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4.04 or 4.05 update? When?

I am not even sure if my reception issues are the same as others here. My phone will occasionally drop calls. It doesn't prompt me that it dropped the call, the call just goes away. I may be 1 minute or 5 minutes into a convo when all of a sudden, the other person can no longer hear me even though I can still hear them. This usually lasts 10-30 seconds, then the call drops. The phone never gives any indication that it is even aware it just dropped a call, but my bars are always all gray when this happens. Then, a minute or two later, the bars go back to blue and I can make/receive calls again.

I live in a 3G only area...

Exact same issue here. I also live in a 3G only area. It's quite frustrating, especially since my new position requires me to make/receive a lot more phone calls. My wife will be right next to me with her little dumb phone and never has a problem.
Exact same issue here. I also live in a 3G only area. It's quite frustrating, especially since my new position requires me to make/receive a lot more phone calls. My wife will be right next to me with her little dumb phone and never has a problem.

And I, too, am having the exact same issue. 3G only area. I just recently, this past weekend, installed a Wilson Electronics DB Pro Yagi Unidirectional home signal booster. It amplifies both 1x and 3G signal. I have full 3G data in my home now, but I still can't make phone calls a lot. My grandparents, who live right up the road a few hundred yards, have Verizon 1x phones, have the exact same Wilson amplifier (I installed one in each of our homes last week one right after the other) and they can make phone calls flawlessly all day, but my phone it takes 5 to 10 tried to even make an outgoing call. I called Verizon yesterday because after installing the amplifier I had had it, and the tech support rep told me it sounded like a defective phone. He overnighted me a new one for free and I get it today. I have had this same problem since day one that I got this phone in January, but thought the amplifier would help. It hasn't. So, a new phone is the next option. The Verizon tech support rep said that Samsung is aware of the issue with this phone and that a lot of returned phones and current stock have been sent back to Samsung to be fixed. That's what he told me. He said that they have a very close relationship with Samsung in particular, and that Samsung is working to correct the issue. So, they're all aware of the problem. I asked him if the new phone he is sending me is a refurbished phone or a new one. He said that it will either be a like-brand-new phone that the issue has been fixed on by Samsung or it will be a brand new phone, most likely, that is part of the new shipment. He said that after that first shipment of phone had signal problems, Verizon sent them all back to Samsung to fix the issue. This is what the guy told me on the phone yesterday. He was very helpful and told me a lot of information about the issues they've had with the GNex, as he addresses issues from customers about this phone all day long. So, take it or leave it, that's what he told me and it makes sense. Regardless, I will have a new phone today and I'll see if the problem is fixed or if it has the same problems. I suspect, like many of you, that the problem might be a little bit of both hardware and software problems. Software might could totally address the issue though. I guess I'll find out this evening.
Yeah. That or there really is/was hardware issues with some early units that cannot be fixed via software, so they're awaiting attrition of those truly defective units via returns/exchanges. Otherwise, if an update gets pushed out that is incapable of fixing the unfixable, and there's still a majority of those defective units still out there, that will not go over well.

Just a thought, as I'm positive any manufacturer would opt for the route of letting bad product quietly slip away into the ether rather than admit that some made it out the door.

Maybe since Sprint is going to be releasing the Nexus soon they are waiting until then to release the update.
And I, too, am having the exact same issue. 3G only area. I just recently, this past weekend, installed a Wilson Electronics DB Pro Yagi Unidirectional home signal booster. It amplifies both 1x and 3G signal. I have full 3G data in my home now, but I still can't make phone calls a lot. My grandparents, who live right up the road a few hundred yards, have Verizon 1x phones, have the exact same Wilson amplifier (I installed one in each of our homes last week one right after the other) and they can make phone calls flawlessly all day, but my phone it takes 5 to 10 tried to even make an outgoing call. I called Verizon yesterday because after installing the amplifier I had had it, and the tech support rep told me it sounded like a defective phone. He overnighted me a new one for free and I get it today. I have had this same problem since day one that I got this phone in January, but thought the amplifier would help. It hasn't. So, a new phone is the next option. The Verizon tech support rep said that Samsung is aware of the issue with this phone and that a lot of returned phones and current stock have been sent back to Samsung to be fixed. That's what he told me. He said that they have a very close relationship with Samsung in particular, and that Samsung is working to correct the issue. So, they're all aware of the problem. I asked him if the new phone he is sending me is a refurbished phone or a new one. He said that it will either be a like-brand-new phone that the issue has been fixed on by Samsung or it will be a brand new phone, most likely, that is part of the new shipment. He said that after that first shipment of phone had signal problems, Verizon sent them all back to Samsung to fix the issue. This is what the guy told me on the phone yesterday. He was very helpful and told me a lot of information about the issues they've had with the GNex, as he addresses issues from customers about this phone all day long. So, take it or leave it, that's what he told me and it makes sense. Regardless, I will have a new phone today and I'll see if the problem is fixed or if it has the same problems. I suspect, like many of you, that the problem might be a little bit of both hardware and software problems. Software might could totally address the issue though. I guess I'll find out this evening.

