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What Tasker profiles is everyone using?? (This thread is NOT for requesting help with profiles)

Have you given any thought to sharing these profiles? Be cool to see how you did the weather readout and the sms readout

This is the easiest way by far on the weather task
Task for Tasker that speaks the weather forecast [Download] - Pocketables

As Kit above said you need an API key from Wonderground. Just sign up (free) and request a key, you'll have to answer what you want it for just say your making a personal app for your self.
I will sort out the Car read SMS later for you when home from work.


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I have an exercise therapy routine where I change something in the exercise every 30 seconds. I'd like to be able to toggle on a task that announces every 30 seconds. Is there a way to do that? I find the Time thing where I can have it repeat every X minutes or hours, but not seconds.

Anyone know if there is a way to do this?
I've set one up that activates when I plug my earbuds in; that way when I'm listening to music and I receive a text, it pauses my music and reads my text to me, and then unpauses my music.
Droid Maxx ... Toggle between Screen Timeout of 10 min and the original value.

A1: If [ %DTOUT !~ 600 ]
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%DTOUT_TOGGLE To:%DTOUT Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A3: Variable Set [ Name:%WORK1 To:%DTOUT_TOGGLE/60 Do Maths:On Append:Off ]
A4: Display Timeout [ Secs:600 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A5: Say [ Text:10 Engine:Voice:default:default Stream:3 Pitch:5 Speed:5 Respect Audio Focus:On Continue Task Immediately:On ]
A6: Flash [ Text:%WORK1 -> 10 Long:Off ]
A7: Else
A8: Display Timeout [ Secs:%DTOUT_TOGGLE Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A9: Say [ Text:%WORK1 Engine:Voice:default:default Stream:3 Pitch:5 Speed:5 Respect Audio Focus:On Continue Task Immediately:On ]
A10: Flash [ Text:10 -> %WORK1 Long:Off ]
A11: End If

... Thom
Droid Maxx ... if in pocket turn screen off after 7 sec otherwise turn screen off after 1 min.

Profile: tlaPocket
State: Proximity Sensor
Enter: Anon
A1: Variable Set [ Name:%POCKET To:%DTOUT Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: Display Timeout [ Secs:7 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
Exit: Anon
A1: Display Timeout [ Secs:%POCKET Mins:0 Hours:0 ]

... Thom
Droid Maxx ... for any scheduled meeting ... turn off sound and then turn it back on at the end of the meeting ... unless the meeting description is "Sound On".

Profile: Silent Meeting
State: Calendar Entry [ Title:* Location:* Description:* Available:Any Calendar:* ]
Enter: Anon
A1: If [ %CALDESCR !~ Sound On ]
A2: Silent Mode [ Mode:On ]
A3: End If

... Thom
Droid Maxx - 4.2.2. - increment Display Timeout setting.

A1: Variable Set [ Name:%WORK1 To:%DTOUT Do Maths:Off Append:Off ]
A2: If [ %WORK1 = 15 ]
A3: Display Timeout [ Secs:30 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A4: Else If [ %WORK1 = 30 ]
A5: Display Timeout [ Secs:60 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A6: Else If [ %WORK1 = 60 ]
A7: Display Timeout [ Secs:120 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A8: Else If [ %WORK1 = 120 ]
A9: Display Timeout [ Secs:300 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A10: Else If [ %WORK1 = 300 ]
A11: Display Timeout [ Secs:600 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A12: Else If [ %WORK1 = 600 ]
A13: Display Timeout [ Secs:15 Mins:0 Hours:0 ]
A14: End If
A15: Variable Set [ Name:%WORK1 To:%WORK1 / 60 Do Maths:On Append:Off ]
A16: Variable Set [ Name:%WORK2 To:%DTOUT / 60 Do Maths:On Append:Off ]
A17: Popup [ Title: Text:%WORK1 min -> %WORK2 min Background Image: Layout:tlaPopup Timeout (Seconds):2 Show Over Keyguard:On ]

... Thom
Pretty new to Tasker and have taken profiles from other people here/elsewhere on the Net

Flip to Silence ('cos it's quite a nice trick)
Silent Night (from 23:00-05:00, silent mode on)
Silent Chime (from 06:00-23:00, 3 vibes on the hour)
WiFi Not Connected (when not connected any longer, auto-switches WiFi off after 1 minute)
Missing Phone (sends a text of location, date, time and battery level to a specific number when a text with my secret code is received)
Maps/Navigation (turns on GPS/WiFi when Maps/Navigation is opened... got fed up with the message to turn on WiFi when using Maps)
Low Power (sends an automatic message to my wife when my battery's about to die)
Auto-play Music (Play Music starts automatically from pause point when headphones plugged in/pauses music when they are unplugged)

Have one or two others that I don't use any more.
tlaMeet turns all sound off while in a meeting.

