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WTC 11/9/2001 - conspiracy or not?

Nano thermite was found years after the event. Literally years after the event. And it was found on samples that had been handled by many, many people. Chain of custody problems much?
That would be pretty retarded if the military purposely put it on there for scientists to find.. LOL.
I remember a famous video of a basketball team playing a game. It was watched by a room full of people. After the scene was over, the presenter asked questions about the bear that walked across the screen.

Nobody saw the bear. When the video was replayed, there was the bear in all its glory.

In another video, people watched women dancing and several women were replaced by others in different uniforms during the game and the backdrop changed color as well as additional dancers were added. Nobody noticed.

My point is, you do not always pay attention to what you are watching and it is well-known that eye witness observation is not always accurate. I can well imagine that what many people saw on September 11th is not to be believed or taken seriously without supporting evidence.

As for Jesse Ventura, he is a wack job. Either that, or he misses the glory days in the squared circle and wants attention.

Good thing we can go back and re-investigate things to find stuff we missed the first time... oh wait.
I have the following questions for Truthers about WTC7.

1. If it was a controlled demolition, how did they conceal the 100 lb of thermite per column that they would need?

2. How could they be sure that the towers would be damaged in such a way that debris would damage WTC7?

3. How come the utility building on the roof collapsed 30 seconds before the rest of the building and how come the penthouses on either side of the building collapsed 8-10 seconds before the rest of the roof did? This is not consistent with a controlled demolition.

4. What was the motive? Silverstein is using the money he got from the insurance to rebuild at the site so he did not profit at all.
Most importantly...how come there wasn't a perfectly shaped hole in the Pentagon that looked EXACTLY like a 757?

I have the following questions for Truthers about WTC7.

1. If it was a controlled demolition, how did they conceal the 100 lb of thermite per column that they would need?

2. How could they be sure that the towers would be damaged in such a way that debris would damage WTC7?

3. How come the utility building on the roof collapsed 30 seconds before the rest of the building and how come the penthouses on either side of the building collapsed 8-10 seconds before the rest of the roof did? This is not consistent with a controlled demolition.

4. What was the motive? Silverstein is using the money he got from the insurance to rebuild at the site so he did not profit at all.
1. It does not require 100lb per column.. I don't know where you are pulling this number from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNOM_U5UM6Q High grade nano-thermite is even more efficient and quicker at burning, unlike that home made stuff.

2. When you have such a tall building coming down, it was sure to damage other buildings close by.

3. That is another unanswered question. It's odd that being that high up, well above where the fires were. In most official footage (supplied by NIST and other government agencies), this is edited out. Enlarged footage of the penthouse collapse: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPa2PXJS8yA

4. That is another question needing to be answered. When you find out the full set of people involved in the attacks, not only the terrorists, you will have an answer. This is why a full investigation needs to be conducted.
Most importantly...how come there wasn't a perfectly shaped hole in the Pentagon that looked EXACTLY like a 757?

It is obvious a plane hit the pentagon.. many eyewitnesses saw it, and it knocked down light poles as it went over the highway, some landing right in front of people's cars. What is stupid about the pentagon attack is the government won't release more video of it. They took all the security footage from areas surrounding and won't declassify it.
Nano thermite was found years after the event. Literally years after the event. And it was found on samples that had been handled by many, many people. Chain of custody problems much?


Apparently, the original Nano Thermite source for most "911 truthers comes from the report discussed in the link above. The link is to the report but it appears dead.

Apparently, the authors of this report can't keep their story straight. It evolves as it is debunked. Or so the logical folks say. Lots of internet posters discuss this amazing Nano Thermite but they simply do not know anything about it whatsoever.

It is obvious a plane hit the pentagon.. many eyewitnesses saw it, and it knocked down light poles as it went over the highway, some landing right in front of people's cars. What is stupid about the pentagon attack is the government won't release more video of it. They took all the security footage from areas surrounding and won't declassify it.

And this comes as some big, freaky surprise to you? Perhaps it is a conspiracy and that is where the alien recipe for chocolate space cookies is kept.

Seriously, it is the Pentagon. You really think it is any of your (or my) business? Get a grip.

Seriously, it is the Pentagon. You really think it is any of your (or my) business? Get a grip.
Yes, it is my business. They are my elected and appointed officials. When there's a airplane crashed into the Pentagon, I want to watch more than 2 frames of a webcam. It is disappointing you don't want all scientific evidence presented as well. It would make all the conspiracy theories go away.
It is obvious a plane hit the pentagon.. many eyewitnesses saw it, and it knocked down light poles as it went over the highway, some landing right in front of people's cars. What is stupid about the pentagon attack is the government won't release more video of it. They took all the security footage from areas surrounding and won't declassify it.

Oh really? You mean the security footage from the nearby Citgo gas station which wasn't pointed towards the Pentagon, and the security camera from the Doubletree Hotel which only showed the smoke plume after the attack?
Yes, it is my business. They are my elected and appointed officials. When there's a airplane crashed into the Pentagon, I want to watch more than 2 frames of a webcam. It is disappointing you don't want all scientific evidence presented as well. It would make all the conspiracy theories go away.

Its not a webcam, its a security camera. Perhaps you don't know much about security camera's...but they generally shoot at frame lets far LESS than 30 frames per second. Not to mention that even on a camera shooting 30 frames per second, you aren't going to see all that much of an aircraft when its flying 450 mph into a building.
Its not a webcam, its a security camera. Perhaps you don't know much about security camera's...but they generally shoot at frame lets far LESS than 30 frames per second.
It was sarcasm.. it was really low quality garbage still frames from a driveway checkpoint. On one of the most secure buildings in the world, they were bound to have more than one camera. Businesses around the area that may have captured footage had their tapes confiscated by the FBI within minutes of the attack. (Citgo gas station and Double Tree hotel)
It was sarcasm.. it was really low quality garbage still frames from a driveway checkpoint. On one of the most secure buildings in the world, they were bound to have more than one camera. Businesses around the area that may have captured footage had their tapes confiscated by the FBI within minutes of the attack. (Citgo gas station and Double Tree hotel)

Yes, and you can see both of those tapes (I mentioned that above) to see that they show...wait for it...NOTHING.

