Dumping and rooting the B00 / B03 devices if the bootloader is unlock able would be pretty straight forward.
The hardest part would be getting a working TWRP up and running.
I have taken TWRP builds from one HTC Device and swapped the kernel + edit the fstab if necessary and Run it succesfully on another device.
We need only a root shell.
And adb shell in TWRP is root by default.
Then issuing the following commands to get the dump.
adb shell
su <<<<<---- Not needed in TWRP
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/sdcard/EMMC-Dump.img
That would be a copy of the emmc.
Next in linux shell run this command to pull the GPT Partiton Table.
dd if=/path-to/EMMC-Dump.img of=/path-to/GPT-Dump.bin bs=1 count=17408
That copies the GPT to an image or .bin file.
Next using linux hexdump.
in a linux terminal
hexdump -C -v /path-to/GPT-Dump.bin /path-to/GPT-Dump.txt
I can take the resultant txt file and put it in my spreadsheet to decode the GPT and show me the partition layout.
For Example.
View attachment 123128
View attachment 123129
View attachment 123130
So basically you guys would be set.