For me at least, it's not Apple products per se. I have used them, and I don't care them. Are they intuitive? Sure, but so is EVERY phone made these days. Apple just does an impressive job of convincing the masses that every other phone is hopelessly complicated and theirs is so much easier.
With an iPhone:
Want to use the internet: press the "browser" widget.
Update your facebook? press the "facebook" widget.
update your twitter? press the "twitter" widget.
make a call? press the "phone" button.
Etc, etc.
With android, blackberry, palm pre (basically any other smart phone):
Want to use the internet: press the "internet" widget.
Update your facebook? press the "facebook" widget.
update your twitter? press the "twitter" widget.
make a call? press the "phone" button.
Etc, etc.
I notice a similarity.
But what always happens with Apple products (specifically the iPhone, since i have very little experience with Macbooks or desktops) is Apple releases a product, leaves out a fairly important feature that every other phone has had for years. Apple fanboys/apologists then go on to justify why it's not that important, you don't actually need it, or it's just unnecessary. Apple then trickles in said features, and Apple fanbiys then go crazy saying how the feature is great, and how did they ever go without it?
No 3G, Cut and Paste, no MMS, no Multitasking, no WiFi.
I couldn't understand why someone would pay $1,000AUD for a phone without those features, but plenty did. They would say:
"Why do you need 3G? The software is so fast you can't tell! And it gets great reception! 3G just runs down your battery."
"You don't need cut and paste when the keyboard is so easy to use!"
"Why would you ever need to send a picture message? I can just email it. The button is right here!"
"I just don't need multitasking...."
"Who needs WiFi when it's so fast? It just runs down your battery anyway!"
But as Apple trickles them in, they change their tone. When you (an apple skeptic) point out that the feature they decided to add isn't really revolutionary at all, and they paid MORE for FEWER features, they accuse you of being an "Apple hater" and to "get with the times". After all, now our iPhone has 3G! Our now useless features are great, because they are in an iPhone! I didn't need cut and paste, but now it's on an iPhone! It must be a great feature after all!
The Apple community just has an air of misplaced superiority- they just won't/can't admit that their iPhone isn't the greatest piece of technology ever built. Even when you point out features it lacks, and how far bhind the times it really is sometimes.
That's what ruins Apple products for me.
I quite like being rational and not a slavishly beholden to one company- evaluating every few years what the best phone for me is. For awhile it was Palm, then BlackBerry, now Android. Maybe something else in a few years; who knows?