Whilst my wife's coffin was being lowered into the ground at her funeral, we all threw a little something on top of it, for her to take to the grave with her.
I threw a hand grenade in, just to be sure.
I tried to send my girlfriend a picture of my p ~~~~ today but my phone alerted me "Recipient may not be able to receive files this large".
That's a nice boost for my confidence, anyway.
According to their site "105 People leave Match.com every week, because we paired them up together."
Can I just ask, why is it an odd number?
I was feeling ill one day and phoned my boss to tell him I could'nt go in to work..
" OK, little tip for you.. whenever im ill I shag my wife and I feel better instantly, try that! "
2 hours later i was feeling much better and phoned him to say thanks for the advice and to say what a lovely soft mattress he had.
I'm selling a stalking kit on eBay,
It's got six people watching it...
What do you call an Irishman bouncing off the walls and ceiling?
Rick O'Shea
Read about an interesting court case yesterday
A prostitute was divorcing her dwarf husband for always sticking his nose in her business.
"You are what you eat" I guess that sums up why I'm such a p**** then
The cost of living has certainly gone up .
My wife shags me now, because she cant afford new batteries
When I was a young boy the local Vicar called Virgil asked me if i wanted to earn some pocket money by doing some gardening at the Church.
I agreed to do it and after a full day of mowing the lawns, trimming the hedges and sweeping up leaves I was totally knackered.
The Vicar came up to me afterwards and gave me a fiver, and I said "
Thank you Virgin", "
The name is Virgil" replied the Vicar , and I said "
I know a tight c*** when I see one"
I was driving along the other day when a policeman pulled me over for speeding.
Do you have any excuse for going that fast?" He asked.
Yeah, I was going to the Policeman's ball!" I replied.
What are you talking about?" He asked "
Policemen don't have balls!"
The look on his face was priceless.