I have to say, it kind of surprises me that Verizon would say that they are close to Samsung in particular, considering Moto is their bedfellow, and Samsung updates take forever on Verizon for their Touchwiz phones. However I have had good service with customer service through Samsung directly when my Omnia broke and I didn't have insurance through Verizon. So perhaps their warranty department is top notch, and that is what VZW rep was referring to.
New tweet from BMX...

4.05.... works great on Verizon. Fixes audio reboot issue as well as data falling asleep... early April if all goes well..

Hope he's right.

BMX is one of the very few "insiders" I actually trust, he's usually spot on with things concerning Google such as updates and whatnot.
New tweet from BMX...

4.05.... works great on Verizon. Fixes audio reboot issue as well as data falling asleep... early April if all goes well..

Hope he's right.

I am a twitter noob, but this looks like it was tweeted by someone else TO BMX.


  • tweet.png
    34 KB · Views: 110
now that we're seeing more and more devices that are "expected" to see ICS in April i'm starting to feel better about our chances of seeing an update in April as well. I think i've saw at least four or five phones now that are rumored to get ICS in April. So maybe Google finally broke through that wall of bugs to start allowing manufacturers to proceed with their update cycle.
VZW would have a lot more creditability if they would just come out and say "We are looking at releasing and update for the SGN on XX April 2012" WTF is so hard about that. Car manafactures do it and all kinds of other companies do it. If for some reason it doesn't drop on that date then change the date. All they have to do is update there web page. A bunch of frigging limp corporate pinheads.

It's called customer service, something that's seems to be lacking with big red.

I worked for a company where the rumors destroyed the moral and integrity of the company. The higher upper management had the ability to dispel the rumors and myths. Even though I was upper management and knew the correct answers, it wasn't my place according to company policy to make announcements. I would dance on the program mangers desk, trying to get him to just say something. His answer was basically froc the employees. The company will never win back the employees.

VZW is no different. Would you not think better of a company that just kept the customers updated? Would it not be better if customers were saying I like VZW because they keep us updated on the status of the 600dollar phone I bought...... Its not that hard.
VZW knows the answer and could make announcement in a press release or on there web page.. Some 6 figure suit doesn't have a frigging clue about customer service. They should hire me...Its called consideration, which breeds loyalty, something VZW is sorely lacking from the masses.

Pensacola FL
Bill in P'cola

I understand where you're coming from but it's basically a double edged sword. If VZW were to do what you're asking there would probably be equally the amount of people upset because VZW keeps delaying and can't get their dates right. Everyone has their own opinion of it. Personally i'd rather not even hear anything from VZW until the day before it drops.

This brings up a good point tho of one of the things that i actually DO like the way in which Apple handles their release dates for hardware and software. When they announce a new device. They give you a date and that date is golden.
VZW would have a lot more creditability if they would just come out and say "We are looking at releasing and update for the SGN on XX April 2012" WTF is so hard about that. Car manafactures do it and all kinds of other companies do it. If for some reason it doesn't drop on that date then change the date. All they have to do is update there web page. A bunch of frigging limp corporate pinheads.

It's called customer service, something that's seems to be lacking with big red.

I worked for a company where the rumors destroyed the moral and integrity of the company. The higher upper management had the ability to dispel the rumors and myths. Even though I was upper management and knew the correct answers, it wasn't my place according to company policy to make announcements. I would dance on the program mangers desk, trying to get him to just say something. His answer was basically froc the employees. The company will never win back the employees.

VZW is no different. Would you not think better of a company that just kept the customers updated? Would it not be better if customers were saying I like VZW because they keep us updated on the status of the 600dollar phone I bought...... Its not that hard.
VZW knows the answer and could make announcement in a press release or on there web page.. Some 6 figure suit doesn't have a frigging clue about customer service. They should hire me...Its called consideration, which breeds loyalty, something VZW is sorely lacking from the masses.

Pensacola FL

Not saying your entirely wrong. It would be nice if they would just say the update is being released X.

