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What's the weather like where you are?

It was 63° when I got up this morning with the wind gusting up to 40 mph from the South. It is currently 35° with the wind gusting up to 40 mph from the North. That is why all of our trees are straight. :)
Peoria and Little Rock aren't what I would consider being in tornado alley. What's up with that?
It was 66° when I got up this morning and warmed into the mid seventies. I mostly enjoyed a clear sky but it was a windy day.... very windy!
It's shaping up to be a nice day here which is good. I have some patio projects planned for today. Currently it is 56° with the high predicted to be in the mid seventies with a clear sky. It is a bit windy but after all, it is Kansas.
After what seems like an eternity, the never-ending drought *MAY* finally be over! We've had record-breaking precipitation throughout California; records dating back to when record-keeping began have been shattered. Both in terms of snow and rain, measurements are as much as 300% of normal.

Ironically, this historic precipitation has led to an assortment of problems, including the reappearance of a lake that had long ago been drained--and its land is now used for agriculture. There are also worries about flooding as the snow-pack begins melting throughout the state.

Some of the snow resorts expect to remain open until at least AUGUST. That's just so weird!

Some of you may recall that a while back, when the entire rest of the state rescinded watering restrictions, my city (Arcadia) was the ONLY one that kept them. The explanation had to do with our water supply being underground aquifers, which were not included in the replenished sources other areas had. As of today, I have no idea where we stand, but I did read that aquifers take *much* longer than other water storage systems to refill, because they need to absorb water as it hits the ground, and a lot of water runs off before it can be absorbed. So we'll see what happens. I don't know why someone can't figure out a transport method to bring some of the potentially flood-inducing water from the mountain snow, and put it in our aquifers...
It was a beautiful day today. It got into the low eighties here today and high eighties are forecasted for tomorrow. I'm not sure what happened to spring.
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