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Willing to make wallpapers

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Ok LilBit, here's about the best I can do on that one... I tried to replace the lower half of her mask with a scarf, but I just couldn't get it to look right - Sorry.

Anyway, hope it's at least closer to what you wanted.


She's perfect!!! Awesome job!!! TY!!:D
@ a_dirt_nap

So I thought I'd just give you an idea of how your request may look, and also give you something to test out to see if the whole idea even works for you. With this set-up you'd use a transparent or no dock and transparent icons where the text and app drawer icon are. Remember, I'd still need a full sized screen shot to line up the text icons properly. And of course the wallpaper background can be anything you'd like.

Play around with it and let me know if you want to go forward with it.

Preview only ↓ - Do not save

To save at full 720x1280 resolution - Follow the link bellow and long press the image on your phone until the save option pops up, Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring it to your phone via USB or email.

Link to full sized version ↓
First of all I have to say wow! I'm really impressed not only by the quality of your work, but your dedication and willingness to do these, it's amazing. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon browsing through this thread, and I can't believe this started 2 1/2 years ago and you're still at it. Bravo!

If you don't mind, I'd like to put in a request for my work phone, which is a razr maxx.

I like simpler wallpapers, tending towards black and dark greys for color. I was wondering if you could come up with a design along those colors lines - pretty basic with just a little twist. The background could be something even like tree bark close up, or a rock or brick wall, or something like that that's black and/or super dark grey. Here are a couple of other things that are along the lines of what I'm thinking:

http://i.imgur.com/YPNmg.png (but not so bright in the middle)

Picasa Web Albums - eyebeam 668 (darkened up a bit)

http://androidforums.com/attachment...ling-make-wallpapers-android_eating_apple.jpg (again darker, w/o android dude)

Picasa Web Albums - eyebeam 668


http://i46.tinypic.com/5wxvrd.jpg (I have this one on my tablet)

I'm sure you'll probably recognize some of those :) And it could be something completely different too, this was just to share along the lines of what I like.

The added something extra I'd really like to do is add in my company's logo android-ified. It's a super simple logo that I'd be happy to share if you'd be willing to help out. It has a red circle in the middle, that if possible maybe could be the droid eye. You could even maybe do it off to a side, kind of large and off-centered or something like that, it could move towards the center as I switched screens.

Sorry for the long winded post, I've got an idea in my mind, but nowhere near the capability to make it happen. If you'd be able to help, that would be awesome! Thanks in advance for just reading this.
First of all I have to say wow! I'm really impressed not only by the quality of your work, but your dedication and willingness to do these, it's amazing. I spent a couple of hours this afternoon browsing through this thread, and I can't believe this started 2 1/2 years ago and you're still at it. Bravo!

If you don't mind, I'd like to put in a request for my work phone, which is a razr maxx.

I like simpler wallpapers, tending towards black and dark greys for color. I was wondering if you could come up with a design along those colors lines - pretty basic with just a little twist. The background could be something even like tree bark close up, or a rock or brick wall, or something like that that's black and/or super dark grey. Here are a couple of other things that are along the lines of what I'm thinking:

http://i.imgur.com/YPNmg.png (but not so bright in the middle)

Picasa Web Albums - eyebeam 668 (darkened up a bit)

http://androidforums.com/attachment...ling-make-wallpapers-android_eating_apple.jpg (again darker, w/o android dude)

Picasa Web Albums - eyebeam 668


http://i46.tinypic.com/5wxvrd.jpg (I have this one on my tablet)

I'm sure you'll probably recognize some of those :) And it could be something completely different too, this was just to share along the lines of what I like.

The added something extra I'd really like to do is add in my company's logo android-ified. It's a super simple logo that I'd be happy to share if you'd be willing to help out. It has a red circle in the middle, that if possible maybe could be the droid eye. You could even maybe do it off to a side, kind of large and off-centered or something like that, it could move towards the center as I switched screens.

Sorry for the long winded post, I've got an idea in my mind, but nowhere near the capability to make it happen. If you'd be able to help, that would be awesome! Thanks in advance for just reading this.

Hi jazztalker. First off, let me say that I appreciate the nice things you said.

