Android Expert
@hulksmasher guide aka alsaces daddy...I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve to get that going, Yesterday after the reboot my son got dropped off had to take care of some things but I'm free today, give me a call. I do have a feeling something isn't right with his chipset, so do me a favor before i connect via teamviewer, open up the laptop, check the usb ports, re seed the ram, and put a new heatsink on there okay? ;\
edit: Hi lilbit
prinny, glad to see you still around =)
SicFreak, Same to you, I notice a lot of our original crew isnt around but my zte brothers made the cut
nice nice. =)
edit: Hi lilbit

prinny, glad to see you still around =)
SicFreak, Same to you, I notice a lot of our original crew isnt around but my zte brothers made the cut
nice nice. =)