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How to find out if sim card is defective

This sounds like there's just some glitch brought on by losing power (i.e. not a proper shutdown where all active services, even in the background, get a shutdown command). If you go into your Settings menu and look into your cellular service, check if there's any option to re-establish your cellular account -- its location will vary depending on your phone model and carrier. If that doesn't work out, also buried somewhere in your Settings menu will be a 'Network settings reset' option. If you do a Network reset note that this will wipe any network related settings back to their defaults so along with resetting your cellular service settings it will also be wiping any saved WiFi networks and saved Bluetooth pairings.

Tasker for cutting off my mobile addiction

@MoodyBlues Yes that Tasker app is what I am talking about.
Okay, that helps a lot!

I just installed Tasker yesterday (and haven't used it yet), but I know we have members who use it and can probably help.
What I tried is something roundabout way. But even this roundabout way didn't work.

Trigger = Time "Every 2m"
Task = Kill app

But I want to shut down the phone, not just kill the app. Also I want a trigger that is activated when I use this app for more than 1 or 2 minutes, but just "every 2m"
Now that we know you're using Tasker, and what you want to accomplish with it, someone should be able to help get you there.

Why I lose Wi-Fi connection when I turn off my phone screen?


Double-check that this option isn't just buried at deeper level somewhere in your Settings menu. Different manufacturers often alter the user interface, especially Samsung. Check in your Settings >> Wi-Fi >> More menu, a lot of options have to get nested inside other options because they might be contextually related or simply because some features are just complicated.

How to track my android phone which was stolen from me

Unless you tell us what those "other means" are you'll likely just get the same suggestions you've already tried.

If you've already got a tracking app installed you can use that. This includes Google's "Find my Device": if you enabled that before you lost it you can go to a web browser and locate it.

If you have not got such an app installed and active, there is nothing you can do. This is an old thread, and while the advice about "Plan B" was correct at the time it hasn't worked for several years. If the phone is turned off, or has been factory reset, there is nothing you can do. If the phone is out of coverage there is nothing you can do unless it comes back into coverage.

If you believe the phone has been stolen then my advice would be to report the theft and get your carrier to blacklist the phone (and get a crime number for the insurance claim, if you have insurance).

Restoring the details of SMS back

Yes the one which came original. As sometimes, it used to miss a msg or two. I down loaded ' Message' App from Google play to counter check a particular msg supposed to be critical for me. When I selected google app as default, it showed missed msg also, but it deleted all details from original messaging app. Now I see only a list of senders, all on 02.07.19 not even in chronological order. Actually format of google app is not eye catching, hence I wish to continue to use my old app.

Update and delete in gridview

I have 3 columns in my table - Id primary key autoincrement,name and marks.After inserting the data's IAM displaying the data's in gridview..IAM displaying only the name and marks in the gridview..on selecting the row I need to fetch the Id of the row so that using that Id I can update the record in the database...how to fetch the Id of the selected particular row...can one tell me the solution..

Google camera for Moto Z3 Play

The latest version of Google's Camera app is by design only intended to fully functional on a Pixel so you'll just have to accept that if you want all those neat features in the current version, you need to get a Pixel phone.
'Requirements - The latest version of Google Camera only works on Pixel phones on Android 9.0.0 and above. Some features are not available on all devices.'
Apparently it's just a matter with this latest Google Camera app version is it's optimized to work more or less specifically with the camera module in a Pixel.
'Whilst Google Camera is now made solely for specific device hardware, in mid-2017, a developer created a modified version of Google Camera for any smartphone equipped with either a Snapdragon 820, 821 or 835 processor.'
You might want to try manually installing an older version (note this won't give you the exact same feature set as the latest version):

Is there a particular problem you're having using the default camera app on your Z3 or is this just a matter where you want something with more features?
My favorite camera app is Mark Harmon's Open Camera. It has a really nice, very extensive feature set:

Thanks for the info. I'm actually looking for something better at capturing images at low light. It's a shame that with all the cool features of this Z3, their own camera doesn't feel reasonably good to me.

Unsolicited MMS Message - How to Block?

I would so appreciate some help. I'm a Moto G6 user. My system is Android. I'm receiving unsolicited sexually explicit MMS group text messages in the Messages app. These messages display all of the phone numbers of the people in the group, so isn't that nice? I get them twice daily at present and each time they are sent from a different number so blocking the sender's number is not going to work.

Here is a link to the Messages app so that I'm being as clear as possible.

I have searched the web vigorously and cannot find any advice on how to block these MMS Messages. I know I can probably turn off MMS altogether but my family uses MMS to send texts and photos etc. Gotta see those grandkids but I am ready to say that I can't have my cake and eat it too if something's gotta give.

Any advice. I'm not a terribly tech-savvy person so feel free to explain it to me like I'm in 3rd grade. (Wow! I just dated myself there.) Step by step never hurts.

Thanks so much. I hope to hear back. If I've posted in the wrong place please let me know where I should have put this.



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