First of all, thanks to the developers of this ROM and all of the hard work put forth. It's the best!
I'm still running 5.2 which is the best ROM I've ever used. It's absolutely perfect. But like always, I want the absolute best performance and battery combination I can achieve so now I'm focusing on kernels. I've used several kernels with it (for several days at a time), and I always come back to the stock Sourcerizer kernel. FWIW, my favorite kernel besides the stock was the Fancy kernel. My battery has never lasted longer and the performance was great. That came after some tweaks to the settings. But for some reason, my Bluetooth streaming to my car suffered. I switched back and forth several times and it was always a problem.
I'd like to know what settings people are using on the stock Sourcerizer kernel and what those tweaks accomplished (better battery usage, performance, both). BTW, my goal is mainly better battery with the kernel. Performance is already great.
+1. Nothing stable after 5.2. Same apps 5.4, Sourceress UI force closes and loses status bar, but good ole 5.2 hangs right in. I tried different governors & underclocking and improved battery life. BUT at the expense of performance. Got 4 batteries now, just in case and using performance governor and speeds of 1400 & 700. Snappy