I have three calendars on my Droid Maxx ... Gmail, Phone, and National Holidays. The TRICK that took forever to figure was selecting two of the three calendars. Maybe this will save you some time ... you can select multiple calendars from the dropdown list and they are rendered separated by a forward-slash.

Profile: tlaMeet
State: Calendar Entry [ Title:* Location:* Description:* Available:Any Calendar:account@gmail.com/Google:phone Calendar ]
Enter: Anon
A1: Silent Mode [ Mode:On ]
A2: Flash [ Text:Sound Off Long:Off ]
Exit: Anon
A1: Silent Mode [ Mode:Off ]
A2: Flash [ Text:Sound On Long:Off ]

... Thom
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Maps/Navigation (turns on GPS/WiFi when Maps/Navigation is opened... got fed up with the message to turn on WiFi when using Maps)

These are my favourite maps and navigation gems. As you'll see from my screens lots of control via voice using Auto Voice plugin on my phone. Using Apex pro I have a swipe up gesture to launch the auto voice recognized task I have pre set that starts the process.


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Not really played with Auto-Voice... will have to have a look!

Always thought that it would kill battery life, listening for commands - if you launch it with a swipe though, I guess that gets around it! :)
Yep find a way to launch the state 'recognized' and your up and running without undue drain. Touch screen button, swipe up gesture or even perhaps shake phone gesture.
The voice search and play music turns some heads lol
swipe up and 'music play rod stewart' opens up play music at rod stewart, starts playing track then closes back to home screen leaving music playing!
I have a group of Tasker profiles that I use to conserve my battery on my rooted phone under a set of circumstances that are specific to me. However, my personal case might be useful or instructive to others, so I'm posting my profiles here.

I normally don't have Bluetooth, Location, GPS, nor Wifi enabled. If I want to use any of these services, I just manually enable them, and then disable them when I'm done.

However, my biggest battery drain comes from my device going out of cell-tower range with the phone repeatedly trying to find a signal. This happens during a significant portion of my workday, because I work in an office building in New York in which I cannot get a cell signal. Furthermore, I use the subway, and there is hardly any cell coverage underground (at least for my carrier).

Therefore, I have written a group of cooperating Tasker profiles which work as follows:

When a weak signal is detected, put the phone into Airplane Mode, during which it checks for signal strength every 5 minutes. Airplane Mode is then exited if the signal is strong enough, at which time the phone once again behaves normally w/r/t cell signal checking.

Note that this only works on a rooted phone with Secure Settings installed.

The logic goes like this:

  • If my cell signal drops below a minimum strength and I'm not using Wifi, the phone goes into something which I call "WeakSignal" mode, as well as going into Airplane Mode.
  • If the phone is in WeakSignal mode and Wifi is not in use, every 5 minutes it does the following:
    • Exit Airplane mode
    • Unset WeakSignal mode
    • Check the signal strength. If it's above the minimum strength, do nothing more, which leaves both WeakSignal mode and Airplane Mode turned off.
    • If the signal strength is below the minimum strength, reset WeakSignal mode and go back into Airplane mode.
This is implemented via the following profiles and tasks.

At bootup, I run a task which clears a variable called WeakSignal, and sets a variable called MinSignal to 2. That's the minimum signal strength that I want to accept. You can also set MinSignal to 0 if you only want this to work if the cell signal is totally absent, and not just weak.

