People, take your personal opinion about our leader, or your political view point out of this please. What this punk did was wrong.
Anyway, I think the kid got off too easy. I think all little brats like this kid get off too easy. The ban should be for life, and it should never be lifted.
I'm sick and tired of society giving kids a break. The kid was 17, almost an adult. Kids of today, are not the same kids of 50 years ago. Kids of 50 years ago would steal gum, kids of today are threatening the life of country leaders, hacking into government systems, and carrying around weapons.
It's all bad parenting, all of it. I bet his parents sit around the TV, watch the news, and make the exact same comments about our leader. When you are trash, you raise children who are trash. Children with no morals, no ethics, and no understanding or respect for others. These trashy children end up growing up, and having their own children, which they hand down their trashy values to. The cycle continues, never to end.
The ban should stay for life, further, all internet service providers should ban this brat and his family from having internet access for an entire year. IF you are using the internet to threaten world leaders, then you should be punished and banned from the internet, including the rest of the family, sorry parents you should monitor your child's activity.
Enough of giving these little punks a break. There are too many underage bullies, too many innocent children getting hurt, ridiculed, physically and emotionally traumatized from bullies, too many underage people committing crimes, ruining neighborhoods, and making crime rates go up. Underage brats of today are raised with absolutely no sense of what is right or wrong. What is more disgusting to me, more than anything else, is when parents of such pathetic children defend their childrens negative behavior, and get down right defensive.
Sorry moms, sorry dads, don't get defensive when you are not doing your job, and you are raising children who ridicule others, and throw condoms into the hair of an innocent disabled child with cerebral palsy. Have you guys heard about this story?
YouTube - Caught On Tape: Dad Threatens To Kill Kids On Bus
Don't get me wrong, and
don't twist my words please, the way the father handled the situation was not right. However, if you watch that video, and you see the way that mother defends her little brat, little brat with a smirk on his face, you want to puke. If I ever have a child, and someone comes to with evidence, showing me that my child threw a condom on someone else, or made fun of a disabled person, there is no way in hell I'm defending my child, my child will be punished, seriously spoken to, and the difference between right and wrong will be learned. That WILL BE the last time my child behaves like that.
People, have you people spent 5 mins on youtube reading the comments people leave? The comments are so horrific, the pure evil, vulgar, hateful words that people leave on videos about innocent people who are handicap, sick, disabled, or videos of people in tragic accidents. How can people laugh at a video of someone dying. People burning alive in car accidents, or people jumping to their death on 911. How can someone think that is funny? Is this what society has come to? I'm sorry, I don't think I'm reading too much into it. On the contrary, I believe something little as vulgar youtube comments are a direct reflection of what society has evolved into, a nasty ugly world, where common respect and decency for your fellow man kind has been utterly lost and destroyed.
Parents, monitor your children, and when you catch your little punk doing something wrong, punish them, educate them, teach them the difference between right and wrong.
Sorry end of rant.