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[Verizon] [ROM][4.0.4] AOKP ICS B40/M6/Mods (7/8)

If someone wouldn't mind though posting those 2 ideas over at the AOKP thread at rootzwiki I'd greatly appreciate it!
I installed 19 as well as newest leankernel, but when I went into the Maps application it wouldn't find any GPS signal. GPS settings had it on.

So I restored back to my stock backup and GPS is working.

Any suggestions? Should I just try re-flashing the kernel?

1st gps location can typically take some time. After then, it locks on in about 5-10 sec. Well mine does. Run outside and see if you can get a lock

Still not working, I really want to try out this Kernel but find it so very odd that I can't get any GPS to work. Is there an app out there that better helps configure GPS? I'll try a different ROM if I can't get it.

Ok maybe I'm just a fool. I turned on all 3 of the GPS settings and now it works. In stock I only needed the middle one, but whatever works!
Still not working, I really want to try out this Kernel but find it so very odd that I can't get any GPS to work. Is there an app out there that better helps configure GPS? I'll try a different ROM if I can't get it.

Even outside clear line of sight to the sky and give it 2-3 minutes? Dang!

It shouldn't have anything to do with the ROM, but who knows. Yeah if you can't get it working try another ROM, or try restoring a backup you have made to see if you get the gps lock then.

There are a few apps that can improve (I have not ever used them) your lock and tell you exactly what is going on. Something like this or this
Hi , I have a problem with the market app, whenever I try to download an app it immediately stops. Pls help me.my phone is running on aokp rom. Thanks
Hi , I have a problem with the market app, whenever I try to download an app it immediately stops. Pls help me.my phone is running on aokp rom. Thanks

Hi there. Could you go into your settings and go to apps. Then hit all, then scroll to market and clear data? Let us know & welcome to AF :D
Good Morning all....
So I got to test my navigation yesterday, first time since the change to this ROM....where I was took approx 15min to lock on to GPS since I had GPS off and turned it on just for that trip....I was evidently in a low GPS area....and I arrived at my destination at the same moment it locked on. Not too happy with that part, but it was a short trip.
I have gotta still say I am way happy with this ROM. I am actually getting a full day out of my charge and using it the way I should be with phone calls texts browser etc..just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who has helped me so far...seriously could have done it without you. I am sure there will be more questions...and looking forward to M3....
Even my fiance noticed the better battery life...I am complaining less, she said!!!!
Good Morning all....
So I got to test my navigation yesterday, first time since the change to this ROM....where I was took approx 15min to lock on to GPS since I had GPS off and turned it on just for that trip....I was evidently in a low GPS area....and I arrived at my destination at the same moment it locked on. Not too happy with that part, but it was a short trip.
I have gotta still say I am way happy with this ROM. I am actually getting a full day out of my charge and using it the way I should be with phone calls texts browser etc..just wanted to say a quick thanks to everyone who has helped me so far...seriously could have done it without you. I am sure there will be more questions...and looking forward to M3....
Even my fiance noticed the better battery life...I am complaining less, she said!!!!

Glad to hear it! What kernel are you running? Seems like most of us have found a sweet spot with AOKP and some form of leankernel, with some preferring franco's.
Someone should link this thread on rootzwiki...I think a lot of AOKP users would benefit from our tests...any way we could get Roman here ya think?
Glad to hear it! What kernel are you running? Seems like most of us have found a sweet spot with AOKP and some form of leankernel, with some preferring franco's.
Definitely found a sweet spot for my battery life..loving this setup!!!

running M2 with lean 1.6.6 exp3 now, and interactivex stock. I am not running anything to manually set the governor....cpuspy screenshot:
I was liking 1.6.6exp3 also and went 1.7 and got some quirks and then to 1.7.1 and am still running that.

I di make sure to save the 1.6.6exp3 though.
Yup exp3 with interactivex governor and UV'd to 230min 920max has given me the best battery life thus far. Definitely a keeper.
Ok guys. How is build 19 running for you all?

Any issues with radio dropouts? How is battery life? What kernel are you all running on this rom?

Build 19 is running great for me. Fast, great battery life, good signal.

Running imo's leankernel 1.6.6 exp3 undervolted to 230 min and 920 max using InteractiveX governor.
Ok guys. How is build 19 running for you all?

