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What do your X Screens look like?

My latest screens...


Love your home screen. What weather widget is that? Also, how did you change your font and dock? I'm kind of a noob.


Thanks. That's Beautiful Widgets, Super Clock, using the Ubuntu Honeycomb skin. Dock change is easy - its a function of ADW EX. You can change the main dock and the hidden dpck backgrounds. Font was changed by copying font files (Im using Comfortaa) over the stock font files in /system/fonts.
Like your home page as well! What dock is that, and are you running any themes? Also, what calendar widget is that?

Finally, would you mind uploading your background?


The dock is part of dreamlyfe which you can buy on the internet. Except it's been modded to add transparency. I'm not running any themes, just apex 1.3.1. The Calender is a launcher pro plus widget.
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