Ok, on to business. This all should be pretty easy to do (of course, whenever I say that, it never is... :p;)), depending on the logo. Why don't you post or PM me a large, hi-res picture of your logo (I'd prefer a .png or.gif with a transparent background, but that's not mandatory) and I'll see what I can come up with for you.

If I get that tonight/early tomorrow I should have something for you in a day or so at the latest.
Alright jazztalker let's see if this is something like you had in mind... While I'm no knocking your idea to offset the logo a little, I'm somewhat OCD :o, and doing it that way didn't look right to me at all. Just in case you agree (yeah, ok - I did so that in my mind balance would be restored to the universe... :o:p;)) I made an OCD friendly version as well.

Hope you like 'em - let me know what you think.

Previews only ↓ - Do not save

To save them at full 1080x960 resolution - Follow the links bellow and long press the image(s) on your phone until the save option pops up. Then find it in your photo gallery and set as wallpaper. If it looks fuzzy, you may be better off viewing it from a computer, right click and "save as", and finally transferring it to your phone via USB or email.

Links to full sized versions ↓

Awesome, thank you! I definitely agree with you on the centered one. I had an idea in my mind where the offset would look good , but I absolutely like the centered version better. Give me a few days to get used to it, I might want to tweak it just a touch to make the logo a little smaller, but this is really freakin cool! I love the added touch of the light glowing behind the logo. Thanks!!!
Awesome, thank you! I definitely agree with you on the centered one. I had an idea in my mind where the offset would look good , but I absolutely like the centered version better. Give me a few days to get used to it, I might want to tweak it just a touch to make the logo a little smaller, but this is really freakin cool! I love the added touch of the light glowing behind the logo. Thanks!!!

Ha! See, I just knew the offset one was an abomination to the natural order of things! :D:p;)

Glad you like it. And sure, live with it for a bit and just get back to me if you'd like anything changed.
Hey eyebeam! I have one more request. Do you think you can set this for my warp?


  • uploadfromtaptalk1349643349039.jpg
    14.9 KB · Views: 58
Hi eyebeam, you asked us to thank you in a certain way on your thread, so I am, In the morning I am taking a truckload of stuff to our local NAIC, It's the Native American Indian Center. They have a soup kitchen daily and all sorts of other programs availiable to the public for free, and they also do not take one dime from the federal gov. I payin it forward because of people like you!! Love my new face!!!
Hi eyebeam, you asked us to thank you in a certain way on your thread, so I am, In the morning I am taking a truckload of stuff to our local NAIC, It's the Native American Indian Center. They have a soup kitchen daily and all sorts of other programs availiable to the public for free, and they also do not take one dime from the federal gov. I payin it forward because of people like you!! Love my new face!!!

That's terrific to hear, LilBit! :) I'm sure they can use all the help they can get.

I (and I'm sure they) sincerely thank you.
I knew you could do it! Thanks eyebeam!

Hey how is everything in your neck of the woods. You never pop in any of the watering holes to stop and chat so I don't know too much about you other than what I see thru this thread..

I knew you could do it! Thanks eyebeam!

No problem at all. You're welcome.

Hey how is everything in your neck of the woods. You never pop in any of the watering holes to stop and chat so I don't know too much about you other than what I see thru this thread.
Gettin' cold in my neck of the woods! (suburban Minneapolis) And yeah, I don't post in the device specific watering holes (I don't even think there is one for the 3VO crowd), but I'm pretty much all over the other areas, where I'd guess I've more or less covered what I'm about. But since you asked, here a very quick eyebeam primer.

I'm a 47 year old guy who's been happily married for 20 years. We have no children but do have 3 needy, whiny cats (that's pretty much the same, right? :p). I sent most of my youth playing bass in a several punk/alt bands that never quite managed to hit the big time. I guess I do these wallpapers since I miss the creative outlet writing music and lyrics provided. I'm currently working a crap temp job waiting for something better to come my way.

If there's anything else you'd like to know, fire away - I don't mind.
I love kitty cats! It really did get cold quickly. What were the names of your band? I've always heard bass is much harder to play than regular guitar. My buddy plays guitar in a band that just got their first record label. Kinda crazy he of all of us hits it big in the industry considering I love to sing but I'm not as dedicated as him.

