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What are some things you hate?


I might get flamed for this; I humbly accept that.

This post was prompted by another thread that began: 'Hate iPhone?' While amusing, I feel that hating a phone or electronic device made by a competitor seems excessive, or that our priorities are a little off.

I hate three of the following things:

Blackberry Bold 9930
Cruelty to animals and children.
i hate ....

beautiful women that dont give me the time of day
stupid angry people
cruelty of all types
I will not list what I hate, or everyone will start viewing me as a pessimist. :p
the way society and culture in america is trending. maybe i was just born in the wrong generation but i feel the 60's 70's would of been a much better place (at least for me)
I hate:

Stupid people
People with no common sense
Horrible Drivers (especially if their plates say Ohio)
Jersey Stereotypes
Did I mention Stupid people yet?
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I hate mosquitoes, bullies and iFans. Can't stand iFans. They are worse than Lakers fans. I'm a loyal Spurs fan. Do not ostracize me or I will have to leave this great forum.
I hate:

-Fowl language
-Animal cruelty
-extreme heat
-un reliable internet
Home networking. Why are routers always so crappy? Why is it faster to download something from the internet than to send/receive something to/from another computer on my home network? It's the same wireless network...
- Demented, bloodthirsty thugs posing as "warriors/martyrs for Islam."

- Convicted, confessed killers posing as activists against the death penalty.

- Extremists on both polarized sides of many issues, who generally ignore the simple truths in between them both.
I don't hate :)
I do DISLIKE though...

Also isn't this thread almost identical to the sticked rant thread?
I guess since everyone is explaining how much they hate things, I should probably do it too. Warning: this list might be extremely long.

Stupid people
Sexist people
Sexist stereotypes
Racist people
Most Utah drivers (Even though I am one.)
People who are offended easily
People who are quick to judge
Religious people that come to my door
Most/if not all politicians
Hardcore fanboys that refuse to listen to the facts
Wannabe metal heads (People who listen to Slipknot, or Disturbed and call it metal.)
The Kardashians
Soap operas
Reality TV shows like Jersey Shore (Or people who actually act like that.)
People that feel like they are a higher class than someone else
Working my butt off 24/7 (And not making much money.)
Gas prices
Taking the bus
Drunk drivers
Getting older (Because I hate things more and more. Pretty soon I'll be an old man that flips of small children for no reason.)
People who have never heard of proper punctation, and grammar
People who can't remember the basic knowledge that they learned in elementary school
People who don't know the difference between your, and you're; or there, their, and they're
People who talk or type in text speak
The "occupy" protesters

I seriously better stop now, I honestly think I could go on for hours, and hours. :/
I hate reading other peoples' hates.....
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