Android Enthusiast
This site just erase all the info i wrote you guys so im really mad.. It was helpful but ill make it short member Bigcountry907 is who you guys been looking for.. He is the only one i know that can make the partition.xml from the partition file in the ota.. You guys need it to make the programmer file needed to root via qfil.. Ive successfully flashed the programmer from the g4 on v10 but its beyond hard brick.. Its at the point of no return cause the partition was meant for the g4 but the chipset was the same so qfil flashed it.. Once you have your partition.xml you guys can use qfil to make the other files needed for qfil in qpst.. I used the newest version. Bigcountry might be able to help with other aspects.. Make sure to give due credit.. Credit to messi and the guy who spawn the idea of using mbn in the original thread.. I can never remember his name..
Are you talking about me? LOL. Ya you guys you better give me credit for that genius idea of mine. And I concur about Bigcountry907. I must admit though his method is just... mind blowing hard to follow.
Not posting much coz I also ran out of ideas. But checking this thread everyday. From me who does not care about root anyway but there really is something interesting to a phone this hard to crack.