There is also a version of Adobe Flashplayer that works on this device. It is not officially supported, but who cares!
I actually care. All adobe needs to do is change one slight thing in the next version and it won't work.
I think at this point, a good tablet needs bluetooth, GPS, and official Flash support. It's also needs a better touch screen than the Zenithink -it's really frustrating to type sometimes.
The Zenithink is better value than the Veiwsonic. Already, I keep the Zenithink plugged in while asleep and it's my first device for internet access.
Xoom is the outstanding tablet right now, but seriously overpriced, and after the iPad2 is announced next week, I suspect it will be blown away. If Apple sells enough iPads, website designers will have to avoid Flash, already, many are making the switch. The Apple-Adobe war is one where I'd prefer to see then both lose.
I'm sufficiently impressed with Android to change my mind about the Playbook (when/if it ever gets officially released).
For web surfing, ebooks, enews, PDF reading, MP3 playing*, the Zenithink is fine.
* the trick to avoid a crash is plug in the headphones while no sound app is running.