Hi I'm new to these forums so please forgive me if I don't do this right.
I just bought my Samsung galaxy centrua s 738c from my local walmart on 12-31-2013 for $100 plus the $45 unlimited service plan. The phone worked great and I really do love it however...
I powered my phone on after...
I am trying to save my wife's voicemail using Audacity to record them as shown in this video. The problem is when I connect the audio jack to the mic input on my laptop, the voicemail still play through the phone speakers. Anyone have any idea what may be wrong? I just tested it on my Moto G...
But it's becoming really hard. First there is the time issue which admittedly doesn't bother me much and only happens every few months but it's still a little annoying. Second, there's the lag when I pull down the notification bar which I thought I had fixed by clearing my call log and system...
I fully charged my Centura, popped it in to my pocket before I left for work, then discovered the battery dead about 11 hours later (which is unusual). I didn't use the phone at all while I was at work. When I looked at the battery level history graph it showed the level dropping instantaneously...
I have es file managet and I accedently got rid of A LOT of my thumbnails and I am unable to pull up my pics and videos. Is there anything I can do to recover them???
I currently own a Galaxy Centura through Straight talk and have it what I believe is the current version for the phone being 4.0.4.
Tonight and last week a notification popped up telling me I needed to reboot to instal a system update. Both times when it got the point after rebooting and had...
My wife's Centura has had a voicemail notification in the status bar for about a month even though she deleted all her voicemail. She's been out of state so after some searching I found a video on youtube about how to fix it. Although the video says the fix is only temperary and the voicemail...
I'm just wondering if anyone has heard of an update to Jellybean?
The phone isn't that old and I think that Samsung should still support the phone with an update to Jellybean.
My text alert keeps going off, but when I check my texts, there is nothing there, no text or number. It does it anytime of day, including 4:30 a.m.! This happen to anybody else? How do we fix it?
I was talking to a guy who works in electronics yesterday and he told me that since they sold so many Centuras for $29, there are people coming in every day with no clue how to use the phone. He said it's mostly elderly people (no offense) who are coming from flip phones. I could see my parents...
Is there anyone out there who could please walk me through the process of setting the number of rings before my voice mailbox is activated, I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could help me. Thank you.
Melvin Helton
Hello everyone! I'm Nate
I'm new to an Android phone. I got this Centura for Christmas. I want to install a couple of games that are big but the internal memory is about 3GB. I bought a 16 GB sd card to fix this but it seems this phone won't let me install apps to the sd. What I want to know is...
I just unlocked to my Centura to find that a system update is available. It took me by surprise. Maybe this fixes the time issue? I don't know if this is a Straight Talk only update or if TracFone and Net10 is also included. I'm installing it now.
It finished and said it updated 55 apps, and it...
Downloaded it today and when I attempt to open the app I get the message "car locator requires you to have an enabled compass". How do I do that or does my phone even have a compass?
I'm attempting to stream some videos I've taken with my Centura
to my Samsung TV via the USB access.
So far, I've not had any luck. The TB USB input does recognize the phone............has anyone tried this
and made it work???
For those of you who have followed my screen protector posts, you know that I've finally mastered applying them. This time around, I've decided to go with clear screen protectors because after going for several weeks using my phone without one I just can't go back to the dull look of the...
So, I need a larger SD card. I want to have a couple vids and lots of music on my phone at all times. Speed is a plus for transfering large files on and off my phone. Does anyone know if class 10 sd cards are comaptible withe these phones? I figure why not get a class 10 over a class 6 if it...
I can't seem to find my phone number or serial number through the phone screen information?? I know that I can remove the battery to get to the serial number, but I shouldn't have to do that. Also, the instruction manual says to go to Phone information to get the number, but it isn't listed as...
I don't plan on installing a custom ROM and I have a 2 year accident/malfunction replacement plan where they simply reimburse me the cost of the phone if anything happens to it. They don't even require me to send the phone first...as soon as they get a UPS tracking number, I get a Walmart gift...
I just tried sending a MMS with a video for the first time, and no matter the size, it says "message size limit reached. You can't add this video to your message."
I've tried setting the quality to the lowest setting, and it won't even send a 743kb 10 second message. Has anyone else been...
I'm not very knowledgable about bluetooth and how to use it, but my Dell computer has bluetooth capability and the phone does, so now they recognize each other, but it says I need a driver that isn't in the computer. Where can I get a bluetooth driver for the Samsung Galaxy Centura (Windows...
I was just wondering if anyone has came across a case like this that's either made for the Centura or universal. I don't like the side-opening ones with the credit card holders, but I'm curious about this type, I love my case but this seems cool. I'd never really thought about it until I seen...
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