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Root ZTE Zmax Pro Official Root Discussion

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What he is referring to is that Busybox comes preinstalled, and the error that comes up when attempting to su. It says that you must be suid, which means there is a user hidden somewhere in the rom with suid permissions. Find that user, crack the account, gain root.

Oh that's odd
Well guys it looks like the ZTE Zmax Pro will never gets it root ever. I am very disappointed that I purchased this phone and will never get a ZTE product ever again.
The Boost Max has a BOOTLOADER!! Just confirmed with a customer that came in for a case, (yes Metro cases even fit it.) Even better, he said he'd stop by my place later so I can pull the MBR and keys if there is any!

Keeping ya'll posted.
This is likely our biggest chance l. I see how the bootloader might work with the z981. It is, after all, virtually the EXACT SAME hardware, if anything, with the exception of the GPU, it looks like the Zmax pro is an upgrade from the boost model.
I purchased the original Wich is the (z988)grand Max 2 on cricket when it was first released. I spent close to 200 bucks for it and thought I was pretty cool for having a sweet phone for under 400...till months later to my surprise I see the same phone rebranded as the zmax pro, all they did was slap a fingerprint sensor on it plus it was only 99 bucks! I slapped myself. So me being the smarty pants I am I switched service from cricket to metro and got the max pro for free. I patted myself on the back. Now I see once again my original z988 grand max 2 has rebranded as the max xl with the latest version of nougat. I'm slapping myself again because I spent the 400 bucks I was saving for the axon7 on a pair of beats studio wireless. ZTE won't be upgrading the pro so it looks like I'm going to have THREE different versions of the same damn phone! sorry for being off topic and ranting I'm really pissed off right now.
I purchased the original Wich is the (z988)grand Max 2 on cricket when it was first released. I spent close to 200 bucks for it and thought I was pretty cool for having a sweet phone for under 400...till months later to my surprise I see the same phone rebranded as the zmax pro, all they did was slap a fingerprint sensor on it plus it was only 99 bucks! I slapped myself. So me being the smarty pants I am I switched service from cricket to metro and got the max pro for free. I patted myself on the back. Now I see once again my original z988 grand max 2 has rebranded as the max xl with the latest version of nougat. I'm slapping myself again because I spent the 400 bucks I was saving for the axon7 on a pair of beats studio wireless. ZTE won't be upgrading the pro so it looks like I'm going to have THREE different versions of the same damn phone! sorry for being off topic and ranting I'm really pissed off right now.
Not rebranded, the zmax pro has the better specs out of the grand Max and Max xl.

It wasn't just a fingerprint scanner add-on.
I was looking up fastboot for the Nexus devices and I came across a article for booting into fast boot by pressing the volume up and down and the power button at the same time. I then decided to try it on the zmax pro and it booted into something but there was nothing Showing on the display. Know it booted into something because was connecting to the PC to install drivers.
Nice work too everyone here , been reading nd checking since day one ,
I'm no techie , jus a little Linux experience, but delt with Samsung,HTC,apple, windows , etc etc ,
Probably way behind just some basics about ZTE there setup is backwards , as. Too other manufacturers to get to the recovery options it's power down,but ZTE max pro takes you to FTM , OK I'm boring but bare witness , OK power ,up gets you into recovery, backwards, OK now here's where I help my gentleman and ladies , power plus up and down nothing a black screen? Yes? OK this download mode on some phones same as fastboot? In this mode connect to adb , I'll make a video , this gonna take seeing than telling .....
Yes I I seen this but adv didn't recognize that a device was connected.
I was looking up fastboot for the Nexus devices and I came across a article for booting into fast boot by pressing the volume up and down and the power button at the same time. I then decided to try it on the zmax pro and it booted into something but there was nothing Showing on the display. Know it booted into something because was connecting to the PC to install drivers.
9008 mode?
Well maybe off topic here but what would be zte reason for locking this phone down so hard and should we maybe research that. Someone said busy box was pre installed but mine didn't come with it also busy box simply does nothing smh. Reasons why? Sorry for the paranoia but my insanity keeps me sane
Correct me if I am wrong, but if we have access to 9008 mode, shouldn't it be possible to just build a custom ROM with root access built in, and install it through 9008 mode? Possibly even the same for TWRP?
The ZTE Z Max pro is a (very) great phone and I wouldn't dare try to root it. Remember this is a site that sales phones if you just so happened to brick the one you're screwing around with because something's it's just best left alone.
This thread is all about rooting the ZTE Zmax Pro and will be updated with the newest information related to rooting the device.

As of now, there is no way to root the Zmax Pro yet.

Right now Messi2050 is working on root and is very close to having it. He needs beta testers. If you don't care about bricking your device PM him and ask to join the hangouts.
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