I'd just like to point out something about these "complaints." First of all, the
two or
three things that people are finding buggy are
custom ROM tweaks. They are things that that Team Kang has added themselves. We may be spoiled by these things, but, does it render the ROM unusable? Some ROMs suffer from broken cameras or data drops or reboots; has Team Kang
ever put out a ROM that you simply
could not use? Secondly. This is
build 30. Builds aren't released nightly like CM9 nightlies, but Team Kang sure does push em out pretty quickly considering these people actually have lives as well. So if you don't see a milestone in the title, expect some pretty clear bugs. But even if you do, this is a
custom ROM. If you don't like bugs,
stay vanilla. Thirdly, I'm sure some of you are considering switching ROMs like everyone was when they jumped to Axi0m. To all of you who think switching and coming back is fine, which it is (by all means everyone can do as they please, though you should really stay and
support ), just please keep quiet about it, it is not for AOKP threads. Team Kang does what they do because they want to. And if you bluntly say to them 'I'm switching ROMs," and they decide to stop ROMing, you'd be pretty upset and I don't think anyone on any GNex ROM wouldn't be because I guarantee that whatever ROM they're running has plenty of "credit romanbb" tweaks that they
love. So my real point is either suck it up and remember what this ROM really is, or report your bugs
nicely and if they
haven't already been reported, and then do as you please. Just don't post it on AOKP forums!
And this build specifically, I'd just like to say that I've never ran a smoother build of AOKP and I've gotten the
best battery life
ever. For those of you resisting, I wouldn't. You're being deceived. This build is outstanding; bravo Team Kang.
This little rant of mine wasn't entirely directed at most of you, but mostly at the RootzWiki thread of which I'm not a member. However, I do know some of you are members on both or perhaps some of those people I
am directing this at will happen to read this. So this was a "to whom it may concern" type post
