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What's the worst pain you've ever experienced?

^Ahh tooth ache...forgot about how I was walking around my apt pounding on the walls it hurt so bad...lol I know I scared the hell outta my neighbors.

Also I had an infection on my finger due to cutting my nail too close or something. That didnt hurt, but the medicine did. Right after taking it my finger would start throbbing. Felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer or something. I missed a week of work because I had to keep it wrapped up and the pain from taking the medicine was too much.
I've broken each wrist twice (karate, blading, etc.) but the worst pain I aver felt was tearing ligaments in my shoulder. Damn that sucked. Was my freshman year of college and my roomate had to dress me. True friends are the ones willing to put your boxers on for you while your junk is staring them straight in the face.
I've broken each wrist twice (karate, blading, etc.) but the worst pain I aver felt was tearing ligaments in my shoulder. Damn that sucked. Was my freshman year of college and my roomate had to dress me. True friends are the ones willing to put your boxers on for you while your junk is staring them straight in the face.

Good friends will do that for you. True friends, however, will avoid snide remarks and assorted Vienna Sausage comments.
Probably when I had Cellulitus in my leg after getting an insect bite- I noticed a itchy spot on my leg which soon turned into a golf ball lump. After a few days I couldnt walk on it & was taken in for an operation.

Sheer agony!!
Worst pain I've ever experienced: I got hit in a VERY sensitive area with a paintball. Had a bruise down there for a week. I was very close to blacking out from that pain. My vision had grayed out, gone tunnel, and was full of spots. Worse pain than when I broke a bone in my hand punching a wall, no question. The spot I got hit has the highest concentration of nerve endings in the male body, and I felt pain from every one of them.
A cyst in my breast was by far the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I thought I was dying-- it is the worst pain. It felt like a hot needle jabbing down into my torso whenever I took a breath in. I couldn't sleep properly because it hurt so bad and I had to wear a sports bra that was a size too small for me. I couldn't lift my arms over my head and even the exertion from sitting to standing was enough to make my vomit. It didn't go away for 2 weeks.

Another one was a pinched nerve in my face by a wisdom tooth growing in. I was given strong painkillers and a week off. My face felt like it was on fire and I couldn't move my jaw.
When I was fourteen I was at baseball tryouts for high school and they were teaching us a new swing, I swong and when I did I didn't twist the bottom half of my body and I broke my pelvis, snapped the bone in two.

I dropped to my knees, got up and then the coach made me run my laps, well I didn't run very well. I kept this up for another hour because I didn't want to look like a wuss and was trying to make the team. Finally the coached asked me what was wrong and I couldn't even speak, I was about to pass out and cry, didn't want to in front of others. Friend of mine spoke up for me and told him I hurt my hip, he let me sit down and then they ran their sprints and the tryout was done. He came up to me after the practice and told me I was the worst player here today and that I didn't run my laps, and that I didn't need to let little injuries get in the way.

When I got to my dad's car I lost it and started balling from the pain, my friend told my dad about it and my dad went in and scream at the coach and threaten to beat him up, lol. Found out that night I broke my pelvis.

Still the worst pain in my life. Two weeks ago I had a little minor surgery for a pilonidal cyst that had to be lanced because it became infected while I was on vacation. That was the second worst pain and I am still sore from it and I am having to work through it.

Sorry for the long story!
Still the worst pain in my life. Two weeks ago I had a little minor surgery for a pilonidal cyst that had to be lanced because it became infected while I was on vacation. That was the second worst pain and I am still sore from it and I am having to work through it.

Sorry for the long story!

The operation doesn't hurt that much compared to the follow up treatments.... Mine was a very deep infection. (the doc didnt remove it properly the first time, so it got infected AGAIN, and bigger)
So whenever they used to remove the packing gauze, or put in new packing gauze, it used to hurt like HELL! I bit a pillow whenever that had to be done lol. I was even sent to the hospital after the second operation, because an artery or vein burst open, and I was bleeding like hell. The surgeon had to reseal it. I am very proud of the fact that I didnt cry even once, nor did I shout out in pain.

(Thats where the doctor told me that I have very high pain tolerance.)
The pain i had before my appendix was pulled out. Mmmmman that was a horrible feeling and i would not ever wanna feel that again i tellya. I thought i was having a foodpoisoning episode. But, once i did things i do when i do have foodpoisoning, i realized it had to have been something farmore inconceivable........
The operation doesn't hurt that much compared to the follow up treatments.... Mine was a very deep infection. (the doc didnt remove it properly the first time, so it got infected AGAIN, and bigger)
So whenever they used to remove the packing gauze, or put in new packing gauze, it used to hurt like HELL! I bit a pillow whenever that had to be done lol. I was even sent to the hospital after the second operation, because an artery or vein burst open, and I was bleeding like hell. The surgeon had to reseal it. I am very proud of the fact that I didnt cry even once, nor did I shout out in pain.

(Thats where the doctor told me that I have very high pain tolerance.)