However, maybe its because they don't even know if its going to be released then. If they don't know for sure, but announce a date anyway and delay it, then they are just being misleading. Many companies have a bad history of doing this, especially Microsoft. And if its released on time but has numerous bugs due to insufficient testing to meet the deadline, everyone will give them flak for cutting corners. Maybe they just feel its better to tell us "it will be here when its ready".
I respectfully disagree with both of you!! lol......See they have you conditioned....kinda like $3.50 gallon gas. Were pissed its so high but if they lower it a dime were so frigging happy were doing cart wheels. I don't accept the way they do it now. They have the power of information. VZW doesn't need to release the code. A one or two line press release saying an update is coming and an anticipated date would be sufficient.
On the microsoft deal...have you noticed since win7 they are releasing the betas for testing (for free). The Win8 beta is now availible. Granted not everyone is using them, but they are letting the customer be involved and have input in the final product. Again customer service, because its the right thing to do. The answer of "there get it when they get it" doesnt wash with me. Part of the problem is there is no real competition. With only 4 companies to really choose from, were screwed.

Lighting storm...gotta run!!
Bill in P'cola

I understand where you're coming from but it's basically a double edged sword. If VZW were to do what you're asking there would probably be equally the amount of people upset because VZW keeps delaying and can't get their dates right. Everyone has their own opinion of it. Personally i'd rather not even hear anything from VZW until the day before it drops.

I agree, that from VZW's perspective they are better off not saying anything. In particular, because they only have so much control.
1. They don't really know when Google will get them the update
2. Once they have the update, they don't know how it will do in testing.
3. If they have to send it back to Google they don't know when it will come back.

I think from a corporate view, they are better off saying nothing than giving dates and missing or having constant delays, especially when its not "their fault" so to speak.

The issue is that its impossible to keep secrets....so people like us KNOW there is an update floating around and it drives us crazy waiting for it. So for us it is maddening that they pretend they don't have any info. BUT, for the 95% of GN owners who aren't lunatics like us, they have no clue and probably don't care.... and the update will be a surprise and may improve some things for them.

I think announcing anything, even if it is Google's fault, looks bad for VZW if they miss. And as a company involved in what is essentially a partnership with Google (and a very profitable one) it is not in VZW's interest to throw Google under the bus either. And again, they'd be doing this to appease US - a very small % of their customers. Not worth the trade-off.

Apple's model is so different that they CAN do it. They are the OS builder. They are the Phone builder. They pretty much control the carriers too. They control every aspect of the iPhone, so they know when the phones are ready, when the OS is ready, and when they will ship. Oh, and they only have to do it ONCE A YEAR and for ONE DEVICE. That makes it way easier.
The issue is that its impossible to keep secrets....so people like us KNOW there is an update floating around and it drives us crazy waiting for it. So for us it is maddening that they pretend they don't have any info. BUT, for the 95% of GN owners who aren't lunatics like us, they have no clue and probably don't care.... and the update will be a surprise and may improve some things for them.

I think announcing anything, even if it is Google's fault, looks bad for VZW if they miss. And as a company involved in what is essentially a partnership with Google (and a very profitable one) it is not in VZW's interest to throw Google under the bus either. And again, they'd be doing this to appease US - a very small % of their customers. Not worth the trade-off.

very very good point imo
I agree, that from VZW's perspective they are better off not saying anything. In particular, because they only have so much control.
1. They don't really know when Google will get them the update
2. Once they have the update, they don't know how it will do in testing.
3. If they have to send it back to Google they don't know when it will come back.

I think from a corporate view, they are better off saying nothing than giving dates and missing or having constant delays, especially when its not "their fault" so to speak.

The issue is that its impossible to keep secrets....so people like us KNOW there is an update floating around and it drives us crazy waiting for it. So for us it is maddening that they pretend they don't have any info. BUT, for the 95% of GN owners who aren't lunatics like us, they have no clue and probably don't care.... and the update will be a surprise and may improve some things for them.

I think announcing anything, even if it is Google's fault, looks bad for VZW if they miss. And as a company involved in what is essentially a partnership with Google (and a very profitable one) it is not in VZW's interest to throw Google under the bus either. And again, they'd be doing this to appease US - a very small % of their customers. Not worth the trade-off.

Apple's model is so different that they CAN do it. They are the OS builder. They are the Phone builder. They pretty much control the carriers too. They control every aspect of the iPhone, so they know when the phones are ready, when the OS is ready, and when they will ship. Oh, and they only have to do it ONCE A YEAR and for ONE DEVICE. That makes it way easier.