Any issues with radio dropouts? How is battery life? What kernel are you all running on this rom?


19 has been nearly perfect for me so far with lean kernel 1.6.6 exp4. Battery life has been great, though I admit I haven't been using my phone too heavily this weekend. The phone's been running really buttery smooth though.

The only issue I've encountered is that I've had a couple of freezes which led to battery pulls, but I think that was due to a combination of my UV settings and hotplug. Stock UV settings and interactivex has been flawless.
Ok guys. How is build 19 running for you all?

Any issues with radio dropouts? How is battery life? What kernel are you all running on this rom?


I'm loving it. I am running 19 with Black Exodus and Franco's 13.1
With about 3 hours of screen time I'm at 3% battery and its been almost 23 hours.
I'm not gonna post any screen shots until after I've actually used it for a whole work day at normal usage. Weekends are usually lighter use for me.
Can someone link me to said kernel? exp? Is that experimental?


Rootzwiki is friggin slow. Hope someone has a download of this kernel so /me can flash.

Here's the download link for 1.6.6 exp4 (yeah, exp stands for experimental. These have extra slots for 230mhz and 1420 mhz. 230mhz works fine for me)

And the main thread is here ;)

Thanks bro. Rootzwiki is just not working for me.

Ok since Ive never tried this one, I install it and that is it? Or do I have to tweak something in setcpu?

If u could tell me like a grammar school kid Id appreciate it.

Thanks!!!! :D
Thanks bro. Rootzwiki is just not working for me.

Ok since Ive never tried this one, I install it and that is it? Or do I have to tweak something in setcpu?

If u could tell me like a grammar school kid Id appreciate it.

Thanks!!!! :D

No worries, it's pretty simple :)

Download the zip to the root of your device, and reboot into CWM. First wipe cache and then go to advanced -> wipe Dalvik cache. Finally, you can install the zip and reboot. The first boot may take longer than usual.

After you boot, you can either use the app SetCPU (it costs a buck or two on the Market) to select min/max frequencies, undervolting settings, and governor (I use min: 230mhz, max:1200mhz, default UV settings, and interactivex governor and it works perfectly), or if you have AOKP 19, do it from Settings -> Rom Control -> Performance. The second method obviously saves you from having to buy SetCPU :p

The changes are made immediately when you exit the program.

Simple as that. Hope I didn't over complicate it too much ;)
No worries, it's pretty simple :)

Download the zip to the root of your device, and reboot into CWM. First wipe cache and then go to advanced -> wipe Dalvik cache. Finally, you can install the zip and reboot. The first boot may take longer than usual.

After you boot, you can either use the app SetCPU (it costs a buck or two on the Market) to select min/max frequencies, undervolting settings, and governor (I use min: 230mhz, max:1200mhz, default UV settings, and interactivex governor and it works perfectly), or if you have AOKP 19, do it from Settings -> Rom Control -> Performance. The second method obviously saves you from having to buy SetCPU :p

The changes are made immediately when you exit the program.

Simple as that. Hope I didn't over complicate it too much ;)

Thanks man. I pretty much knew most of it but wanted to make sure. Think I'm all setup correctly now.

Hmm just noticed my Music app isn't working. It force closes as soon as I open it. Anyone else experiencing this? I tried rebooting and clearing it's cache but that didn't help. Not sure what a good course of action would be.

EDIT: Uninstalled and reinstalled and it's working again.

By the way, I'm getting great battery life and speed with the leankernel 1.7.1 exp2. Can't say for sure yet but I think I'm getting better battery life than with 1.6.6 exp3. Going to leave it unplugged tonight and see if it can beat the 6%/8 hours in idle that I got with 1.6.6. If so I'm going to continue the test throughout tomorrow. If not, it's back to 1.6.6.
Well, I woke up this morning to see that my phone had dropped 9%/8 hours on 1.7.1 exp2. Switched back to 1.6.6 exp3 since it only lost 6%/8 hours. Not a drastic difference, but enough to make the switch back.
Ok, new odd quirk that I'm finding with this ROM.

I'm no longer recieving any Email notifications! I've checked all my settings, I've made sure it's synching, but I don't get any indication when an email arrives. Is this a "feature" to improve battery performance? Could this be a part of LeanKernel?

I can't tell, but I'm not happy.
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