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Root ZTE Zmax Pro Official Root Discussion

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KingRoot keeps giving me root exception notifications. That tells me there's a chance. I say this because that's what has happened in the past, other devices that KingRoot would not root untill shortly after root exception notifications. Coincidentally maybe. It has to mean something. Anyone?
Keep checking the 2017 CVE list. Now that B14 is out and not testing, Can someone please p.m. me about progress or anything significant?
This is extremely annoying. I'm done with this phone. We have more people working on this Shiz than any phone I can think of . And it don't make sense. The axon 7 is rootable so why not us? And on top we own our divices and Android is open source ???? They are definitely hiding something here . It shouldn't be this hard . I'm out y'all gonna get a new phone and f**k zte . They can have it back
I think Messi will figure it out before KingRoot.. just my opinion. He is just working on this phone and Stylo 2 which is a hard but to crack but a big accomplishment.. I also think the beta was part of their plot to stop us from achieving root which benefits them but they obviously don't see it that way. I noticed the only people accepted into the beta program are the ones from the forum making progress. If Messi had a us address he probably would have been accepted 1st. It would make sense why b14 beta did last that long. Jon was beta testing b14 before the beta program. Am I the only one that find that weird? I'm looking into what we can do while seeking root, like port bad*$$ apps. Just did Gear VR Oculus.. there's people here that can do way more than me but is focused just on root.. I'm usually on off-topic. Ain't nothing but crickets over there so I end up back here..
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Clairen P. (Listening)
Clairen P.: “Thank you for contacting ZTE’s Chat customer service, we appreciate your business and value our relationship. At the end of this session you will receive a brief three question satisfaction survey on the support you received. Please take the time to provide your feedback on your experience today. Thank you.”
Clairen P.: I’m happy to help you today. For the best service, may I please have the name of your carrier and model number of your device? The model number is under Settings-> About Phone-> Model Number. If you can take the back off your device, the model number is under the battery.
Mia Sam: Hi it's Metropc /z981
Clairen P.: Thank you, Mia.
Clairen P.: I understand you are interested in "fastboot" access.
Clairen P.: May I ask how long you have had your phone?
Mia Sam: For about 1 month
Clairen P.: Are you aware that this can potentially void your warranty?
Mia Sam: Yes
Clairen P.: ZTE does not plan to offer an unlocked bootloader at this time.
Clairen P.: I apologize for any potential disappointment, but I did want to let you know that you might want to consider your alternatives.
Clairen P.: Especially since you just got your phone.
Mia Sam: Ok thanks for making it clear for me , i just wonder why you are taking this decisions since other metro phones have bootloader access
Clairen P.: Is there any particular reason you might be interested in doing so?
Clairen P.: This seems to be quite a controversial topic nowadays.
Clairen P.: Especially with the demise of Cyanogen Inc.
Mia Sam: To flash custom recovery&have root access
Clairen P.: I see.
Clairen P.: There are some phones that are popular on places like XDA Developers Forum.
Clairen P.: Our flagship phone had an unlocked bootloader for an extremely short period, but it was pulled because of certain issues. At this point, there are no plans to bring it back due to the problems that it had. That phone was unlocked and not tied to any carrier, however.
Mia Sam: I think you are talkinb about the axon 7 :)
Clairen P.: Yes, you're right!
Mia Sam: I know that coz it's messi2050 here the main person trying to root this device xD
Clairen P.: Welcome!
Clairen P.: You must be a luminary on our Z Community.
Mia Sam: Lol not that much I'm more famous on xda and android forums :p anyway thanks again for making it clear although I'm sure if this phone have root this will help alot in increasing zte popularity in the u.s
Clairen P.: Well, there are some good links if you google "which metro pcs phones have unlocked bootloaders".
Mia Sam: I already know every metro phone :p
Clairen P.: I apologize that I can't provide you anything official with respect to rooting devices, but I thank you very much for your respect of ZTE and that fact that you want to help make our products more popular!
Clairen P.: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Mia Sam: Np :) , Thanks for your help , goodbye
Clairen P.: It has been my pleasure helping you! Thank you for contacting ZTE USA. We value your business. Could you please do me a small favor? There’s a brief 3 question survey about my performance and how I helped you today. If you’d be kind enough to take that survey for me when you disconnect our chat, I’d really appreciate it. Please proceed to the survey by selecting "DISCONNECT" from the options above.
Well they want us to buy their flagships...., we shouldn't expect anything from zte but this just makes me more intersted in breaking into this phone.
I'm on b08 Has anyone else noticed that the system update is really anoying and pops up every five minutes lol? Maybe we have a shot on the older ones and they don't like that
Will this prevent me from getting root later if it does come out ?


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Can anybody crack this nonsense? And see what they are patching
They've updated the security to Google's December patch. Added a few features, and attempted to remove bugs from others. Who knows what else they've patched.

Release Notes
Update Description:
Visual Voicemail Crash Issue
Predictive Text In Native Messaging
Caller ID
Unable To Receive SMS
FOTA Update w/ SD Mounted Fix
Implemented RCS & IR94
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Thank you for contacting ZTE's Chat customer service, we appreciate your business and value our relationship.

