Triple digit highs.... April 6th.... simply does not compute.
Yeah, I know, but it's nowhere close to as weird as triple-digits in JANUARY! When my first grandson was here for his first birthday, we hit 105 (IIRC)--and we have pictures of him stark naked playing in the backyard in the water, carrying around a hose. The kind of pictures that he--now, as a young teenager--would DIE if he knew about!

Yep, full frontal...the whole works...
Totally off the weather topic: pictures like that, which I have on various hard drives, I've wondered if some over-zealous person--thinking they've found child pornography--could turn me in if they happened to see them. (Yes, it's extremely unlikely that *I* would ever be in that kind of scenario, since I do my own repairs and hard drive replacements, and on the rare occasions when I have to physically ship a laptop in (like for a screen replacement under warranty), I remove its hard drives before shipping.) When my grandsons, now two of them and about 4 and 6 years old, were visiting one time and were staying at a hotel by Disneyland, the older one came out of the shower with no clothes on. I was busily snapping away--you know snap! snap! snap!--action shots of the younger one bouncing on the bed and doing various other antics. My view was moving with him, only paying attention to him. I never knew until way later that a couple of those shots captured the older one in all his naked glory. Can you imagine what some over-zealous do-gooder could make of that?!
And, just for clarity, I'm ALL FOR turning in pedophiles. Absolutely. I think they're the scum of the earth. But *I* am not a pedophile. These were innocent pictures, snapped by his mother and grandmother, for no other purpose but to document a fun time.