wait literally 5 minutes for their phones to boot? I almost want to go back to ICS, where this problem never occurred. Oh, and I have a Nexus 7 on stock JB and it never happens there.... So what's the issue causing this on the Verizon GNex?!?!?!?!?!? It's driving me nuts.

Yeah, somethings not right there...

I just did a cold-start (completely powered-off) and rebooted until I saw my unlock screen and it took all of 34 seconds :eek:.
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Yes, jelly bean does a system check at the Google screen. The longest I've waited was like 20 mins. Maybe less, I came back in 20 and it was fine. Scared the piss out of me. But after that long ass boot up, everything should be in order and the next boot shouldn't take as long.

Wow, that is just wild!

20 minutes!?! Really? :eek: I think I would have battery-pulled after 4 or 5 minutes...

I've read a few other folks report things like this, but have never experienced myself...(and I know IBT has speculated about an fsck (running on the various partitions, etc.) that might account for this, but still, I'm a little aghast at how long these boot times you're experiencing are taking).

I do indeed see an e2fsck command reported in a grep of the root folder on my phone:

shell@android:/ # grep -i e2fsck init
grep -i e2fsck init
shell@android:/ #

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I haven't experienced longer than 5 mins recently. Usually when I do a clean install I notice the long boot.
The 20 minute boot time happened on my first install of an AOSP jelly bean ROM, not the jelly bean leak - that made it impossible to flash a nandroid and had to revert to stock.
But yeah, if you're just now coming from ICS to JB, expect a really long boot. I was about to pull the battery, then I read up that pulling the battery with just start the check all over.
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