Profile SigChecker0:
(runs when not in WeakSignal mode, not in Wifi mode, and when the signal strength drops below a minimum value)
Profile: SigChecker0 (6)
        State: Variable Value [ Name:%WIFI Op:Doesn't Match Value:on ]
        State: Variable Value [ Name:%CELLSIG Op:Maths: Less Than Value:%MinSignal ]
        State: Variable Value [ Name:%WeakSignal Op:Maths: Less Than Value:1 ]
Enter: SigStrength (5) task (see below)

Profile SigChecker1:
(runs every 5 minutes when in WeakSignal mode and when not in Wifi mode)
Profile: SigChecker1 (14)
        Time: From 00:00 every 5m Till 23:59
        State: Variable Value [ Name:%WIFI Op:Doesn't Match Value:on ]
        State: Variable Value [ Name:%WeakSignal Op:Maths: Greater Than Value:0 ]
Enter: SigStrength (5) task (see below)

Profile Oblivious:
(gets triggered when WeakSignal is set, which is done within the SigStrength task, below. It then turns on Airplane Mode)
Profile: Oblivious (17)
	Event: Variable Set [ Variable:%WeakSignal Value:1 ]
Enter: AirplaneOn (16) task (see below)

Task SigStrength:
SigStrength (5)
	A1: Variable Clear [ Name:%WeakSignal Pattern Matching:Off ] 
	A2: Variable Set [ Name:%apmode To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %AIR ~ on ]
	A3: Variable Set [ Name:%apmode To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %CELLSRV ~ noservice ]
	A4: Variable Set [ Name:%apmode To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %CELLSRV ~ nopower ]
	A5: Secure Settings [ Configuration:Airplane Mode Disabled Package:com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin Name:Secure Settings Timeout (Seconds):0 ] If [ %apmode Is Set ]
	A6: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:2 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ] If [ %apmode Is Set ]
	A7: Mobile Data [ Set:On ] If [ %apmode Is Set ]
	A8: Variable Set [ Name:%WeakSignal To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %CELLSIG < %MinSignal ]

Task AirplaneOn:
AirplaneOn (16)
	A1: Secure Settings [ Configuration:Airplane Mode Enabled Package:com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin Name:Secure Settings Timeout (Seconds):0 ]

I hope this might be useful to one or more of you.
HippoMan, that's exactly what I was looking for, Thx! This may be a dumb question, but Can I ask why you use secure settings to turn off and on airplane mode instead of just tasker? (Also, I can't seem to find the "package" thing..) thx!
Can I ask why you use secure settings to turn off and on airplane mode instead of just tasker?
You can't change airplane mode with Tasker unless you're rooted. One of my favorite Tasker profiles stopped working for me due to that (not Tasker's fault, it was an OS update for security reasons I believe).
You can't change airplane mode with Tasker unless you're rooted. One of my favorite Tasker profiles stopped working for me due to that (not Tasker's fault, it was an OS update for security reasons I believe).

Oh, OK, didn't know that.

Edit: I still have ICS.

This only works if you're rooted and have secure settings (which he said earlier), so if he's rooted he still coulda used tasker to do it instead, right? Or I guess if you have JB, it doesn't work even if you're rooted? Just curious. ;-)
Version 2: Instantly turn the screen off if proximity sensor is covered unless a call is in progress. This allows for "normal" operation if a call is in progress.

Profile: tlaPocket
State: Proximity Sensor
State: Not Call [ Type:Any Number:* ]
Enter: Anon
A1: System Lock

... Thom
Not really played with Auto-Voice... will have to have a look!

Always thought that it would kill battery life, listening for commands - if you launch it with a swipe though, I guess that gets around it! :)

I use a double-click on the home button (GS4) to launch listening. Use Auto-Voice to control all kinds of stuff in my house (lights, blinds, etc.)
Droid Maxx 4.4 but this should work on anything.

I know this is pretty basic, but I'm new to Tasker and just came up with this. It turns your volumes up when a particular Bluetooth connection is made, this one is for my Jeep but you can use it for anything.

Profiles, +
State > Net
BT Connected
To the right of "Name" click the magnifying glass
Choose your BT device.
New Task
Name is optional (I left it blank)
I set Notification, Ringer and System volumes to max. On my Droid Maxx the Bluetooth volume is pretty low so if yours is louder, set to the desired level.
Add an exit task to return your volumes to what your "normal" level is.

