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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I've called two corporate stores in my area. They both checked and confirmed the 9th and made an early appointment for me to pick one up. While anything is possible, I feel certain that their system is at least showing the 9th as the launch date.

Ugh, I wish I could the same thing out of my Local Stores. I called 3 in the last 10 min.

The first one was rude and said "No, They haven't released any information"
The second said "I don't have any dates, but I hear it's soon"

The third was very friendly and said "It should be very soon - in the next week I would think..." I then asked him about a pre-order and he checked something and said "I'm being told there WILL be a pre-order, but I don't have a date" When asked if he could hold one for me on release day he declined :(
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Verizon’s Equipment Guide Updated, Galaxy Nexus Release Date of December 9 is Official – Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog



That's official in my book.
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Getting Google Wallet up and running will be my first priority! Just because, well you know, it's NOT "blocked" right?

I'm still wondering if the early word this was part of the hold up is partially true? The late hour finger pointing and fluffed up reasoning for it not being available sure are a bit suspicious.

yeah, that would seem to be at the top of the list of "suspicious" activity on the part of VZW, along with its 2 vzw apps.

i just want to see that Superuser ninja on my phone! and then get Root Explorer and TiBu running. i'm pretty bummed that gflam's Boot Manager probly won't work on the GNex (cuz of how Sammy partitions). i never could get it to work right on my OG, but didn't get a refund because i thought it would come in real handy on the GNex. :(
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Nothing doing at the few northern Virginia stores I contacted. On mentioned "third-party" websites are spreading those reports and nothing official. Anyone up in the Fairfax area have any good contacts with intel? I can't believe that I was pretty much saying "I want to just hand over my money to you" and they didn't want to do anything about it -- not even offer to take my number down or anything.

I'm glad there seems to be some good and solid leaks, but in my neck of the woods it's still an effort in frustration.

The Alexandria and Arlington, VA stores pretty much quickly said they didn't have a date and rushed off the phone as fast a they could when I called yesterday. Not gonna bother again til there's real confirmation it's out for everyone
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Bought my wife a 2011 Ford Edge Sport for her B-day, so yeah, the TP would fall into the stocking stuffer category, relatively speaking. ;)

(Dual income, no kids has its perks)

Yeah,I was there once. Enjoy it till the screaming lil heads come around. BTW Dink=Double income,no kids.
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So, I wear a lab coat around a lot since my brother left it at my house.

I went to the Verizon store 20 minutes ago and I asked about the galaxy nexus, they told me the 9th.

I then went to browse and look at the razr.

A sales lady came up to me placed a Galaxy Nexus on the table. Not even activated yet, it was on wifi. I played with it, it feels so good in the hand and is REALLY thin, the screen looks AMAZING. The sound however... Oh man I'm glad I got to hold it! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Anyway, she then preceded to ask where I work and if I want to go out sometime.
I'm 15 years old and I guess look old for my age? I just kinda smiled and changed subject.

Anyway, she put me down on reserve, gave me a business card, and then wrote her personal phone # on the back.
Maybe she was messing with me?

The 9th is definitely it and damn if I don't try to talk her into it early. They got their shipments.
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its spotty at best. for instance, a guy in chattanooga has an appt friday, while im in nashville and have now called 6 stores(some corp some direct) and no one claims to know anything
Just called some stores here in Phoenix, Arizona and the first VZW I called said they had demo units, stock, and said there will be plenty on sale for me on Friday(':
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