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"Atleast we know someone named Vince and Franko are involved ....I am looking to exchange my swords for a sharper and stronger one,the iArmy grunts were quite a handful .."
"Well since you obviously won't be spending any money on fixing me up, I don't suppose I could get an upgrade to my rifle?"
"I could use some armor upgrades. Maybe one of those shield things?

And any health potions or magic enhancements? "
You do realize you have a higher AC than the rest of the party right? :rofl: and yeah you can have whatever name you wish

Tarnich says "Now you are aware I was asking about physical defects not upgrades to your equipment. You guys must be unaware that Musi is a strictly peaceful town and selling or transporting weapons if you aren't in law enforcement or the military is illegal here? I had to smuggle in what I am outfitting your boat with in fact"
"Well in that case ,upgrade my Fore arm strength so I can use melee attack better .Also a stamina upgrade wont hurt at all ."
Strength +2 ,Body +2 .
"ahhh, so no weapons... Looks like my stealth skills and karate will finally come in handy," I say after hearing this.
Suddenly my wrist burns ....
"Did we forget to bring Shane with us ...."
"Summoning Technique "
If shane appears ...
"Last time I saw you ,you were running at docks calling for lana ...."

Need an alias for your name ...
Shane slaps T'res
"Yeah, you guys left me behind!!! Then afterwards a bunch of iArmy grunts attacked me. I found this book a while back when one of them tried to kidnap me when I was hiding; when I searched him he had it hidden away inside his armor."
Shane shows everyone the book 'History Of Magic by SESA'
"I didn't even knew these still exist. I been learning about forbidden magic; most people don't even know about it anymore."

Yo Yeahha, I was thinking maybe you can add a new magic type to the list. The ways of obtaining it is up to you; the specific details of the magic is also up to you along with the name of the new magic type. I was thinking maybe it could be magic that is strong but drains the user's HP.
Tarnich turns to Shane and casts a spell he then say "begone foul beast" Shane falls to the ground dead.

Austrie if you want to play you need to be more active here PM me...I'm also gonna ask for input from the rest of the party of they want you to play. So everyone either post here what you would like me to allow of Shane. IMO he has only tried to derail the game and hasn't tried to be pat of the party I'm fine with him not playing but I will allow it if the rest of you think otherwise

Tarnich turns to tres. "Please don't summon beasts with me around. Also the recovery time for the upgrade you mentioned is too long...perhaps later."
I vote for Austrie to stay if he wants to .However it would be better if he posts in the fights atleast . Or probably use default moves ...
The last fight could have gotten ugly and we could have used the extra help ...
How many strikes has he had? No, he can play as long as he wants to, we don't want to exclude anyone here, will certainly lead to thread lock. However maybe a probationary period. Say we don't wait for combat for him (he gets a turn if he gets it in while we are waiting for a non-probationary member.) and if we are forced to kill him, he has to create a new character, and loses 3 attribute points for the new character. If he does it again, 3 more points lost... Until he is down to a 111331 or 331111 to start.
"Atleast you can increase our endurance a little bit. It would help us do the job better . "

Body +1 for the crew
Tarnich says "anything like that will require more recovery time...I will pay for an enhancement like that for everyone if you guys can catch the two guys who killed Danforth and bring them to me alive"

[Hide]Good point anti. I'm just frustrated with internal conflict caused by someone not actually acting like they want to play and acting more like they want to try to highjack the thread/game if he wants to play and participate like a party member there is no problem with that, if he wants to act a fool that doesn't really help at all with the game and it is just frustrating.

About him participating in battles if he isn't posting I have no plans on having him in battles by posting proxy for him. I want players that want to play. I have proxy posted for 9to5 because I know he wants to play and is just busy. I can't even really judge how to play Shane in battle unless I was gonna have him sabotage the battle as that is the only thing he has done in battle up until this point[/spoiler]
Not expecting a summon and rapid unsummoning of Shane, I flinch a bit.

I'm fine for him playing, and I get how a little strife in the party could be fun, but I do think teamwork works best in this type of game... just my 2 cents. ;)
[Hide]someone needs to tell tarnich that Shane is a member of the party. No issues with him playing but he needs to make a commitment to check the thread daily or let me know he is gonna be unable to. For example right now it would be hard to work Zach or HTC into the game if they wanted to play.

I also want the rest of you guys to not hold back if he decides to attack you. With the way this game is set up I don't see why your characters would see that different than me having an NPC attack you. Plus IMO playing to cause internal strife to me seems akin to trolling the thread. Disagreements between 2 characters is one thing but every post being made to make things more difficult on me or another player is too much[/spoiler]
"lets move tarnich and get over with . I already want to kill someone"
if he wants he can post and get himself resurrected
Maybe I will re summon him .or not ....
Tarnich takes you to another room where he takes an ID photo of everyone but Tres. He prints out ID cards as well as multiple legal documents including a tower pointe condo ownership deed for each of you. The condos are spread out around the area so none of you are neighbors and he tell you "I purchased these along with some others a while back in case they were ever needed. They will now be your homes." He directs everyone to where their condo is. Each condo is 2 stories with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. The bedrooms are all on the top floor the ground floor has the half bath, a dining room, a kitchen, and a living room or den area. The condos are fully furnished and one of the bedrooms in each has been converted into a den area.

He takes Tres to a private hospital where they immediately perform an operation to give him feet. It us explained to him he will still be able to float a few inches off the ground at will.

Two weeks pass
After the two weeks pass Tarnich calls you all to meet in the Condo Danforth died in. Once everyone arrives he explains. "I need you guys to catch the two men who killed Danforth. Like I told you a few weeks ago I will give you 25k if you bring them to me dead and 50k if you bring them to me alive. I will also pay for some enhancements to each of you if you bring them to me alive. They are living somewhere in Musi. This is what I know about each of them.

First there is Franco "The Butcher" Magleone. He is a member of the iArmy who is often used in assassinations due to his knack for being able to find people and his ability to break into almost anything. He relies mainly on melee combat.

The other man is Vincent "Boom Boom Vince" Faretti. He is also a member of the iArmy but he is a paranoid schizophrenic who has been called an idiot savant of anything explosive. He is very unstable and the only person he is known to have ever worked well with is Franco. He is known for his elaborate explosive traps and tends to fight from a distance.

Like I said they are residing somewhere in Musi and if you find their residence it will likely be trapped with explosives and locked up pretty well.

Do you guys have any questions?"
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