Hello all, I'm fairly new to Tasker, but LOVE the program so far. Been looking like crazy for new ideas. Here's what I've done so far:

1) Lock display on alarm app (prevents display rotation)
2) Automatically goes to home screen if display is off for 30 seconds
3) Sets volume to max, and plays a song on repeat if it receives a specific text
4) Speak "Gvoice message from xxx" (text to gvoice number)
~~~~a) launches popup with message for 10 seconds (scene)
~~~~b) asks "shall I read it?"
~~~~c) enables microphone (requires autovoice)
5) *When mic is enabled* - if it hears "Yes" - reads the message (requires autovoice)
6) Speak "Google message from xxx" (text to direct phone or IM)
~~~~a) launches popup with message for 10 seconds (scene)
7) Silence phone if placed face down
8) Speak "Gmail message from xxxx" (email)
9) Speak "Charging" when plugged in
~~~~a) Speak "Unplugged" when loses power
10) Disables 4/6/8 if on a phone call
11) Take picture with front camera if bad password is entered 3 times (requires Secure Settings)
12) Disables password requirement if detects I'm at home (connected to wifi)
~~~~a) automatically re-enables as soon as wifi connection is lost
13) Every 10 minutes - enable wifi, check for known (saved) connections
~~~~a) disable if no known connection is found (30 sec timeout)
14) When headphones are plugged in - a popup appears asking if I want to launch google play, or Slacker (scene)

I also have two "apps"
1) Movie Mode
~~~~a) silence EVERYTHING on the phone (saves the current volume levels to a variable)
~~~~b) set vibrate on
~~~~c) turn off auto brightness
~~~~d) set brightness to 5 (scale is 0-255)
~~~~e) turning movie mode off puts volume levels back to previous settings
2) Secret pic (great for "people of walmart" photos)
~~~~a) icon on my phone takes a photo without any sound or enabling the display
~~~~b) takes about 5 seconds, and vibrates when photo is taken

*edited for formatting*
Here are the profiles that I am using;


This one is for when I am at home

Profile Name: HOME
Context: Cell Near + WiFi Near
Entry Task Name: Home Arrive
Task: WiFi: ON
Task: Bluetooth: ON
Task: Mobile Data: OFF
Task: Variable Set %HOME to 1
Task: If %DAYW neq Saturday AND %DAYW neq Sunday
If %TIME > 16.30 AND %TIME < 18.30 AND %SMS = 0
Variable Set %SMS to 1
End If
End If
Exit Task Name: Home Leave
Task: Mobile Data: ON
Task: Bluetooth: OFF
Task: Say 'Have A Nice Day'
Task: Variable Set %HOME to 0
Task: If %TIME < 16.30 OR %TIME > 18.30
Variable Set %SMS to 0
End If

The reason for the setting %SMS back to 0 only outside of certain times, is to stop it resending another SMS if I were to activate / deactivate my HOME profile whilst between 16.30 and 18.30 either by going out again or other reasons. I only want the SMS to be sent once.

I also have a similar HOME profile for other people's houses where I get WiFi but not including the SMS part


This one is to disable my pincode when connected at home

Profile Name: PCODE
Context: WiFi Connected + Variable %HOME eq 1
Entry Task Name: Pin Lock Off
Task: Secure Settings Plugin: Clear Password
Task: Variable Set %PCODE to 0
Exit Task Name: Pin Lock On
Task: Secure Settings Plugin: Set PIN
Task: Variable Set %PCODE to 1

I use both WiFi Connected and %HOME = 1 to make it more secure. As both conditions need to be met to activate.


This one is for when I am at work

Profile Name: WORK
Context: Cell Near
Entry Task Name: Work Arrive
Task: Variable Set %WORK to 1
Task: WiFi: OFF
Task: Silent Mode: Vibrate
Task: Say 'Have A Nice Day'
Exit Task Name: Work Leave
Task: Silent Mode: OFF
Task: Variable Set %WORK to 0


This one is for when my headphones are plugged in, so I don't burst an eardrum from leaving it up loud.

Profile Name: HSET
Context: Headset Plugged Any
Entry Task Name: Headset In
Task: Media Volume: 2
Task: Variable Set %HSET to 1
Exit Task Name: Headset Out
Task: Media Volume: 8
Task: Variable Set %HSET to 0


You'll see that I use variables for everything. I've got into a habit of setting a variable, just in case I wish to refer to it later in another profile.
Here are some that I have created:


Trigger: Insert headphones
Action: Launch pandora (nice becuase the music will autoplay as well)

Toggle HeadseatAutoLaunch -Requires a 3rd party launcher like NOVA Prime
Trigger: This is actually not a tasker trigger but belongs to NOVA. I have it set up to run a task when i rotate 2 fingers counter clockwise on the home screen
Action: The task toggles the profile for HeadsetAutoLaunch on/off then it checks the %PENABLED variable for *HeadsetAutoLaunch* . If that is in the list then it toasts a message saying 'Headset Auto Launcher Enabled' and if it is not in the list it toasts that it is disabled.