Its good to hear people still believe in the sanctaty of marriage. 20 years is a long time. I hope AM and I make it that long and longer and I wish you the best as well. I'm happy to see you helping people so much and only want people to pay it forward. Some say its the Christian thing to do but others say its just noble. I just say you're downright awesome! :D

Thank you for your dedication and love for our forums and members. You're a great man and I love seeing your work after a request. I have to admit I've stolen a few. :o I'll see you around.. and you should pop in to a device hole or make your own. We surely don't mind and no device is sacred. :D
I love kitty cats! It really did get cold quickly. What were the names of your band? I've always heard bass is much harder to play than regular guitar. My buddy plays guitar in a band that just got their first record label. Kinda crazy he of all of us hits it big in the industry considering I love to sing but I'm not as dedicated as him.

I guess I'd prefer not to say what bands in particular. Sorry, that's just a little close to home for my comfort.

As far as playing bass goes, I don't know that it's necessarily any harder than playing guitar. Playing guitar well (or any other instrument I suppose) is of course a difficult skill to master. It does however require a different skill set and mentality. IMHO, far too few people (including a lot of bass players) understand what playing bass is all about.

And congratulations to your buddy! While getting label interest often requires a little luck, I know that it definitely requires a ton of hard work and dedication. Good for him!

Its good to hear people still believe in the sanctity of marriage. 20 years is a long time. I hope AM and I make it that long and longer and I wish you the best as well.
I don't know that I really believe in the sanctity of marriage per se. I have known many couples who were better off apart than together, and in instances like that I don't think it makes much sense to stay together. For me, I was lucky enough to find the most wonderful woman I've ever known, and even luckier that for some strange reason she wanted to be with me. Best of luck to you and AM. If she's the one, with a little love, work and understanding, hopefully you'll be as happy together as the Eyebette and I have been.

I'm happy to see you helping people so much and only want people to pay it forward. Some say its the Christian thing to do but others say its just noble. I just say you're downright awesome! :D

Thank you for your dedication and love for our forums and members. You're a great man and I love seeing your work after a request. I have to admit I've stolen a few. :o I'll see you around.. and you should pop in to a device hole or make your own. We surely don't mind and no device is sacred. :D
Well, one of the big reasons I do this is to give a little back to the forum members here who spend so much of there time helping me and others. I can't tell you how much I've learned from all the intelligent people who post here.

Thank you much for all the kind things you've had to say, and I appreciate you taking the time to say it.
Hi eyebeam.
I don't have a request for a wallpaper, but I want to say that your work is just absolutely terrific, and your dedication and good natured demeaner have made this thread a great read.
But most of all, your idea about donations to local food shelves.
That says a lot about you, and it's an honor to be a member here because of folks like you.
You truly are one of the good guys.
My wife and a I made a donation to a local food pantry, but not from us.
Hopefully with your approval, we made our donation with a note that just reads:
From eyebeam.
It's people like you who help to make what can sometimes be, to use your words a crappy day a bit better.
We're fortunate that we can donate to the pantry, rather than make use of it.
Sometimes a reminder of that is needed. Too many people in need of help, and your request
gave me that reminder. I sincerely thank you for that.
God bless you and yours.
Hi eyebeam.
I don't have a request for a wallpaper, but I want to say that your work is just absolutely terrific, and your dedication and good natured demeaner have made this thread a great read.
But most of all, your idea about donations to local food shelves.
That says a lot about you, and it's an honor to be a member here because of folks like you.
You truly are one of the good guys.
My wife and a I made a donation to a local food pantry, but not from us.
Hopefully with your approval, we made our donation with a note that just reads:
From eyebeam.
It's people like you who help to make what can sometimes be, to use your words a crappy day a bit better.
We're fortunate that we can donate to the pantry, rather than make use of it.
Sometimes a reminder of that is needed. Too many people in need of help, and your request
gave me that reminder. I sincerely thank you for that.
God bless you and yours.

Hi Jack.

Let me just say that this post really touched me. Getting posts like this mean more to me than you can know (or I can properly explain.) It now takes a place among the very nicest I've received.

That you took the time to do this, without even asking for anything for yourself, warms my heart, and speaks highly of the type of person you are. I thank you, and I'm sure the folks you've helped thank you as well. If there ever is anything I can do for you, please let me know - It'd certainly be my pleasure.

I'm not a particularly religious man, but God bless you as well. My best to you and your family.
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