I have a group of Tasker profiles that I use to conserve my battery on my rooted phone under a set of circumstances that are specific to me. However, my personal case might be useful or instructive to others, so I'm posting my profiles here.
I normally don't have Bluetooth, Location, GPS, nor Wifi enabled. If I want to use any of these services, I just manually enable them, and then disable them when I'm done.
However, my biggest battery drain comes from my device going out of cell-tower range with the phone repeatedly trying to find a signal. This happens during a significant portion of my workday, because I work in an office building in New York in which I cannot get a cell signal. Furthermore, I use the subway, and there is hardly any cell coverage underground (at least for my carrier).
Therefore, I have written a group of cooperating Tasker profiles which work as follows:
When a weak signal is detected, put the phone into Airplane Mode, during which it checks for signal strength every 5 minutes. Airplane Mode is then exited if the signal is strong enough, at which time the phone once again behaves normally w/r/t cell signal checking.
Note that this only works on a rooted phone with Secure Settings installed.
The logic goes like this:
- If my cell signal drops below a minimum strength and I'm not using Wifi, the phone goes into something which I call "WeakSignal" mode, as well as going into Airplane Mode.
- If the phone is in WeakSignal mode and Wifi is not in use, every 5 minutes it does the following:
- Exit Airplane mode
- Unset WeakSignal mode
- Check the signal strength. If it's above the minimum strength, do nothing more, which leaves both WeakSignal mode and Airplane Mode turned off.
- If the signal strength is below the minimum strength, reset WeakSignal mode and go back into Airplane mode.
This is implemented via the following profiles and tasks.
At bootup, I run a task which clears a variable called
WeakSignal, and sets a variable called
MinSignal to
2. That's the minimum signal strength that I want to accept. You can also set
MinSignal to
0 if you only want this to work if the cell signal is totally absent, and not just weak.
(runs when not in WeakSignal mode, not in Wifi mode, and when the signal strength drops below a minimum value)
Profile: SigChecker0 (6)
State: Variable Value [ Name:%WIFI Op:Doesn't Match Value:on ]
State: Variable Value [ Name:%CELLSIG Op:Maths: Less Than Value:%MinSignal ]
State: Variable Value [ Name:%WeakSignal Op:Maths: Less Than Value:1 ]
Enter: SigStrength (5) task (see below)
(runs every 5 minutes when in WeakSignal mode and when not in Wifi mode)
Profile: SigChecker1 (14)
Time: From 00:00 every 5m Till 23:59
State: Variable Value [ Name:%WIFI Op:Doesn't Match Value:on ]
State: Variable Value [ Name:%WeakSignal Op:Maths: Greater Than Value:0 ]
Enter: SigStrength (5) task (see below)
(gets triggered when WeakSignal is set, which is done within the SigStrength task, below. It then turns on Airplane Mode)
Profile: Oblivious (17)
Event: Variable Set [ Variable:%WeakSignal Value:1 ]
Enter: AirplaneOn (16) task (see below)
SigStrength (5)
A1: Variable Clear [ Name:%WeakSignal Pattern Matching:Off ]
A2: Variable Set [ Name:%apmode To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %AIR ~ on ]
A3: Variable Set [ Name:%apmode To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %CELLSRV ~ noservice ]
A4: Variable Set [ Name:%apmode To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %CELLSRV ~ nopower ]
A5: Secure Settings [ Configuration:Airplane Mode Disabled Package:com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin Name:Secure Settings Timeout (Seconds):0 ] If [ %apmode Is Set ]
A6: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:2 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ] If [ %apmode Is Set ]
A7: Mobile Data [ Set:On ] If [ %apmode Is Set ]
A8: Variable Set [ Name:%WeakSignal To:1 Do Maths:Off Append:Off ] If [ %CELLSIG < %MinSignal ]
AirplaneOn (16)
A1: Secure Settings [ Configuration:Airplane Mode Enabled Package:com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin Name:Secure Settings Timeout (Seconds):0 ]
I hope this might be useful to one or more of you.