*----> This way I can easily not have my headphones launch pandora automatically if I want to do somthing else instead.

AutoOff Unpaired Bluetooth -*this one i pulled from the tasker official wiki but wanted to list it still as it is quite useful.
Trigger: Bluetooth is on and there is no BT device connected for 3 mins
Action: Turns bluetooth off

Sync gReader
Trigger: From TIME to TIME
Action: gReader will sync all RSS feeds

TASKER + QuickClick (free) + SecureSettings (free) - I found QuickClick as a free alternative to the Pressy button, and I use this combo in the following way. (also do al ot of stuff with QuickClick by itself)

Trigger: Combination of volume key presses
Action: Secure Settings sets a pin password for the phone, creates a persistent notification letting me know that the phone is locked down. The notification has a button on it that will run another tasks that will have secure settings turn the pin off the phone (unlocking it) and kills the notification.


My work provides me with an iPhone ( boo ) which I use when I am on call for the week. This tasker app I wrote makes it so I don't have to carry 2 phones with me all the time when I am on call. This is a complicated profile with many steps but I will just outline the basics. If you want to know more detail on this one please ask me and I'll create a post just for it.

Forward to iPhone

Uses Tasker + Nova Launcher Prime + PushBullet

I swipe 2 fingers up on my home screen and a box pops up asking 'Should forwarding mode be turned on?' and there is a button with YES and one with NO. If i press YES then it will turn on the profile that will {take a text message sent to my personal phone, and send the name of the sender and the message to my iphone via PushBullet}, then this creates a persistant notification on my phone that says "Forward To iPhone is Enabled" and there is a button below labled turn off {that will turn off all this forwarding}, it then dials a * code + the phone number of my work cell phone and then calls it {which sets all calls recieved on my personal phone to be redirected to my work phone}, and finally the pop up YES/NO box is destroyed.

If I select no or if I press the turn off button in the notification window, then the test forwarding profile is turned off, the notification is destroyed, the number is auto dialed that will clear the phone calls being forwarded and the YES/NO box will be destroyed (if its up)


I have 4 profiles for when I am connected to the wifi ssid at work:

Vibrate at work
Trigger: Connected to my work wifi ssid
Action: Sets sound mode to vibrate
Exit Task: Sets sound mode to normal

At work text
Trigger: Connected to work wifi ssid AND recieve a text message
Action: Uses PushBullet to send the name of the sender and the body of the text to my work desktop (dont have to get my phone from my pocket to see who texted me)

At work Email
Trigger: Connected to work wifi ssid AND recieve email (K9 Email plugins)
Action: Sends the sender info and title of message to my work computer via pushbullet.

At work call
Trigger: Connected to work wifi ssid AND incoming call
Action: Uses pushbullet to send caller name and/or phone number to my work computer so I can see if I need to get it or let it go to voice mail.

My last one for now:

Tablet Remote

Another complicated one, if you want details let me know and I will post separatly.

If I open a video app on my tablet (crackle, a&e, netflix etc.) then my tablet tells my phone about it, and my phone will then have a persistant notification with buttons on it labeled 'Turn Up' and 'Turn Down'. I press 'Turn Up' on that notificaion button on my phone and the volume on my tablet is put to max. I press 'Turn Down' and the volume on my tablet is set to 0. There is also a button in the notification labeled cancel that will kill the notification in case I want to for some reason.

When the video app on the tablet is closed, then it tells my phone and my phone will remove the persistant notification.

This is nice because I can watch videos on my tablet with crackle for instance. While I am relaxing the tablet will likely be out of comfortable reach, so this lets me mute the sound during commercials or for any other reason with my phone that is close by, with out me having to reach out for the tablet.

One I'm not using but is neat for non-rooted folks, if you want to trick out your phone to have custom sounds for locking and unlocking your phone ( ya know just for fun to make it sound like you fav game or whatever ) you can set a profile for {when the display is on} -> {play the unlock sound file}, and {exit task} to {play the lock sound file}. Just make sure to turn the lock sounds off for your rom in the settings or you will hear them all.

I used this when I was not rooted, but with root I can go in and change the files for that manually so no longer needed but I thought it was clever non-the-less
Profile name: Intruder Report
Triger: 2 failed pattern attempts
Action: take a picture of intruder, email me the picture and the location, video record the intruder, email me the 30 seconds video then keeps feeding me 30 seconds videos with location of the intruder/thief until device unlocked.

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