Set the NFC tag to turn on bluetooth and also make discoverable for 2 minutes, then load an app. (try car home ultra in play store - its awesome)
Then as soon as your ignition & stereo are on, dock your phone, bluetooth will be on & discoverable, the app will load and connect.
You can use multiple contexts to trigger a home/work profile using "cell near" and "bluetooth connected" to trigger a task, or more specifically, INVERT "bluetooth connected".
This means that when you pull up to your drive, cell near kicks in, but as your engine is still on, and the bluetooth connection is still there, your profile wont activate, HOWEVER, turn the engine off, and both profile contexts are met, (bluetooth connection drops - the invert tick box, hense bluetooth disconnected) and the task will run. So you can task your mobile data to turn off, wifi on, auto sync on, etc etc.