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Tell me a joke...

One winter morning during breakfast a husband and his blonde wife in Northern Minnesota were listening to the radio. They heard the announcer say, "We are going to have 8 to 10 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the even-numbered side of the street, so the snowplows can get through."

So, the good wife went out and moved her car to the correct side of the street.

A week later, they were again eating breakfast when the radio announcer said, "We are expecting 10 to 12 inches of snow today. You must park your car on the odd-numbered side of the street so the snowplows can get through."

The good wife went out and moved her car again to the correct side of the street.

The next week they were once again having breakfast when the radio announcer said, "We are expecting 12 to 14 inches of snow today. You must park..." and at that moment the power went out.

The blonde wife was very upset. With a worried look on her face she asked, "Honey, I don't know what to do! Which side of the street do I need to park on so the snowplows can get through???"

With all the love, patience and understanding in his voice that men who are married to blondes develop, her husband replied, "Why don't you just leave it in the garage this time?"

Transfer gallery albums

Always - always - always back up your photos, videos, personal files to your PC on a regular basis! Don't rely on some app like SmartSwitch (which has proven to me, quite a few times, to be not so smart): plug your phone into the computer with a USB cable and copy/paste the files over. I don't trust "cloud" storage (which is simply someone else's computer drive), either... we have a Synology NAS (Network Attached Storage) here at home that keeps everything archived and under our control.

I back THAT up with external drives. In case the house burns down and takes both of those up in smoke, I have a remote backup NAS at our son's apartment that does encrypted, incremental backups during the night when he's asleep. Am I paranoid? Maybe... to a fault. After 15 years of smartphone use, though, I've learned the importance of redundancy in backup storage. I also want 100% control of our data because Google Drive, OneDrive etc. would data mine & analyze every file to extract as much information as possible; and use that to further build a consumer profile of such extreme, intimate detail that most people would have a heart attack if they actually saw it; and sell that to advertisers who have the money. NO THANK YOU.

Big Changes at Android Forums

You're seeing things I'm not - all I get is a list of the old messages I've sent back & forth. There is no option to start or send a new message.
When I click on the envelope a drop down appears with the option to click "Show All" or "Send Direct Message" which takes you to the page @olbriar mentioned.

If you go to a users profile page there is the option to send them a message.

If neither option is available to you, you can try the URL that starts a new message:

Replace "User" with their name and see if you're able to send one.

What's for dinner ?

The Asiago bread was a huge hit! Darling Bride's ready to blow up from eating too much. Thing is, it's so stupid easy to make that it almost makes itself!


website broken?

I have two digital drives in the machine, one host the OS while the other is for everything else. Worse comes to worse I can always pop the chip out and put it in another machine. I have 3 external drives that have lots on them, but have not even turned one on in quite awhile, I need to copy the digital to the externals. I also have a spin up and blank disks if I really wanted to go old school ....



If you watch any of that video you will be left amazed that the guy turned them lose in a parking lot with parked cars and some light traffic. He either had a lot of nerve, had no clue it was going to be that hard for them to ride, or hates old ladies. :)

It was as windy or windier today. It was also very hot and humid. (102°) So today I not only didn't see any other riders, I didn't see anybody out. It was me and only me and I admit it wasn't much fun. I rode 45 miles and put the bike up.

I have yet to hear from Juiced about my brakes. I was far more important to them five years ago or so it seems. I'm fairly convinced the brakes are Star Union and a special brake made for Juiced. There is no name on the brakes but they are so much like the Star Union brakes. Mine have a port to add fluid and to bleed the brakes off. Their normal brake lacks a special port and instead has a removable cover and gasket. The two brakes look identical otherwise.
You can always give them a call ?


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