Bob Maxey
Android Expert
@ Bob Maxey
Look dude, i don't mean to be rude here but,
the kid's own privacy has been violated, I am a little disturbed at the fact that the USA / British or whoevea has now put the childs / teengaers name all over the media / internet / news, i think it is insane that they have done this. It is wrong enough to ban some1 from your country for saying you are a p**** or whateva childish words he used. People make mistakes it is life period. We all do stupid stuff...
Andwhyhas the rest of the world not seen this email you ask? The real question is: why is what he said such a big issue here?.... he has not hurt anyone physically so why get your nappy all wet about it and foolishly bann some1 for life from the USA which is what Obummer did, This is pretty crazy imo...
Sorry it is defintely not justified imo... i think it is crazy madness.
If Mr Obama had just asked for an apology or something along those lines from this situation then yes that wud be fine. BUT DO NOT go and bann AND then stick it all over the media / internet and ruin this perspons life in the process because that is not fair at all. They shud have kept quiet about this bann in my opinion... very disturbing indeed.
The accounts of what this little putz did are not clear, but they suggest that the message went further than simple insults. If the kid violated the law, it might not be up to Obama to simply forgive him. For example, a death threat is a serious crime and you get five years for it.
I am not sure about the kids privacy. And so what? Perhaps next time he will keep his mouth shut.
If he did something truly terrible, it is good he wont be let in. Admission to the United States is certainly not a right,
Bob Maxey