Status: Connected
Clairen P. (Listening)
Clairen P.: I’m happy to help you today. For the best service, may I please have the name of your carrier and model number of your device? The model number is under Settings-> About Phone-> Model Number. If you can take the back off your device, the model number is under the battery.
Marcus Coster: MetroPCS Z981
Clairen P.: Thank you Marcus!
Clairen P.: May I ask how long you've had your ZMAX Pro, Marcus?
Marcus Coster: A few weeks
Clairen P.: Are you aware that rooting your phone will void the warranty?
Marcus Coster: Yes
Clairen P.: I see.
Marcus Coster: And I know it's also impossible to do currently
Marcus Coster: I'm here to figure out why
Marcus Coster: Why does this phone specifically have a locked bootloader and no fastboot mode?
Clairen P.: Our flagship phone had an unlocked bootloader for a very short time, but there were some difficulties, so the ability was removed.
Clairen P.: We do not know when that may be returned, if at all.
Marcus Coster: Why is there no fastboot?
Clairen P.: The ZMAX Pro is carrier-locked. I don't know of any carrier-locked phones that we sell that have fastboot or unlocked bootloaders.
Marcus Coster: OK, but why is it removed from any of your phones? It's a standard feature of Android.
Clairen P.: It has been my understanding that rooting one's Android phone always leaves one open to the possibility of bricking it.
Clairen P.: I have owned Android phones since the G1.
Marcus Coster: If you mess up then bricking can happen, yes. There are ways to fix that though.
Clairen P.: It is my speculation that carriers may not wish to support fastboot and/or unlocked bootloaders due to many people that require advanced technical support, unlike people such as yourself.
Marcus Coster: Many phones on many carriers can be rooted.
Clairen P.: With respect to that last statement, I speak on my personal behalf, not on behalf of ZTE.
Marcus Coster: Including MetroPCS
Marcus Coster: ZTE has removed any possible way to achieve root on this phone for some reason.
Clairen P.: I have had this discussion regarding fastboot and unlocked bootloaders on the ZMAX Pro for MetroPCS with a couple of others today.
Marcus Coster: Yes I know
Clairen P.: No official word has been given as to why it is not provided. I surmise it is because there was a suboptimal experience on our flagship phone.
Clairen P.: After which, the unlocked bootloader was rescinded.
Marcus Coster: Well what can I do to inquire further?
Marcus Coster: I do realize you aren't responsible for any of this, so there must be someone better to speak to about it.
Clairen P.: We can ask the R&D department to see what they say and see if they will post in Z Community.
Marcus Coster: Me and many others would like to have a word about maybing getting a utility to modify this device with
Clairen P.: That is something I can do.
Clairen P.: So, I recommend you, and others like you with the common interest, join Z Community.
Marcus Coster: I haven't yet but the main person working to root this phone already has
Marcus Coster: You spoke to him earlier
Clairen P.: Again, I can make the request that you, and others, would like to see an unlocked bootloader/fastboot made available for the ZMAX Pro, and ask R&D to post in Z Community.
Marcus Coster: That would be lovely. Do you think there is a chance we might actually get to root this phone?
Marcus Coster: A decent chance even
Clairen P.: Honestly, I don't know. That would be up to R&D.
Marcus Coster: Has anything like this happened before?
Marcus Coster: And succeeded
Clairen P.: I don't know, I just started here less than 3 months ago.
Marcus Coster: I see
Clairen P.: My suggestion would be for all interested to join Z Community.
Clairen P.: There is strength in numbers.
Marcus Coster: OK. Thank you for putting that request in. Please make it urgent.
Clairen P.: If there is enough demand, and strong, compelling arguments are made, there could be a way to turn the tide.
Clairen P.: I will make your request.
Clairen P.: However, I urge you and your comrades to join Z Community and make compelling arguments for fastboot and unlocked bootloaders.
Marcus Coster: Do I need to start a thread on z community or will r&d make one?
Clairen P.: I, myself, have none. I'm strictly a stock Android person.
Clairen P.: Please, do start a thread!
Clairen P.: You'd be a great person to do that !
Clairen P.: And make your thread rich with good reasons for doing so!
Marcus Coster: Alrighty then
Clairen P.: Is there anything else I can help you with today?
Marcus Coster: No
Clairen P.: You're welcome! I'll be sure to make the request for you. Be sure to get your friends to join and make strong, relevant comments.
It's a rat race. Just like any other "money making machine". ZTE don't care. Poor people buy budget devices and a better off people buy flagships. It's sad to say but you get what you pay for for the most part in life period! This will probably be the last ZTE device I buy period. There's plenty of Chinese androids/companies that aren't so Dicky about providing flashtool, firmware etc etc
Didn't ZTE wanted an official ROM of CyanogenMod on axon 7 and maybe others devices as well, maybe ZTE was down to unlock their bootloaders on their devices but ever since CyanogenMod shutdown them selfs ZTE seems lost and sloppy with their devices future updates....Unless ZTE bought CM off but idk just throwing it out there....Sorry for the off topic.
If that's the case, Lineage OS is CyanogenMod now. Wtf.
It's a rat race. Just like any other "money making machine". ZTE don't care. Poor people buy budget devices and a better off people buy flagships. It's sad to say but you get what you pay for for the most part in life period! This will probably be the last ZTE device I buy period. There's plenty of Chinese androids/companies that aren't so Dicky about providing flashtool, firmware etc etc
OnePlus makes good phones, and seems to listen to their users. They aren't cheap though.

If they were more supportive of their lower end devices I would be more likely to step up to the higher end ones. The Axon 7 has some killer specs. I think it suffers from just as many bugs as this one though. They pulled the bootloader from it.
What are we going to do? Let's get a big crate. Fill it with zmax pro devices. We can all turd in the crate and mail it to ZTE!!! ,
They win if we do that. Breaking it open and making it a phone that doesn't need to be replaced for a few years hurts the bottom line more.
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