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I am gonna do a time passage thing soon there will be additional news on the rest of the way to Musi I've just gotta figure out what all happens
:rofl: at Tex Goat and his sauerkraut pizza ....in case you guys missed ,pls check the Longest thread (or PM TxGoat ..)
11/20 Evening news:
It has been found out that John Galt is an Ol Briar, it is suspected they will ask the Nexia government to declare war on the iArmy.
Time lapse music for the next few days of travel
Barry McGuire - Eve of Destruction - YouTube

Headline news!
11/21: The Ol Briars in Nexia formally announce they wish to ally with Forgam. What is left of the Nexia government also wish to ally with Forgam. This has broken down peace talks between the Ol Briars and the Agencts of C13.

11/22: The Agents of C13 in Nexia announce they wish to ally with Vipa and the iArmy in the current conflict.

11/23: The Agents of C13 broadcast a request to Vipa and the iArmy to help overthrow Nexia's government and the Ol Briars

11/24: The iArmy replies they will help take over the city and reinforcements are on the way.

11/26: iArmy reinforcements arrive in Nexia.

11/27: iArmy announces they will support the Agents of C13 to take over Nexia and then help maintain a new government along with the Agents of C13. More iArmy reinforcements arrive in Nexia. Currently the forces of the Agents of C13 and iArmy in Nexia outnumber the rest of the city 4 to 1.

11/28: The Ol Briars and the Nexia Government fall to the Agents of C13 and the iArmy.


The party is less than a day away from Musi.
I need each of you to come up with a name for a fake identity or I will just assign you one. It will be part of the plot coming up so I wanted to give you a heads up ;)
The party is approx an hour away from Musi, you receive a call that automatically answers. A computer generated voice says to you "Hello Danforth's crew. I am glad to see you have decidede to come to Musi. Before you can start your mission we need to get you settled in here. Please dock your boat in Wharf D Spot 182. Once you dock please come to the Tower Pointe Condos and go to condo 17. The man in condo 17 will provide you with further instructions on what you will be doing to get settled in." The line then disconnects.


The following hour passes and you arrive at the entrance to the docks at Musi...
Stands on the bow of the boat, as whoever is piloting, guides it into Wharf D, spot 182. Jumps off boat and ties it off to the dock.
Assuming there are no objections...

Shane jumps off the boat and screams "Lana" at his broken bow and runs off into Musi...

Everyone else goes to condo 17 of the tower pointe condos. After knocking at the door it is answered by a rather stressed older looking Danforth. The man looks around at the crew and smiles he says "Nice to meet you" he winks "My name is Daniel Evans IV, but you can call me Dan. Please come in." he gestures for you to enter the condo.
You notice Dan walks slow with a cane. He says "I am sure you all have a lot of questions for me, I will try to answer them the best I can with the time we have left, I also have some information for you guys." He leads you to a den area with sofas and offers each of you a bottle of Chromium. "It seems like ages since I have seen you guys...after all we have each had some losses on our own...I am not sure who has had it worse me or Tres there." He tries to laugh but you can tell it pains him. "I do not have much more time here a week or so tops I was brought back with a temporary resurrection spell that usually only lasts 3 weeks, this was on the first day my handler, Tarnich, contacted you. He had initially planned to kill you as you left Vipa but asked me if you would be a valuable asset." Dan then coughs you notice blood on his mouth as he pulls his hand away "I told him you would be and asked to give you instructions, he said I would need to let you decide on your own to come here and I could instruct you from this point forward. I am glad you came"
Dan continues "Tarnich should be her in a few hours to meet you. He wanted me to confirm you are in fact my crew before he showed himself to you." Dan then coughs again. "So I am sure you have some questions for me. Ask away"
"Heaven was fine, I am disappointed I will not be going back, they used a corruption spell to bring me back because I resisted the resurrection, I will be damned once my time runs out"
"Hmmm.I have some contacts in heaven .if you promise to take care of something for me in heaven ,You may get a chance to live in heaven "
"I am not sure you are familiar with the spell they used, it is not a divine resurrection. It is called 'Blame Yeahha' where you anchor someone's spirit in heaven to the earth against their will, they become corrupted and marked. As a divine magic user I have lost any and all my abilities because of this. The body that is used for the resurrection will break down due to the corrupt spirit inside of it, after the death the spirit is condemned to hell in most cases I could be lucky and my spirit be destroyed in which case I will cease to exist in all forms. I am really not that worried about it. At first I regretted not just allowing for the initial resurrection but I have since accepted my fate."

Dan coughs again and takes a drink of his Chromium

"Ahh that reminds me. I wanted to let you know Tres, Tarnich is getting you some new feet!"
"Well, I am sure Tarnich will have plenty for us to do, but is there anything you want us to do after you are gone, in case we are looking for a side job for kicks?"
"I dunno ,let me take a chance any way ."
Looks up and raises his fists
"Oy you up there .Make yourself useful and come down a minute "
Dan says "yes from what I've heard Tarnich has quite an agenda for you first you guys will-"

Suddenly an angel appears with a newborn baby "Yeah Bustrol meet your good for nothing footless floating father! He probably didn't even realize time progress faster in heaven. What do you want? Would you like to hold your son? He has feet luckily he took after his mommy"

Dan say "well this is interesting"
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