I never once made a noise, I just laid my face down into the pillow and let him go. They gave me six shots and they sucked. They told me that they usually come back and then you have to do the other operation.
Root canals are easy. I walked out of the recovery room from a gall bladder removal forty minutes post surgery. Epidurals, blah. Broke some bones, 3rd degree burns, dinged nerves all over the place, compression fractures of the spine, passing ten gall stones, three dislocations in each shoulder - piece of cake, no pills needed. I'm clutzy, therefore I've built up a tolerance. At least I can be tout something as an accomplishment to show for all the hospital bills.
One word: Myelogram. Owie owie owie.
Though I'll admit, for a LONG time any time I'd have a leg cramp, no one EVER TOLD ME TO WALK IT OFF, so I'd just lie/sit there, biting my arm/pillow/etc, practically screaming because you'd feel the pain, it'd die down partially, then you feel the muscle twitch and the pain comes rocketing back. Would you believe that at 33 years of age, no one ever told me how to deal with a leg cramp until I was probably in my late teens/nearly 20?

Other worst pain was in early 1996, when after a near-Xmas trip to NYC, I developed a bad cough with lead me to chest X-rays at a hospital on Christmas Day if you can believe it, in order to not be in pain I had to talk high like Michael Jackson, and I still went to Long Island to see relatives. Few weeks later my cough/cold had morphed into a dual ear infection, which became blatant when I work up one morning feeling like burning ice picks in my ears. So, we went to the doctor and I was prescribed stuff, and while waiting in the car while the parent got the meds, I just let loose and started screaming, no other cars in the parking lot, I just had to let the pain out somehow, cause it hurt so damn much. Slightly gruesome ending to this: after taking the ear infection meds and asprin, I went to sleep, woke up several hours later with my pillow looking like Jason Voorhees had killed someone on it. The meds had been breaking up the infection, so blood and god knows what else had been leaking out of my ears, used a q-tip to help get the broken down crap out of my ears cause I was damn near deaf. Since then, I've had only 2 ear infections since, last one was whenever the first Underworld came out, I'm so freaking paranoid about anything that advil can't handle, cause hey, no health insurance!
Blood clot in left popliteal artery.. during the episode the pain was bad enough (crushed by heavy falling metal object), but about two hours later the real pain came and was a "10" for three months, and then began to subside unless I moved my leg in a certain way.

Couldn't take pain meds much because of all the lovenox and caumedin. :(

I am very lucky to have completely recovered from that, even though now there are scars and a slight limp. :)
omg, worst pain i ever had was reading these stories:D i have aches everywhere now:( seriously though, childbirth is a killer....my ob likened it to someone shoving a golfing brolly up your back passage and opening it...that pretty much sums it up:D funnily enough, had a c section on second child and that was a walk in the park, thank god for epidurals;)
I forgot about the time I hit a tree snowboarding in Utah. I hit with the back of my leg (hamstring area.) Probably going 25 mph. I thought I had a compound femur fracture, as I had a huge lump on my leg instantly. I managed to drag myself up after laying there watching the tunnel close in and nearly passing out for about five minutes. I worked my way back to the trail and rode the rest of the way down. I don't know how. Later that afternoon I went to the mountain hospital and had some x-rays done, nothing broken, but a massive hematoma. I couldn't walk for 3 months. I still get numbness and pain from time to time if I overexert my right leg.
Broke my arm near the wrist (both bones) when I was 4 or 5. Don't really remember it, but my parents said I cried every night for a couple weeks after getting it set and the cast put on

Back in 2006 I looked like this from someone making a left in front of me (I was on my motorcycle). I was in a coma so I don't remember much of it, but I crushed the right side of my face, sinus cavity, and cracked the back left side of my skull around from my ear around to the center/back. No broken bones or other injuries, just the face/skull/brain.
Kidney Stones!!!
had a total of 5 stones myself from 2000ish to 2003 - the worst pain ever! the changes in my diet/drinking habits must have worked though as I have not had any since (thank goodness!). I have spoken with several women in the past who had kids and had passed kidney stones in the past and they ALL said with no comparison kidney stones was the worst pain they had ever experienced :eek:
I shot a three inch nail straight into the top of my thumb, About a quarter inch was sticking out. The best part was when I pulled it out. I had to hold my thumb between my fingers because it felt like when I pulled the nail ,with pliers, that my thumb was going to pull off.
Tooth ache for me. I was watching TV at about 10pm and out of nowhere I felt the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. I think I fell to the floor from the couch.
After about 15 minutes of not knowing what the hell to do, i rushed to a 24hr pharmacy for some pain medicine. I think I almost got in about 3 accidents on the way. The pain was sooo bad I litteraly could not sit still as I drove. I just remember beating the hell out of my steering wheel on the way. I kept swirving off the road and I could not help it, no matter how much I tried.
I still cannot believe how a cracked filling could cause so much pain.

Somehow I got through the night. I dont think the tooth stuff I bought helped too much. But at some point the pain just kinda went away and i was able to sleep a few hours... off an on.

First thing in the morning I greeted my dentist as he got off his car :D
When I was 18 my sister and I were raking leaves and we made a huge pile by the house. I then got the brilliant ides to get up the roof and jump into the pile. I got a nice running start, jumped out and spread eagle in glee anticipating a wonderfully cush landing.... I missed the pile completely.

At the moment of impact I felt like a Mac truck had just hit me going 70 mph. My whole body was in throbbing pain. Good thing I was 18. Today you'd have to scrape me off the lawn and deposit me in a nursing home after such a stunt.
Broken clavicle (collar bone). Hurt like hell, and nothing they can do for it. Pain meds didn't touch it, and took months to heal.
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