A man is planning a big luau, and he heads to his local market looking for a whole pig. The butcher tells him that he can't help him, but farmer Smith just outside town has fantastic meat sows he sells to the public. After getting directions, the man drives out to the Smith farm.
As he parks his car, a man approaches and says, "Hi, I'm Jeb Smith, what can I do for you?"
"I've been told you sell whole pigs to the public. I'm planning a luau and need a pig to feed 60 people," says the man.
"No problem," replies the farmer, "60 people, you need a pig around 120 pounds, let's go pick one out!" The farmer walks over to the pig sty, looks around briefly, grabs a pig and picks it up. "Here's a good one," he says as he wrestles with it. He twists the pig around, grabs its tail between his teeth, and bends over, letting the pig dangle freely. Then he grabs the pig again, and says, "Perfect! This girl's about 119 pounds."
Perplexed, the man asks, "What were you doing there?"
"Weighing the pig, what do you think," says farmer Smith.
"You can't weigh a pig by hanging it from your teeth, that's ridiculous!"
"Naw, my family's been doing it this way for years. Here watch." The farmer yells, "Billy, get over here!" and a young man trots out from behind the barn.
"What's up, paw?" the boy asks.
"Git over here and weigh this pig right quick!"
The boy runs over, grabs the pig, flips it around, grabs its tail between his teeth and dangles it for a moment. "Right around 119 pounds, paw," he says.
"See, what'd I tell you?"
The man is skeptical and says, I don't know, this seems awfully fishy to me...
Sighing, the man says, "OK, how about this? I'll have my boy fetch my wife, and if she comes up with the same weight, will you just buy the pig so I can get back to work?"
"Sure," says the man.
"Boy, git on in to the house and fetch your ma."
"Yes, paw," says the boy, and he runs off. After a few minutes, he returns and says, "Sorry, paw, it'll be a bit, mom's inside weighing the mailman."