I know its a little off topic, but I wonder if the fact that the die hards are a small percentage, is why carriers are a little hesitant to push out releases, expecially for the ICS update. I mean some people barely know enough about their phone to make calls and check emails (My Mother-in-law and her Stratosphere). When the carrier pushes out a wholesale change like ICS, some people can't figure out where stuff they knew before is now. I think this is one BIG plus of skins on phones, the manufacturers are trying to keep as much the same for the majority of their customers from getting turned off by having to completely learn their phone all over again. And also why iOS has such a draw. Sure they don't ever change anything, but that only bothers a few of us, most people prefer it that way.
I agree, that from VZW's perspective they are better off not saying anything. In particular, because they only have so much control.
1. They don't really know when Google will get them the update
2. Once they have the update, they don't know how it will do in testing.
3. If they have to send it back to Google they don't know when it will come back.

I think from a corporate view, they are better off saying nothing than giving dates and missing or having constant delays, especially when its not "their fault" so to speak.

The issue is that its impossible to keep secrets....so people like us KNOW there is an update floating around and it drives us crazy waiting for it. So for us it is maddening that they pretend they don't have any info. BUT, for the 95% of GN owners who aren't lunatics like us, they have no clue and probably don't care.... and the update will be a surprise and may improve some things for them.

I think announcing anything, even if it is Google's fault, looks bad for VZW if they miss. And as a company involved in what is essentially a partnership with Google (and a very profitable one) it is not in VZW's interest to throw Google under the bus either. And again, they'd be doing this to appease US - a very small % of their customers. Not worth the trade-off.

Apple's model is so different that they CAN do it. They are the OS builder. They are the Phone builder. They pretty much control the carriers too. They control every aspect of the iPhone, so they know when the phones are ready, when the OS is ready, and when they will ship. Oh, and they only have to do it ONCE A YEAR and for ONE DEVICE. That makes it way easier.

So I guess we are all in agreement that being patient and waiting for the update to be released is the most viable action to take. I for one am very anxious to see how the update handles some of the issues like volume, radios, etc. and makes the user experience so much better than it currently is. However I will add that when you spend close to 300.00 for a phone and 30.00 plus for a data plan plus whatever you pay for minutes I feel the phones being released by manufactures should basically work as advertised. And when you are made to wait for who knows how long for and update, that can be frustrating. Make no mistake, I love my phone and I have been faithful to android since my OG Droid but the issues that occur with these phones are totally unacceptable. And the lack of feedback from the manufacturers and carriers just makes everything worse. You hype a phone for months with all the awesome features and technology it possesses and I cannot even hear a video on you tube without putting the phone right up to my ear. Or ability to access the web because I cannot get a decent data connection which I am still paying for each and every month. All I want is for the phone to work as advertised. They had to know these issues existed before they released the phone. Well anyway, I just needed to get that off of my chest....lol.
After 3 devices all having audio problems, low signal or whatever else it could throw at me I went after the three of them. (Verizon, Samsung, and Google)

And.. I went full circle.

Verizon blames Samsung for the problems with this device.
The Verizon rep placed the call for me to Samsung and we were on a three way call where the Samsung rep then blamed Google for the problems.

The Samsung rep then proceeded to place a call to Google where after some time and doing they got someone on the phone.

Google then proceeded to blame Verizon for the problems with this device stating that it was up to Verizon to release the update that they were withholding and that they have had the update that would solve everyone's problems for over a month.

I really wish I had this call recorded because it was something else.

All they did the whole time I was trying to get someone to take responsibility to get this fixed so I can actually make and receive calls is pass the buck back and forth and virtually everyone on that call at the end had to 'call their manager'

In the end I got no resolution but Google, Verizon and Samsung are all 'very sorry' that I got 3 replacement devices, none of which work.

In the end who do you believe?
There may be some element of truth to their stories but in the end I don't think any of them really knew what was going on or how to respond to one another other than having to talk to their bosses.

I don't know about you guys and gals, I just want something that works.
There is one thing that Verizon, Google and Samsung were all in agreement on and that was basically that I had to pound sand until it's fixed.
It did not matter to any of them that by Verizon's own records I have had 8 out of 10 calls received or made drop where previously I had none.

However, They are all 'very sorry' for your troubles but your just going to have to accept it and move on.

Verizon is giving me $30 for my troubles.
Talk about getting kicked square in the jewels.

Bottom line is that it's not just about a release date... It's about good communication which equals good customer service. All they need to do is periodically update us on what they're working on and an estimated timeline (no commitments necessary... Just keep us in the loop...)

As for the small percentage point of view... I agree and disagree. We are a very small percent of their users (although in another 5 years we'll be even larger, and so on and so forth) , but also many of us are so passionate about our technology that we have jobs in the field... I.e. - We're the decision makers with technology for our businesses. If they alienate us, we're likely to steer the business account in a different direction. Just something I think they should keep in mind.
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