My suggestion of running a 'spot the ball' competition as a fund raiser, didn't go down too well on the testicular cancer ward.
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard, which is a shame because there was no one there to tell your Dad not to splash your Mum before you were conceived.
Seven million women employees are suing Wal-mart claiming men are better paid.
Wal-mart have hired a team of female lawyers to defend Wal-mart because they could get them cheaper
Girl: What colour are my eyes?
Guy: 34C
Putting a pin through all of my best friends condoms seemed like a good idea at the time.
Backfired though when I found out my wife is pregnant.
I got a call from my sons school today.
"Your son has defaced school property by writing 'teachers are dumb' on a desk in permanent marker. Please explain why."
I sighed and said,
"Because it would have come off if he'd used non-permanent."
My wife told me that today is opposite day. For one whole day we swap each others jobs and do them. Well I told her she can forget that idea. I'm not doing the ironing and washing the dishes whilst she's away shagging my best friend!
I got home the other night, dropped my trousers and showed my daughter my meat and two veg.
She giggled and winked at me.
I know it's wrong to shoplift but we were both hungry.