I was just wondering. It just comes off that way off how you write.
Oh. *shrug* Just getting straight to the point and calling things how I see them.
... just wanted to make sure that you're not angry with any of us for some of the things we've said ...
Not at all

. (If I had a bone to pick with someone, believe me: They'd know it

I never thought he was angry.
I am curious of whst you have seen thst you like Jim for phone offerings on other carriers. Currently the offerings from lg samsung and htc are identicsl on 3 of the 4 majors.
Hmmm... I guess just the Motorola brand. I guess it seems that Sprint's lacking, to me, because they don't have what I'm looking for, whereas VZ does.
Ok so as for sim....all carrier phones are sim locked...or locked specific to thst carrier.
Ah. Okay. Thanks for the info. Now that you mention it, I think I saw a complaint about this in another forum, related to either VZ or "AT&T."
I suppose it makes sense. Prevents a user from getting a subsidized phone, then taking it to Europe or some other GSM area, bailing on the contract and stiffing the provider that subsidized the purchase.
Does Sprint eventually, after some time, unlock the SIM? If not: I see no point in a world phone. A sticky or FAQ entry here might be handy.
Little known fact...the sprint iphone can be used on almost any carrier and overseas. It just has to be jailbroken
Too bad you couldn't
give me an iPhone... or an iAnything
Hope that helps some at least.
It certainly does! Thanks for the enlightenment.
Verizon has one line the others do not carry and I fail to see anything superior in the droid branded line.
Some Moto phones are built a bit more robustly than many other phones. VZ' 'Droids, for example, have the Kevlar shells, Gorilla Glass fronts and, IIRC, titanium or high-strength aluminium internal frames. ISTR the Photon was built similarly?
Posts like this really confuse me
Old age? They say the second thing to go is your mind