The camera at the gas station was not pointed at the Pentagon, the Double Tree's only shows smoke rising after the attack.
Yes, it is my business. They are my elected and appointed officials. When there's a airplane crashed into the Pentagon, I want to watch more than 2 frames of a webcam. It is disappointing you don't want all scientific evidence presented as well. It would make all the conspiracy theories go away.

You will be told what you need to be told. And you do not need to be told about what goes on at the pentagon. Some basic stuff perhaps, but nothing that is considered official government secrets. Stop thinking that we/you must be told everything the government does.

I know exactly what happened on that fateful day and the reasons why what happened, happened. I do not need to consider shaky evidence promoted by ex-wrestlers, crackpots, people with no understanding of science, or those that simply hate the government.

And no.... the crackpot theories will never abate. We are stuck with them forever. It is best to just ignore them.

Yes, and you can see both of those tapes (I mentioned that above) to see that they show...wait for it...NOTHING.

The camera at the gas station was not pointed at the Pentagon, the Double Tree's only shows smoke rising after the attack.
The tapes were never released, so you don't know what they can and can't see. The employees at double tree said they were rewinding and watching as their tapes were seized. Any view of the angle of attack would be nice. It would give better indicators of speed and angle.
You will be told what you need to be told. And you do not need to be told about what goes on at the pentagon. Some basic stuff perhaps, but nothing that is considered official government secrets. Stop thinking that we/you must be told everything the government does.

I know exactly what happened on that fateful day and the reasons why what happened, happened. I do not need to consider shaky evidence promoted by ex-wrestlers, crackpots, people with no understanding of science, or those that simply hate the government.

And no.... the crackpot theories will never abate. We are stuck with them forever. It is best to just ignore them.

That's a good way to look at things. Only believe what you're told, don't question things, and take it for face value. I'll choose not to live my life that way. My quest for knowledge and understanding will go deeper. I'll always look into science first, looking for all the facts.
The tapes were never released, so you don't know what they can and can't see. The employees at double tree said they were rewinding and watching as their tapes were seized. Any view of the angle of attack would be nice. It would give better indicators of speed and angle.

You have no clue what you're talking about.

The Citgo Tape was released September 15, 2006. The Doubletree tape was released December 4, 2006. Both Freedom of Information Act Releases.

Now, as for the tapes being confiscated. Well, that just happens in routine investigations. Its not like this is the ONLY time the FBI has confiscated tapes.
that's a good way to look at things. Only believe what you're told, don't question things, and take it for face value. I'll choose not to live my life that way. My quest for knowledge and understanding will go deeper. I'll always look into science first, looking for all the facts.

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
1. It does not require 100lb per column.. I don't know where you are pulling this number from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNOM_U5UM6Q High grade nano-thermite is even more efficient and quicker at burning, unlike that home made stuff.

Yes it is, but it was also only in the research stages then. It wasn't ready yet. Even in 2002 (the whole year), they weren't able to produce enough nano-thermite to do what happened on 911

2. When you have such a tall building coming down, it was sure to damage other buildings close by.

Not enough to compromise the structure.

A main support column impacted WTC 7. That's not something you can make happen by planting nano thermite and ramming a plane into the building.

This isn't "The Event" after all.

The tapes were never released, so you don't know what they can and can't see.

I know this has already been proven to you, but even the most cursory search for these would have turned up these videos. I mean they are at the top of a google search.

This makes it appear that you are only listening to the conspiracy theorists and not the people who have the explanations.

That's a good way to look at things. Only believe what you're told, don't question things, and take it for face value.

You were told that Firefighters found the flight data recorders, and that the FBI confiscated them. No proof. You believed what you were told, didn't question it, and took it for face value.

Then you asked questions as to why.

I'll choose not to live my life that way.

That doesn't seem to be the case.

See above.

I'll always look into science first, looking for all the facts.

Then you would know that nano-thermite was no where near ready for this type of operation. If you looked at the science first.
Yes it is, but it was also only in the research stages then. It wasn't ready yet. Even in 2002 (the whole year), they weren't able to produce enough nano-thermite to do what happened on 911

Not enough to compromise the structure.

A main support column impacted WTC 7. That's not something you can make happen by planting nano thermite and ramming a plane into the building.

This isn't "The Event" after all.

I know this has already been proven to you, but even the most cursory search for these would have turned up these videos. I mean they are at the top of a google search.

This makes it appear that you are only listening to the conspiracy theorists and not the people who have the explanations.

You were told that Firefighters found the flight data recorders, and that the FBI confiscated them. No proof. You believed what you were told, didn't question it, and took it for face value.

Then you asked questions as to why.

That doesn't seem to be the case.

See above.

Then you would know that nano-thermite was no where near ready for this type of operation. If you looked at the science first.
- I had searched for the videos from '02 to around '05 and I hadn't looked since. Thank you for providing them. I wasn't aware they had released them under FOIA. Now if they'd only release more evidence.

- There have been a few militarys and military contractors around the world producing nanothermite since the 90's (that I'm aware of).. it isn't out of the question. Maybe if someone investigated it further, they could even get a chemical signature and link it to a certain producer.

- When there's two firefighters who were proven to be long term cleanup members swearing they saw the FBI take the flight recorders away, I believe that needs to be looked into further.
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