Hello All,
I would just like to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Ravat and I have landed the rights to become the official Zenithink United States distributor. Our warehouses are located in Houston and New York and we will ship out and process returns/repairs/replacements directly from the US so customers do not have to send their products back to China. We are currently in the process of setting up the website at
www.Zenithink.us and will distributing the ZT-180 under the Zenithink brand, with the manufacturers full consent and permission.
Our primary goal is to provide transparency and customer service while promoting and holding up the reputation of the Zenithink.
We realize that there are a number of rebranded Zenithink apads being sold in the US under different names such as Orphan, Flatpad, etc. These distributors, either through their own ignorance or malfored intent, have misrepresented the ZT-180 to contain an A8 Cortex. However, this is not the position of Zenithink and the manufacturer has made it clear that this false rumor surfaced on un-official Chinese forum discussions about the ZT-180.
We are in direct communication with the manufacturer and would like to make it abundantly clear that the ZT-180 is running on an ARM 11 and not an A8 Cortex. However, despite this fact, the ZT-180 is still an amazing machine and worth every cent.
Our website should be up soon to take your order. Also, you may contact us if you have any further questions.
Best Regards,
The team at Zenithink.us
Division of Ravat Trading LLC