Father Guido
Android Enthusiast
Good replyI'm no Windows fan. It sucks and Win 10 does look kinda goofy out of the box. But a little fiddling around has it looking and working very much like a Win XP or Win 7 installation, but a little slicker, more polished. A Good Thing in my book. No additional desktop software used, just some different backgrounds and attention to configuration. And I have to admit, Win 10 runs nice. Heavier on resources than Fedora + Cinnamon, but still fast and stable.
I have no problem aligning icons along the bottom edge. No need to futz around in the friggin' registry. Just right-click on the desktop, select 'View' at the top of the pop-up box and make sure 'Auto arrange icons' is Unchecked. I like to leave 'Arrange to grid' checked.
That should do it.
As for the 'update KB2267602' error, I have not had this problem. But take a look here (2nd post):
...and follow this liink in the above posted answer:

There are many things I do to make Win10 "behave." First thing that I put on a fresh install is Classic Shell to get the native Win7 start menu back. Next, I right-click on desktop/personalize/themes/Desktop icon settings, and tick "Computer." This places "This PC" on the desktop which gives you handy right-click shortcuts to access "Properties" and "Manage" (ala Win7, etc.) instead of digging through a bunch of crap. I also like to keep things tidy in the task-bar by setting "show small icons."
As for the unwanted update, there is a tool you can use to hide it, thus preventing the prompt to install it again (article here). I also set all of my WiFi connections to "Metered," so I can defer updates until I can review what it does (or breaks) from the reports of others. Doesn't work on an Ethernet connection though, but my laptop is used on WiFi almost exclusively.
Depending on if you have Home or Pro, there are means to tweak lots of things. You will need to Google some of these to suit your needs. Here are some I do:
Thoroughly review every privacy setting and disable what you can
Create shortcuts for cold shutdown (to clean boot from other media)
Enable "God Mode" - Many options are easily accessible from there
Remove Windows store or just apps (globally for me)
Disable (or remove?) Cortana
Stop *behind the scenes* update file sharing
Disable or uninstall "One Drive" so Explorer++ works correctly
Ad nauseam...
And I almost forgot the most important thing about Windows - Create a normal user account to use, else you are running on the Internet as root! Bad, really REALLY BAD...
Once everything is verified working, I do a "disk cleanup" (including system files) and install ccleaner to rid even more. Then I image it to external disk so I have something to return to if I screw the pooch really bad.
While I once thought Linux to be convoluted (back when you had to manually configure an X-Server to have a GUI), it seems that Win10 is now nearly as bad (or worse). Linux has evolved into a really user friendly and secure OS since those days. I really prefer Mint Cinnamon, and I have full control of EVERYTHING